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Chapter 1148 The end of Tang Detective, the recent situation of Tianlong

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The reasons for war are varied, for survival, for population, for land, for wealth, and even for women.

In any case, these wars launched to plunder resources or protect resources have run through the entire human civilization.

But in modern times, people have an even more ridiculous reason for launching wars.

Therefore, when the ideological and ideological lines of two big figures cannot be coordinated with each other, one of them will brazenly launch a war.

Sinuo had a strange expression after hearing Qin Feng's reasons.

"Qin Feng, you have finally become the kind of person you looked down on the most." Sinuo said.

Qin Feng didn't think so.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." He said, "When we shoulder the responsibility for the rise and fall of all mankind, we cannot only consider issues from our own perspective. Sinuo, although you are the chairman of the Alliance Council, you have single-handedly created today's ancient civilization.

Martial arts and science and civilization, but in fact, you have no ambition to benefit the world at all!"

"You are still the selfish and cold little girl you once were. The reason why you did this is just for your master! The world should not be left in the hands of a lunatic like you!"

Qin Feng became more and more excited as he talked.

He wanted to express these thoughts in the third year after He Xie left. However, once he showed any dissatisfaction with He Xie and Sinuo at that time, he would be forever doomed.

"Sinuo, I have changed, but I have become more mature and understand responsibilities and the overall situation better," Qin Feng said, "I have nothing to say about success and defeat. It's just a pity that we finally made it."

The new world will be completely destroyed by your own hands!"

"Look at your appearance." Sinuo looked at Qin Feng with pity, "Qin Feng, the genius who used to be maverick and shine when he walked, is dead. Now you are just assimilated and locked in thoughts by the rolling world of mortals.

Poor poor man who has lost his body."

Sinuo shook his head, without any mercy, and took action boldly.

Although Qin Feng was like a trapped animal, he still did not give up resistance.

The masters of both sides were furious, and the whole city was filled with blood.

But in the end, Qin Feng's side gradually became exhausted.

"Sinuo, don't you want the space-time meteorite?" Qin Feng yelled.

"You can't destroy it." Sinuo said calmly, "And no matter where you hide it, I will eventually find it."

Qin Feng laughed miserably, this was his last bargaining chip, but in front of Sinuo, he was vulnerable.

Before dying, Qin Feng suddenly understood Sinuo's pity for him.

In the past, he and Sinuo could be said to have been brighter for a while, and even many times, his wisdom was still higher than that of Sinuo.

But later on, he gradually became no longer a match for Sinuo.

Whether it was martial arts or wisdom, status or reputation, he was crushed by Sinuo in all aspects.

Qin Feng used to think that he was just unlucky. If he had a master like He Xie, he would be a hundred times better than Sinuo.

But now, he finally realized that his eyes had long been blinded by too many distractions.

When a maverick genius begins to be caught up in the world of mortals and no longer thinks about himself as the center of things, the qualities he is most proud of, the most unique and precious, gradually disappear and he begins to become

More and more mediocre.

And as he becomes more and more mediocre, how can he be Sinuo's opponent?

This war was ultimately characterized as a failed "rebellion", and Qin Feng became a sinner of history and was nailed to the pillar of shame.

He Xie didn't leave Gu Axiang's grave until he saw Qin Feng die with his own eyes and Sinuo regained control of the situation.

When he left, he took away Gu Axiang's soul and put it together with Ding Baiying's soul.

He has no intention of resurrecting his lover until the final cause-and-effect space-time situation is resolved.

If the final outcome is that everything is destroyed, what's the point of resurrecting them now?

Just like Sinuo, although he laments the persistence of this apprentice, if he fails to reverse causation and ends up becoming a ghoul-guarding ghost like Chen Nan and Yuanshi Tianzun, and then be destroyed together with everything five hundred years later, then what will happen to him at this moment?

What's the difference between not seeing it and not seeing it?

This world was created by He Xie, and all causes and effects are actually attributed to him. He does not need to make any changes or adjustments here, everything goes as it should.

He did not go to see Sinuo in the end, but he left a piece of consciousness in Sinuo's mind. When the girl chooses to go back in time and space, or leaves this world, this piece of consciousness will be triggered. He Xie leaves Si Nuo with it.

Only then can she get Nuo's inherited wealth and part of the truth.

This is He Xie's most "ruling by inaction" world. The so-called reverse cause and effect is actually just a matter of one thought.

If He Xie's ultimate goal is to eliminate cause and effect, then settling grudges and eliminating cause and effect is a kind of reverse. It is also a kind of reverse to attribute all causes and effects to oneself.

The only difference in how to choose is how to take the last step.

He Xie's clone quickly integrated into the original body.

In another world, He Xie's other clone also faced a situation that was almost the same as this world.

Tianlong World!

The Tianxiahui founded by He Xie has swept the world and become a unique overlord!

There is no dynasty, no government, this is a world where the world will rule and control everything, and military force will be the most respected!

Because the world will prosper with martial arts and sweep the world, martial arts has also developed to its extreme in this world.

The martial arts family has completely disappeared, and the Tianxiahui has become the only martial arts organization, embracing all rivers and allowing a hundred flowers to bloom.

In this atmosphere of extremely developed martial arts, the derivation of martial arts continued to progress, and finally, twenty years after He Xie left, the first ascendant who broke the void appeared.

Qiao Feng!

Qiao Feng broke the shackles, shattered the void, and ascended to the upper world, making the whole world excited!

Since then, Shattered Void is no longer a myth, but a dream that every warrior pursues throughout his life.

Later, Huang Shang, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu, Jiumozhi and others ascended one after another, and the world fell into Quan Guanqing's hands.

Before He Xie left, and when Qiao Feng and Duan Yu were still there, there were still people who could suppress Quan Guanqing, but now all those who could have left are gone, and this former perfect scholar has become the most senior and most powerful.

That one, without anyone to suppress it, rapidly expanded to the point where it could no longer grow.

But Quan Guanqing knew that his talent was limited and it was impossible to reach the realm of Shattered Void, so he simply became obsessed with power. The originally vibrant and prosperous Tianxiahui was quickly turned into a mess by him.

Jealousy of the talented and capable, ranking based on seniority, corruption, bullying of the weak...

The people were in dire straits, and there were many rebels in various branches. The world was once again in chaos. Even in the distant grasslands, many tribes that were originally ruled by the Tianxiahui broke away from the Tianxiahui again and began to join forces to resist the tyranny of the Tianxiahui.

When He Xie arrived, the old Quan Guanqing had already been obsessed with sensuality. He moved the Tianxia Association south to Lin'an Mansion and allowed the world to fight, while he maintained a balance and barely stabilized the situation.

The originally huge organizational structure of the Tianxiahui has now been divided into separate groups. It is even more chaotic than during the Jin Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period.

In such a chaotic era, heroes naturally emerge in large numbers, and careerists abound.

When Murong Fu's son Dugu Qiubei learned about his life experience, he restored his surname and became Murong Qiubei.

And because he once served as the king of the South Branch of the Liao Kingdom, he was able to unify the old Khitan tribe and became one of the three forces on the grassland.

The other two forces are the Mongolian tribe headed by Temujin, whose general Guo Jing is very skilled in martial arts; the second is the Jurchen tribe headed by Xidu Ouyang Feng, who occupy the sixteen states of Yanyun.

The original Tubo tribes, King Jinlun, rose up and unified the plateau.

The old land of Dangxiang was occupied by a heroic man named Hong Qi.

Dali, where Duan Xingzhi, a descendant of the Duan family, unified Yunnan and Dian.

After crossing the Yangtze River to the north, Wang Chongyang established the Quanzhen Sect, which became the first publicly established martial arts sect after the establishment of the Tianxiahui. This set a very bad precedent and severely damaged the already shaky reputation of the Tianxiahui, causing various

The heroes on the road are ready to make a move.

In the East China Sea, Huang Yaoshi divided his power into one side and listened to edicts but not to propaganda.

In the whole world, nominally everyone still respects the Tianxiahui as the leader, but in fact the unified political power has ceased to exist in name only. Quan Guanqing, the leader of the Tianxiahui, can only control the territory south of the Yangtze River.

Even so, within its jurisdiction, there are still seven bandits from the south of the Yangtze River, headed by Ke Zhen'e, who occupy the water as their king, roaring in the mountains and forests, robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

The whole world is in chaos, which is similar to the situation in the late Sui Dynasty.

The world society has been passed down for three generations, but today, it is in danger of being destroyed. Quan Guanqing can be said to have created a good evil.

When He Xie came to this world, even though he was mentally prepared, he felt extremely unhappy.

When he founded the Tianxiahui, he really put a lot of thought into it.

Lay out the world, plan for Tibet, annex Dali, attack and destroy the countries in the Western Regions, plan to destroy the Khitan and other grassland tribes, and finally destroy the Song Dynasty and unify the world!

After more than ten years of hard work, expanding territory, reforming and innovating, he wanted the world to be passed down for at least hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, after only three generations, it was already in danger of destruction.

When he left, he clearly told Huang Shang and Qiao Feng that Quan Guanqing could be reused, but he must not be ignored and he must not be respected.

Unexpectedly, the first masters of the past dynasties were obsessed with martial arts and rose to the top one after another. In the end, the world would rank according to seniority, and it was Quan Guanqing's turn.

How strong this person's ability to accomplish things is, how powerful his ability to fail them is. The huge Tianxiahui, with seven elders, four halls, twelve altars, and three hundred and sixty-five rudders, has a strict hierarchy and rigorous structure, but it was short-changed by him.

In just a few years, the family fortune was ruined and fell apart.

"Quan Guanqing, alas..." When He Xie sensed Quan Guanqing's figure at this moment, he couldn't help but be startled. His original angry mood disappeared in an instant, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

His figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared in a secret room.

In the secret room, the gray-haired Quan Guanqing was kneeling in front of a sculpture, crying bitterly, with fear and regret on his face.

The appearance of that sculpture looked like He Xie!

"Honored Lord, Quan Guanqing has come to see you again! I really don't have the face to see you. I thought back then, the world would look down upon the world, how heroic was it? But now in my hands, it has ended up like this! I really regret it, regret not listening.

Your warning..."

"Lord, I know that I am jealous of talents and narrow-minded, especially when I am old. I am just obsessed with wine and sex, and the world will end up like this. I will never redeem myself until I die!"

"But, I hate it! Quan is a cold-blooded person by nature. If he hadn't met the Lord, how would he know that such precious things as brotherhood and friendship exist in the world?"

"Brother Qiao, Elder Jiumo, Young Master Duan...all of them treated Quan with utmost sincerity. Even Brother Huang Shang, although he was on guard against me in every possible way, but when I went to the desert, I was hunted down by the Three Evils of Mobei.

For nine days, everyone thought I was dead, but he refused to give up and finally saved me from death!"

"But you are all gone, you are all leaving me. My brothers, my friends, the people I can trust without reservation, are all gone!"

"What can I do? I'm afraid that they will harm me. I can only seize power and profit. If someone else has a little ability, I feel that they want to replace me. I'm too scared. I can't trust anyone except you.


"I've been fighting for several years, but I can't fight anymore. I'm getting old, and the longer I live, the less enjoyable I am."

"The world without you would be too boring. I had no choice but to numb myself with wine and sex, but..."

His figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared in a secret room.

In the secret room, the gray-haired Quan Guanqing was kneeling in front of a sculpture, crying bitterly, with fear and regret on his face.

The appearance of that sculpture looked like He Xie!

"Honored Lord, Quan Guanqing has come to see you again! I really don't have the face to see you. I thought back then, the world would look down upon the world, how heroic was it? But now in my hands, it has ended up like this! I really regret it, regret not listening.

Your warning..."

"Lord, I know that I am jealous of talents and narrow-minded, especially when I am old. I am just obsessed with wine and sex, and the world will end up like this. I will never redeem myself until I die!"

"But, I hate it! Quan is a cold-blooded person by nature. If he hadn't met the Lord, how would he know that such precious things as brotherhood and friendship exist in the world?"

"Brother Qiao, Elder Jiumo, Young Master Duan... they all treated Quan with utmost sincerity. Even Brother Huang Shang was on guard against me. But when I went to the desert, I was hunted down by the Three Evils of Mobei.

For nine days, everyone thought I was dead, but he refused to give up and finally saved me from death!"

"But you are all gone, you are all leaving me. My brothers, my friends, the people I can trust without reservation, are all gone!"

"What can I do? I'm afraid that they will harm me. I can only seize power and profit. If someone else is slightly capable, I feel like they want to replace me. I'm too scared. I can't trust anyone except you.


"I've been fighting for several years, but I can't fight anymore. I'm getting old, and the longer I live, the less enjoyable I am."

"The world without you is so boring, I had no choice but to numb myself with wine and sex, but..."

This chapter has been completed!
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