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Chapter 1121 Open the curtain

The so-called video is to recite a passage according to Han Chen's wishes, proving that he became an undercover agent sent by Han Chen to the police station on a certain day of a certain year, and vowed to be loyal to the society and never betray.

This He Xie is no stranger. In the previous timeline, he had done this as Yang Jingrong. The difference was that the previous time he only received memories, but this time he went into battle in person.

There is no name Yang Jinrong among the undercover agents who broke into the police station. In fact, there is not even Big B Lin Guoping. He Xie has actually guessed that all the police officers in this group are fake and are the foils brought by Han Chen.

, he was the only one who really wanted to enter the police station.

As for why Han Chen did this?

Two reasons.

First, He Xie was deliberately kept from finding out his trump cards, making He Xie think that Han Chen would keep an eye on him at any time. Second, by using falsehoods as truth, if anyone noticed Han Chen's move to send an undercover agent to the police force, they would only be able to find out.

These other people, but He Xie is hidden among them, no one knows.

Although Han Chen is still just a small leader of the society, his methods already have the qualities of a hero.

Turning your hands over becomes clouds, turning over your hands becomes rain.

What he lacks may just be ambition and a change.

Why didn't you go to the sauna in the evening? It's just for acting. There is no need to contaminate yourself with some rouge, vulgar powder, and prostitutes.

But even though he didn't go, another woman asked him to meet.

This woman's name is Mary, she is Han Chen's woman.

Although He Xie did not inherit Liu Jianming's name, he did inherit his background.

Strictly speaking, Liu Jianming is actually Mary's person. He is an orphan and has been supported by Mary since he was a child.

It's just that husbands and wives follow each other, and after Mary married Han Chen, Liu Jianming automatically became Han Chen's man.

The lack of maternal love since childhood gave Liu Jianming a morbid feeling for Mary. He was willing to do anything for Mary. And Mary saw this, so she kept taking advantage of Liu Jianming.

Now that Liu Jianming had become He Xie, Mary still thought that He Xie would obey her, so even though it was such a big deal as killing Ni Kun, she did not hide anything from He Xie, but just came out with it.

"Axie, you won't let me down, right?" Mary asked.

"Of course." He Xie smiled.

"I have arranged everything. He will be singing at the Hong Kong Folk Art Club in Building B, Building C, Chungking Mansions tonight. You go directly to him." Mary handed He Xie a paper bag with a gun inside.

"Wait for my news."

He took the gun without lingering, turned around and left.

Behind him, Mary frowned deeply. Although He Xie still obeyed her, she could faintly sense that something was wrong.

But the matter of killing Ni Kun was too big, and it was all on her mind now.

She removed a phone card and used it to dial a number.

On the other end of the phone was a middle-aged man's voice, deep and magnetic.

"My people will take action tonight," Mary said. "Do you know what to do?"

"I haven't seen Achen for a long time. I will treat him to dinner tonight." said the other end of the phone.

Mary hung up the phone, removed the phone card, and flushed it down the toilet.

On the other side, He Xie was riding a Harley, speeding around Hong Kong Island at night.

The night in Tsim Sha Tsui is bright, blurry and bustling.

During the day, this is the world of financial geniuses.

However, at night, the entire Tsim Sha Tsui is dominated by people named Ni.

In Hong Kong Island, you can not know who Li Jiacheng is, but you must not know who Ni Kun is.

In Tsim Sha Tsui, you can offend the police and anyone, but you can never say a bad word about Ni Kun.

No matter what you do, you cannot help but know the name Ni Kun, because in Tsim Sha Tsui, except for police officers, no one can afford to pay protection fees to the Ni family.

If something happened to such a person who stomped his feet and made the whole Hong Kong Island tremble, you can imagine how much of a sensation it would cause.

But just because of a woman's words, He Xie rode a motorcycle and came with a gun to kill Ni Kun.

He does not object to doing this. First, Liu Jianming regrets doing many things, but he has never regretted this incident. Second, he wants to create a huge cause and effect, so he must open the curtain of this bloody storm with his own hands.

Han Chen's rise to fame in just two years and becoming the leader second only to the four bosses of the Ni family is inseparable from his own abilities, but more importantly, he has a good wife -


Mary indeed arranged everything clearly. She quietly tricked everyone who protected Ni Kun and even bribed several of Ni Kun's personal bodyguards.

You must know that those who can be used by Ni Kun as personal bodyguards must be loyal to the Ni family, but Mary still bribed three of them at once.

One can imagine how capable this woman is.

He Zhen was walking through the narrow corridors of Chungking Mansions, and soon he heard the sound of opera singing "咿咿亚亚" from behind.

The play is a Kunqu opera, and Ni Kun is singing duet with a female actor. The two of them are very engaged, and their singing has a certain charm.

He Xie came to the door and pressed the doorbell.

A middle-aged woman opened the door and showed a puzzled expression to He Xie.

"I'm looking for Uncle Kun." He Xie said with a gentle smile.

The middle-aged woman did not doubt that he was there, stepped aside and shouted inside: "Uncle Kun, someone is looking for you."

Ni Kun finished singing a sentence and then turned around, with an expression of unfinished meaning still on his face.

He held the microphone in his hand and took two steps towards the door.

After seeing He Xie's smiling face, he was stunned for a moment.

He didn't know He Xie.

At this time, Ni Kun was already a little wary.

But He Xie had already raised his gun with a smile.


The gunshot rang out, and Ni Kun fell into a pool of blood. Blood slowly seeped out from his forehead and spread on the ground.

He Xie politely nodded and smiled at the stunned middle-aged woman, then turned and left.

Behind him, there was a chaos of screams and cries.

Just as He Xie was riding his motorcycle back the same way, Huang Zhicheng from O reporter visited one of Han Chen's bars, took Han Chen back to the police station, ordered a table of bento, and treated Han Chen to a meal.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you playing with me? You suddenly raided my place. We are all old friends. Isn't this interesting?" Han Chen said to Huang Zhicheng with a smile.

"It's just a routine matter." Huang Zhicheng said in a relaxed tone, "Someone reported you for selling waist head pills. I can't just treat it like nothing happened, right?"

"Damn, who is so wicked?" Han Chen cursed and looked at Huang Zhicheng as if he were joking, "The person who reported it couldn't be you, right?"

"Do I look like such an insidious person?" Huang Zhicheng shrugged, "Besides, why should I look for trouble for myself?"

"Are you jealous that I'm handsomer than you, hahaha..." Han Chen laughed.

Huang Zhicheng looked at Han Chen and smiled without saying a word. He didn't say anything until the latter laughed enough and said, "Eat something first, otherwise it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Then I'm not polite?" Han Chen smiled and pointed at Huang Zhicheng.

"No need, treat it like your own home." Huang Zhicheng said.

He looked at Han Chen who was enjoying the meal, his smile faded slightly, and he slowly said: "I remember that when I went to clean up the place for the first time, I encountered a big problem..."

He told a story about the first time he went out to police and encountered a gangster. Because of his lack of experience, he killed his senior brother who was leading him.

"Seeing my senior brother unable to close his eyes, my mind went blank at the time." Huang Zhicheng fell into recollection, "I only knew that I would shoot all six bullets in the gun into that kid."

He looked at Han Chen: "I can't remember how many years that boy was sentenced to. I only know that I met him again two years ago. He was well-dressed and drinking in a bar. All the people with him were Ni.

Kun’s men.”


Huang Zhicheng lit a cigarette for himself and slowly puffed out a puff of smoke.

"Killing people and setting fires with gold belts, repairing bridges and repairing roads, but no corpses." He said in a low and slow tone, "The world shouldn't be like this, and life shouldn't be like this, Achen?"

Han Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at Huang Zhicheng.

Huang Zhicheng leaned forward slightly: "If Tsim Sha Tsui was your territory, I would be much more relaxed."

The smile on Han Chen's face froze suddenly, but then relaxed again, and he laughed and said: "Forget it, I know best what kind of thing I am. I open a bar and you always get kicked out of me. How can you treat me so well?"

If I raise my noble hand a little, I am already Amitabha."

Huang Zhicheng smiled and was about to speak, when his cell phone rang.

He picked it up, looked at it, nodded to Han Chen and said, "You eat first, I'll answer the phone."

"Okay, don't worry about me." Han Chen waved his hand.

Looking at Huang Zhicheng's back as he walked out, the smile on Han Chen's face gradually faded.


The caller to Huang Zhicheng was Mary.

"I'm going to the police station to pick up my husband now. How was your conversation with him?"

"Achen versus the Ni family...I'm afraid he still can't pass the test in his heart." Huang Zhicheng said.

"It's expected." Mary said, "Forget it, I'll slowly persuade him later, and you let him go. Things are about to explode. At this time, both you and him should be busy."


Huang Zhicheng looked through the glass at Han Chen who was eating inside. Han Chen suddenly raised his head and smiled at him. Huang Zhicheng's heart skipped a beat, but he smiled and waved to Han Chen.

The reason why Ni Kun died was because Huang Zhicheng was behind the scenes.

Without his help, Mary would not have been able to mobilize all the power around Ni Kun so easily.

The reason why he wanted to kill Ni Kun was, firstly, to avenge some unjust souls who died in vain. Secondly, only if Ni Kun died and the whole Tsim Sha Tsui was completely in chaos, would he have the opportunity to make a career and stand out.

However, both Huang Zhicheng and Mary thought wrong about one thing, that is, Ni Kun's death did not cause as much trouble as they imagined.

The fourth brother of the Ni family quickly controlled the situation and restrained his men without causing any trouble.

As for Ni Kun's death, no one investigated or took care of it, as if it had never happened.

This made Huang Zhicheng and Mary, who were preparing for a big fight, disappointed and at the same time a little panicked.

They don't understand, why is this happening?

Still in the same room where he met Mary before, He Xie was summoned by Mary again.

When He Xie came in, Mary was playing a CD.

She looked back at He Xie, smiled and said: "Pour yourself what you want to drink, I'll be ready soon."

"Okay." He Xie nodded with a smile, looked around, walked to the bar, poured himself a glass of gin, and tasted it carefully.

This detail made Mary slightly stunned again.

In her memory, He Xie had never been so casual in front of her before.

"Could it be that she consciously grasped her own leverage, so she started to feel confident?" Mary's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I heard that you have traveled a lot these days." Mary smiled without looking back. "You have been shopping everywhere in Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, and Central. You have been shopping all day long, and you have bought a lot of things. What, you have a girlfriend?"


He Xie smiled and shook his head: "No, just walking around casually."

"So leisurely?" Mary pressed the play button, and a singing voice came from her mind: "Who is knocking on my window..."

"Some people say that this antique machine has sweet treble, accurate midrange, and strong bass." Mary smiled and shook her head and looked at He Xie, "That's nonsense. It costs 180,000 yuan. How many people in Hong Kong can afford it?"


"If there are really many people who can afford it, then maybe Sister Mary you won't even look at it," He Xie said.

Mary's eyes paused and she looked at He Xie for a while: "That makes sense."


After the two sat down, Mary said: "Brother Chen sent you to work as an undercover agent with the police. If you don't like it, I'll tell him that you are mine too."

"It's okay." He Xie shook his head, "It's just work, and being a police officer is also quite interesting."

"Interesting..." Mary smiled and suddenly leaned forward, her face only a few centimeters away from He Xie's face, and her eyes were fixed on He Xie.

"Ah Xie, you have changed." She said slowly, "If you have any ideas, tell me and I will help you. Don't keep it in your heart."

She felt that the man who had always had a crush on her and admired her seemed to be about to escape her control, which made her feel uneasy.

There was even a thought that came to her mind, which was Huang Zhicheng's proposal - silence!

She was startled and quickly gave up the idea.

Just like Liu Jianming once had a special feeling for her, why didn't she?

It's just that feelings are feelings, and use is use. She is not like Liu Jianming in the past. She has always made a clear distinction.

"Sister Mary wants Brother Chen to take over?" He Xie asked.

"This is none of your business." Mary's voice suddenly turned cold, "What? That's why you had the idea?"

"That's not true." He Xie smiled, and the woman's breath slapped his face, making him take over the causal line from Liu Jianming, and he was a little ready to move.

She has always been Liu Jianming's obsession and regret.

"I just think that if this is Sister Mary's own idea, then forget it." He Xie said.

"What if not?" Mary's heart skipped a beat.

"If not, then you did something stupid." He Xie said.

Mary's heart sank suddenly, but she remained calm on the surface: "Why do you say that?"

The corners of He Xie's lips raised: "It's too late to say anything now, Sister Mary, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

Mary looked at He Xie quietly for a long time, then suddenly sneered and rubbed He Xie's hair: "Just you? Forget it, I have a man covering me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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