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Chapter 1077: The essence of energy

In the endless darkness, a bloody figure was fighting hard.

He seemed to be fighting the air, tearing apart the invisible enemy with his bare hands.

From He Xie's own perspective, the endless human-faced bugs were torn apart by him and turned into wisps of light mist. The lost power kept returning to his body.

Except for the power of these human-faced bugs, all laws and powers cannot have any effect on them and can only be reduced to their supplements.

Moreover, they are invisible and inaudible. If He Xie had not used the wine to refine his body, he would not even be aware of their existence.

Fortunately, these human-faced bugs are not difficult to deal with. Under the influence of the energy, they are as fragile as paper.

He Xie fought tirelessly, and the human-faced bugs kept pouring out of the darkness seemingly endlessly, killing them inexhaustibly.

This was a long fight, a tug-of-war for power, and a test of He Xie's will.

If He Xie recovers one point of strength every time he kills a human-faced insect, then when he kills this human-faced insect, his strength will be ten points when he is sucked away by other human-faced insects.

He Xie needs to kill ten face bugs at the same time in an instant in order to barely reach a "breakeven" and no longer become weak and old.

In order to achieve this goal, He Xie spent a full thirty years!

In the twenty-ninth year, he had completely reduced to mortal decay. All the flesh and blood on his body had been eaten away by the human-faced bugs, leaving only a tattered skeleton full of tooth marks that could fall apart at any time.

He insisted on relying on a little bit of immortal spiritual consciousness.

At this time, he could kill nine face bugs in an instant, but he still couldn't stop the passage of his life, it just prolonged the process.

For him, this was instead a long and painful torture, the most terrifying punishment in all the worlds.

But he persevered and never thought of giving up as long as he didn't die.

Finally, when he could hardly hold on any longer, a turning point came.

Zang Neng completely transformed his broken frame and transformed his remaining immortal spiritual consciousness. He finally understood what kind of power Zang Neng was.

It was completely different from what He Xie thought. This was not a change, or growth, or trend.

It is a "unique" power.

Just like everyone's cause and effect is different, everyone's ability is also different.

It is a kind of reverse causation.

It's like good fortune, like merit.

Its biggest function is to eliminate cause and effect.

There is no doubt that these human-faced bugs are the result of cause and effect.

He Xie didn't know which existence's cause and effect this was, but it probably didn't belong to the King of Chaos. He wouldn't have the strength to seal cause and effect in the ten directions.

Maybe it's from Qingtian, but it's more likely that it's from heaven in this world.

These insects of cause and effect were sealed in the Absolute Realm of the Ten Directions and were in a state of neither birth nor death, nor existence nor destruction. They seemed to have been stripped out and became a vicious and terrifying creature.

It's hard to imagine how the master of Karma did this, and it's hard to say whether using this method of stripping and sealing to deal with Karma is effective.

But one thing that is certain is that the Ten Directions Absolute Realm is not an ordinary barrier or mysterious realm. Otherwise, if the attributes of all powers are ignored by cause and effect, there will be nothing that can seal them.

Realizing this, He Xie became more perseverant.

Regardless of whether the Ten Directions Absolute Realm can solve the threat of cause and effect, it is an idea and an inspiration to him.

After clearly understanding the power of Zhang Neng, He Xie quickly mastered the essence of this power.

Soon, the number of insects he killed instantly reached twelve.

Ten years later, his bones began to become crystal clear and some blood-red flesh strands grew.

At this time, he completely understood why this kind of power could be extracted using californium-252.

Chen Nan was right. If she had been someone else, even if she had used the same method, the same equipment, or even the same people to operate it, she would never be able to refine the energy.

Because this is his reverse causation!

Calf-252 is a manifestation of his causal power to travel through time and space.

The power extracted from californium-252 is due to the cause and effect it reverses when traveling through time and space.

The scientific and technological means he used were actually just an "ideal" approach, not the only way. Just because he felt that he could extract the energy in this way, so obtaining the energy in this way became his unique creation. Others

It can't be imitated.

And if he didn't have the purpose to do the same research and the same thing at the time, he wouldn't have been able to refine the power.

In addition, if he was not in a technological world at that time, but in a martial arts world and began to want to refine his energy, then his method of improving his energy might be a certain kind of Kung Fu.

All in all, the important thing is not the method or the approach, but He Xie himself who thinks this method is effective will get the power, his unique power.

This is magical and mysterious.

However, it also brings a drawback, that is, the power is not like true energy, blood or other powers, and cannot be continuously born through practice.

This magical power was born from an unknown place in the dark because of He Xie's behavior of "reversing cause and effect." Its amount depends on how much cause and effect He Xie reversed.

Another twenty years later, He Xie was able to instantly kill twenty karma insects. He was able to achieve "revenue exceeds expenditure" with ease, and his physical body was completely restored to its original state.

But this time, his whole body of flesh and blood, every hair, every cell, was all transformed by the power.

He is the embodiment of Zang Neng!

The insects of cause and effect are completely unable to deal with He Xie. They rush in continuously, but they cannot bite He Xie's body at all. And every time He Xie kills an insect of cause and effect, his strength will be improved to a certain extent.

Such insects of cause and effect seem to have no spiritual intelligence. They still come in an endless stream, and then die in He Xie's hands and turn into He Xie's energy.

By the eightieth year, He Xie's cultivation had completely returned to its peak, but the worms of cause and effect were still endless.

It is hard to imagine that He Xie has been killing without sleep for eighty years, killing dozens of them every moment. The number of these insects still does not see a decrease in the trend. How many such insects are there in the ten directions?


But now for He Xie, this is no longer a bad thing, because even if he returns to his peak and he kills the insect of cause and effect, his strength will still increase.

Perhaps, this is because these are the causes and effects of others, so they will bring benefits to him.

And it is precisely because it is someone else's cause and effect that these insects are so vulnerable to his power.

This chapter has been completed!
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