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Chapter 1130 The dust settles

"Lin Guoping? What am I? Do you recognize me? That's good. Brother Chen is dead and I will replace him. From now on, we will be our own people in the police force and we must take care of each other."

"Chen Jun? I will take over from Brother Chen to contact you. From now on, those of us who have been put in by Brother Chen will only do things for ourselves and help each other when necessary. Except for me, no one among you will know our respective identities. How about that?

Don’t want to join?”

That night, He Xie found a total of more than a dozen students, one of whom was even a police officer.

These are all undercover agents that Han Chen placed in the police force, and now He Xie has connected them all in the name of mutual assistance.

Some of these people are mediocre, some are outstanding, and the common characteristic is that they all have little background.

Compared to Han Chen, they were actually more willing to accept He Xie, a rising star in the police force, as their new leader. Except for wasting some words on Yang Jinrong, the others respectfully asked He Xie to take care of him in the future.

This secret organization within the police force took shape at this time, and no one knew how powerful it would be.

On the other side, Lu Qichang took Ni Youxiao to the police station again.

"Ah Xiao, you know very well why we arrested you this time." Lu Qichang said straight to the point, "How do you explain the death of so many people in your family? And those foreigners who helped you fight are all from Interpol.

People on the blacklist, what are they doing here?”

Boom, boom, boom!

Lu Qichang knocked on the table: "Let's be clear. You don't have an explanation this time, so it's hard to get out. You should also stop playing threatening tricks with me. If you dare to speak, I will sue you for another terrifying threat."


Ni Youxiao smiled: "I always only use the same method once, because I know it will not work the second time."

"It's best to understand." Lu Qichang nodded, "Axiao, you're just in a high position, do you want to make it as exaggerated as a world war? There are only a few big guys in Tsim Sha Tsui, and now they are all dead! Your Ni family has gone too far.


"Sir Lu, if you understand the whole process, you should know that from beginning to end, our Ni family has been the victim." Ni Youxiao looked deeply at Lu Qichang, "Someone is messing with us, I am sure of this."

"Who? Say his name." Lu Qichang said.

"I don't know, maybe he is not a person, but an organization or a group." Ni You said filially, "In short, whoever benefits from this matter in the end will be the deepest hidden mastermind."

"You might as well say that the police set up a bureau to make your Ni family fight each other." Lu Qichang sneered, "If we had such ability, why would we wait until your Ni family has been arrogant in Tsim Sha Tsui for more than ten years before we take action?


Ni Youxiao forced a smile and said, "Maybe it's because you police officers haven't had such a powerful character before."

At this moment, He Xie's appearance flashed subconsciously in Lu Qichang's mind.

He looked deeply at Ni Youxiao: "Ah Xiao, for the foreign team you found, I will contact the Security Bureau, Immigration Department, and the military police to dig them out and then deport them. Now, how many of you Ni family members

Even if all the bosses are dead, I won’t give you a chance to get bail, do you know what this means?”

"Your Ni family is finished!" Lu Qichang said every word, "Think carefully, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you go to jail like this, I bet you won't survive even a day!"

After saying that, Lu Qichang turned around and left.

After going out, Huang Zhicheng came up to him and raised his chin, meaning to ask him how he was doing?

Lu Qichang shook his head and frowned.

"I can't explain why, but I always have a...unreal feeling." Lu Qichang said.

Huang Zhicheng reached out to touch his forehead, but was slapped away by Lu Qichang: "Damn, I didn't mean that! I mean, from the time Ni Kun was killed, the whole thing seemed to have been clearly arranged, and everyone

It's a chess piece. I used to think it was just my random thoughts, but just now I heard Ni Youxiao thought the same thing... I suspected that someone might really be behind it."

"What's the motive?" Huang Zhicheng asked, "It can't be to punish rape and eliminate evil and to uphold justice, right?"

Lu Qichang wanted to laugh a little, but he put on a serious face: "Who do you think will take over if the Ni family falls?"

"Do you doubt this?" Huang Zhicheng thought for a while, "Then wait and see who the next person in charge is. If he does something, he will always be exposed."

Lu Qichang nodded thoughtfully, but still looked a little puzzled.

Huang Zhicheng felt relaxed. His biggest wish was to bring down the Ni family, and now the Ni family has really fallen.

"Don't think about it anymore. In short, this matter has passed." Huang Zhicheng said.

Lu Qichang forced a smile. For some reason, he was always worried that this matter would not end so easily.

His fears finally came true.

That night, in the detention room, Ni Youxiao looked at He Xie who was walking in from the door, his eyes full of shock.

"It's you!" He stood up. How could he not recognize He Xie? "Are you a policeman?"

Ni Youxiao was a little stunned, but more doubts came to his mind.

"You are wearing the clothes of an ordinary police officer. Don't tell me that the person who massacred Tsim Sha Tsui was a small police officer?" Ni Youxiao said in disbelief, his voice trembling.

"Bloodbath..." He Xie chuckled and sat down opposite him, "I don't like this word. If I really want to bloodbath, it will never be the style and effect it is now."

"Do you think this is a game?" Ni Youxiao heard the nonchalance in He Xie's tone and couldn't help feeling cold.

If he wasn't too cruel and cold-blooded, how could he be so indifferent to the deaths of so many people?

"Many things are just games in themselves," He Xie said with a smile. "It's just for fun. Some people get serious, and some people risk their lives. The nature of the game changes."

He changed the topic and said, "I told you, you survive tonight before I decide whether to cooperate with you. Unfortunately, if you lose, you are doomed. Although you are smart, the general trend is that you have no chance of making a comeback."


Ni Youxiao's eyes dimmed and he said solemnly: "Yes, I lost. But if you hadn't intervened, I should have won!"

His eyes sparkled: "How dare you say that Gandhi's death and Han Chen's death have nothing to do with you? If they were not dead, how could things take a turn for the worse and make me so passive?"

He Xie said calmly: "I am a player myself, not a referee. It is only natural that I will end up. Ah Xiao, if you say this, it will only make me suspect that you are shirking responsibility for your own incompetence."

In fact, although He Xie's methods were sharp and precise, it was also true that Ni Youxiao did not respond better.

"Yes, even though I was unwilling, I still lost." Ni Youxiao smiled miserably, "I lost everything."

He looked at He Xie: "Are you here to kill me?"

Why smile and say nothing?

Ni Youxiao nodded slowly, his expression unchanged, and he seemed to have been prepared to die.

"Understood." He said, "But before I die, can I ask a question?"

"Say." He Xie said.

"What does Han Chen's woman have to do with the whole thing?" Ni Youxiao asked.

He Xie showed admiration. Sure enough, Mary's phone call made Ni Youxiao keenly aware of the connection. If nothing happened to him, it would be a matter of time before he found out the truth.

"Someone used her name to kill Ni Kun." He Xie said with a smile, "That woman always thought she was the mastermind."

Ni Youxiao was shocked, and then showed a look of surprise.

"Han Chen... doesn't he know?" he asked hesitantly.

"Not bad." He Xie nodded.

"No wonder..." Ni Youxiao exhaled a long breath and rubbed his face vigorously.

"I have no problem." Ni You said filially.

"Don't you struggle?" He Xie asked.

"That is both shameless and useless." Ni Youxiao smiled, "Sometimes accepting failure and death calmly requires more courage than resistance."

"Although I don't agree with this, it doesn't stop me from admiring your attitude." He Xie stood up and said with a smile, "Axiao, you passed my test and are qualified to be my partner. I

Now I ask you formally, you have a chance to do it again. You can get the wealth, status, and power you dream of, and you can clear the Ni family's name and stand in the sun again. But the price is that from now on, your life will be

It's mine. Are you willing?"

Ni Youxiao was stunned for a long time before saying, "What if I want to avenge my father?"

He Xie shook his head.

"I understand." Ni Youxiao fell silent.

In the end, he made an unexpected choice.

"Please take good care of me from now on. I leave my life to you."

He Xie smiled and patted his shoulder: "Guohua and the others died cleanly, which is not necessarily a bad thing for you. There is no future in being a gangster. Once they die, you can just break away from the past and bypass them and directly kill the people at the bottom."

Let me take the lead and do some legal business that can utilize their expertise. I believe that with your brains, you will be able to do this."

"How do I get out?" Ni Youxiao asked, "My affairs are very troublesome now..."

"What's the matter with you?" He Xie said calmly, "Unless that foreigner doesn't want to be in this business anymore, he will definitely not betray you. Your third uncle is involved in gangs and has a fight with Guohua and the others. What does that have to do with you?


"It's not that I haven't thought about pushing everything away, but if I do, how can I hold my head high in the future?" Ni Youxiao frowned and said, "The Ni family's reputation is ruined, what's the point of me going out? I'm still dead.


To be a boss, you have to be responsible. You can have people take the blame for you, but you can't ask your family members and elders to die for you. This is unkind, unfaithful and unfilial. No one wants to be with such a boss.

"Don't worry, I will make things right for you. Think about how to go after leaving tonight to welcome a new life." He Xie smiled, turned and left.

No one knew that he came to see Ni Youxiao.

Ayao sat silently in the darkness, wiping the gun in his hand.

At a certain moment, he suddenly turned around in alarm: "Who?"

He saw He Xie, who was smiling and wearing a police uniform.

A Yao looked at He Xie warily and looked him up and down: "I've seen you with Sir Lu."

"Speaking of which, I want to call you Senior Brother." He Xie said, "But it seems that Senior Brother is not willing to return to the police force."

"What does it have to do with you?" Ayao said coldly, holding the handle of the gun quietly, "Also, how did you get into my house?"

"It's not important." He Xie said, "You have been with the Ni family for seven years. You have become accustomed to this kind of life. You have done many bad things, some of which were forced and some of which you did voluntarily. You can no longer tell the difference.

Are you a policeman or a young and Dangerous boy? Now Sir Lu tells you that the Ni family is finished and you want to return to the police force. You know very well that what is waiting for you is a long screening review, and based on what you have done, it is impossible to pass

You have to pass the internal affairs department test..."

"Do you think I am willing to do this?" A Yao suddenly became excited, his eyes were splitting, "Me and Ni Kun, he asked me to kill, should I kill? He asked me to sleep with a woman, should I sleep with her? I killed

Does it prove that I am cold-blooded and ruthless? Does the fact that I sleep with three people at a time prove that I am lustful? Then do I have to maintain my cold-blooded, ruthless and lustful personality? If I don’t believe that I am such a person, how can I

Can I deceive others? So I must do things and be a human being according to my settings!"

"Undercover...how simple are these two words? But these two words are not just a simple task, they are my life! It is my seven years of life!"

Ah Yao roared, tears streaming down his face.

He Xie had a faint smile on his face.

In fact, even a naturally optimistic person like Chen Yongren will inevitably develop serious psychological problems during his undercover career, let alone others?

Being an undercover agent is definitely the most inhumane profession, as A Yao said. He can't kill people in front of the boss and be a good person behind his back. He can't be lustful in front of the boss and be a good person behind his back.

Li Qihe cleans himself and takes care of himself, then everyone will know that there is something wrong with him. So he must maintain his own personality.

The problem is that he has to maintain such a persona for a long time and play the daily life of such a person. After a long time, who can still tell which one is the real self?

"I know you are scared and confused. If possible, you don't even want to change, but you don't want to admit that you are really a villain." He Xie said with a smile, "Now I have a way to get the best of both worlds. If you promise me, you can

Continue to stay with Ni Youxiao, but the condition is that you have to go to jail for a few years, are you willing?"

Ayao's eyes suddenly widened.

Early the next morning, Ni Youxiao's bodyguard A Yao voluntarily surrendered under Lu Qichang's shocked and puzzled eyes. He admitted that he and the third uncle of the Ni family planned everything, and shouted that if you dare to betray the Ni family, this is the fate.

A Yao accused the third uncle of the Ni family of killing the nigger, Guohua, and invited an overseas organization. He also took the charge of killing Han Chen, which not only safeguarded the dignity of the Ni family, but also completely brushed Ni Youxiao off and shaped the latter.

Become a cold-blooded and ruthless boss.

The third uncle of the Ni family is dead, and all the parties involved are almost dead. A Yao's testimony can almost be regarded as the truth.

This chapter has been completed!
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