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Chapter 1119 Old Causes and Effects

The arrest of Li Jianguo actually marks that Hou Guiping's case has been finalized and there will be no further changes.

This case, which cost several lives in the past and put more than a dozen innocent people behind bars, this time, with the joint efforts of Yan Liang and Hou Guiping, they avoided all minefields and were successfully solved.

Half a year later, with the final verdict of this case, everything related to the Hou Guiping case was finally settled.

Because of Yan Liang's intervention, Jiang Yang and Zhu Wei also had a good ending this time.

Zhu Wei was transferred out of Pingkang County and came to Rongcheng, where he became Yan Liang's subordinate.

Jiang Yang was also recruited to the Anti-Corruption Bureau by Hou Liangping. Both of them were appreciated by their immediate bosses and were high-spirited and had a bright future.

On the night when the case was pronounced, the four of them went to Hou Guiping's tomb and burned a stick of incense to comfort the deceased.

"Actually, Jiang Yang and I had already made preparations to die in the line of duty." Zhu Wei said with emotion, "I didn't expect that Captain Yan's appearance would turn the whole thing upside down. I still can't believe that things went so smoothly."

"I want to thank Captain Yan and Director Hou." Jiang Yang was a little emotional. He was most excited that this case was solved.

"Actually, I also think this thing went too smoothly." Hou Liangping looked at Yan Liang, "Looking back now, Lao Yan has been on the right track every step of the way. I feel that you are not so smart usually. Lao Yan, tell me the truth.

Are you cheating?"

"I didn't expect you to see it," Yan Liang said seriously, "Okay, I won't hide it from you. In fact, I am a reborn person and have the memories of my previous life."

The three people were moved.

"You can really blow..." After a long time, Hou Liangping sighed, patted Yan Liang's shoulder, and turned to leave.

"Captain Yan, stop watching those shady Internet sites. My son used to watch secretly and was beaten up by me." Zhu Wei also hugged Yan Liang's shoulders, and then caught up with Hou Liangping.

Yan Liang shrugged and looked at Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang thought for a while and said, "Captain Yan, I believe you."

"Really?" Yan Liang doubted.

"Just listen to it seriously," Jiang Yang said with a smile, "By the way, Lao Chen said I would like to treat you to dinner, and Maotai will take care of it."

Looking at Jiang Yang's back as he walked away, Yan Liang raised a faint smile and murmured: "If you tell the truth, why doesn't anyone believe you?"

He looked up at the sky, as if he could vaguely see He Xie's face in the clouds.

This person seems to have evaporated out of thin air in this timeline, and he has never existed at all.

But in this past incident, Yan Liang repeatedly felt the shadow of He Xie, as if he was still secretly influencing everything.

The case was able to be closed due to changes in several key nodes.

Only Yan Liang knew that the changes in these key nodes were actually related to He Xie in the previous time and space. However, in this time and space, all the traces of He Xie's intervention were taken care of by Yan Liang.

It was as if, instead of He Xie, he did everything He Xie should do...

A year later, the Ding Yizhen case broke out, and when Hou Liangping was in a state of panic, it was Yan Liang who personally took action and intercepted Ding Yizhen at the airport in advance as he was about to flee abroad.

Moreover, he planned in advance and used Hu Lijing in advance to find Li Chenggong's loophole.

When Ding Yizhen was arrested, Yan Liang immediately ordered Zhu Wei to also arrest Li Chenggong.

Mr. Zhao and Leader Qi made crazy counterattacks, but Yan Liang predicted them in advance and resolved them in a thrilling way.

In the end, with the efforts of Hou Liangping and Yan Liang, the whole case was successfully solved again, shocking the whole country.

When Yan Liang became the head of the municipal bureau, he went to the highest mountain in Chengdu and toasted a glass of wine to the sky.


He murmured to the mountain wind, picked up the wine glass and drank it.

at the same time--

In the rushing river of time and space, He Xiekan held the Dao sword in his hand and swung the sword against the densest part of the causal chain on his body!


Several causal chains suddenly collapsed and melted!

This is the chain of cause and effect that connects He Xie's old time and space in this world, but as He Xie grafts the cause and effect, these causes and effects have been infinitely weakened and are no longer so unbreakable.

Especially after Yan Liang completely solved the Hou Guiping and Li Chenggong cases, the world was connected to He Xie only by some "retributions" and there was no more "cause".

Mortals are afraid of consequences, but for a strong man like He Xie, consequences are the least scary.

In one operation, he grafted all the causes in this world into results. Especially the last operation was extremely complicated.

Starting from the fifth round of the game mission with Hou Liangping, He Xie was actually deliberately making a reverse operation. The purpose was to graft all the subjectivity that promoted the progress of the entire case onto Hou Liangping and the people behind him.

, minimizing his own role in it.

On Yan Liang's side, as all the evidence that He Xie handed over to Wu Zhizhong back then was destroyed, the direct cause and effect of He Xie's involvement in this case was also destroyed.

In fact, at this time, He Xie's "cause" in this world is only related to Yan Liang.

So he returned Yan Liang a "result" - reversing Yan Liang's timeline and going back to the past.

The reward Yan Liang received was far greater than what he paid, so according to the principle of equivalent exchange, Yan Liang invisibly assumed some of the karma that He Xie wanted him to bear, and the causal status of him and He Xie was also changed because of this.

If it becomes a cause, why evil will become the effect?

Therefore, he replaced He Xie and promoted the development of the Hou Guiping case and the Li Chenggong case, completely covering and grafting all the causes and effects created by He Xie in the previous time and space line, and Yan Liang himself became the cause of all the consequences.

When the intricate lines of cause and effect were finally passed on one by one, the connection between He Xie and the time and space of his past life was also weakened to the minimum.

The reason why Yan Liang can't find any trace of He Xie in the new timeline is because every time he pushes the time and space of his heart forward, a corresponding part of He Xie's old cause and effect will be replaced by him.

In the end, Yan Liang completed everything on behalf of He Xie, and He Xie was almost severed from all causal connections with the world.

From now on, everything in He Xie's previous life will be blank.

He became a person without a past.

This is actually the only way to realize the path of emptiness through reduction.

When He Xie cut off these causal chains, he was keenly aware that a part of his life was forever missing.

If he continues to cut off, constantly resolves the cause and effect of the past, cuts off the old past, and allows himself to have no past, no future, only the present, then that will be the time for him to attain enlightenment.

But in that case, He Xie would also become ruthless.

This is not the path He Xie wants to take.

This chapter has been completed!
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