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Chapter 1155: The End of Middle-earth {xml} the God of the Old Days


When He Xie came, Ilúvatar, the supreme god of this world, shivered in the Temple of Eternity.

All Maiya's hearts were filled with fear. They screamed and ran blindly at a loss, trying to escape from this doomsday ending.

The elves, angels and priests who served the gods went crazy almost the moment He Xie came, and their spirits and bodies underwent strange and different changes.

Some grew sharp horns, some sprouted wriggling tentacles, some turned into puddles of pus, leaving only a pair of white eyes, and some laughed ferociously and pulled out their own teeth and twisted themselves.

With his fingers, he finally pulled out his own intestines and uttered vicious curses and blasphemous words in the pool of blood.

And the reason why all this happened was because He Xie came with unabashed malice.

With He Xie's current state, destroying a world is just a matter of raising his hand for him.

When his hostility is not concealed, even if a mortal just thinks of this, he will immediately be destroyed physically and mentally.

Even gods will collapse in consciousness and body because they cannot bear He Xie's malice.

The sky is shattering, the earth is disintegrating, and the whole world is returning to chaos.

He Xie's power was released without any scruples, and the world simply couldn't bear it.

The entire world is very sparsely populated. This is because He Xie used nuclear bombs to destroy the entire continent when he left last time, turning countless legends into dust.

Elves, hobbits, orcs, dwarves, humans, dragons, ringwraiths...

Everything was lost forever in that shocking explosion.

He Xie was still very weak at that time. Under the indifferent gaze and malicious temptations of the gods, he tried his best, but still failed to protect his dragon, Smaug.

So he was angry.

He took advantage of the system, poured out his anger, and dropped a nuclear bomb with enough power to destroy the entire world.

That kind of destructive power, not even the gods have time to stop.

Even Ilúvatar, the God of Creation, only had time before the whole world collapsed completely.

But all living things will be destroyed.

Nowadays, the gods have just re-created various creatures and rebuilt their own temples.

But what they didn't expect was that the weak outsider from back then would come back.

He became extremely powerful and terrifying, indescribable, indescribable, impossible to look directly at, and impossible to think of.

"No...Father God! Save us!" In the collapsed temple, the gods were wailing.

Their bodies are constantly breaking down and reorganizing, which brings them unimaginable pain.

However, Ilúvatar has too much to take care of now.

Generally speaking, every time the world is born, the origin will appear, and the origin will evolve all things based on instinct.

In some worlds, a powerful individual life will be born, control the origin of the world, and thus become the world's heaven, or the master. For example, Hongjun.

There are also world origins where the individual is the first to give birth to self-awareness, and then he will consciously open up the world, create life, and become the true master of the world.

There is also a very rare situation, that is, a creature bred by the long river of time and space, which is the incarnation of the poison of time and space. Even the insect of cause and effect cannot do anything to it. It is born immortal and immortal. By extreme chance, its

The body extends out of an entire world, making this creature a creator god.

Ilúvatar belongs to the last category. The whole world is a part of his body.

All the heavy losses suffered by this world were directly affected by Him. The gods are nominally his descendants, but in fact they are all separated parts of Him, and they control everything in the world for Him.

When everything suffered unimaginable pain and blows under He Xie's power, one can imagine how much unimaginable damage he, the source of all things and the Lord of the world, suffered.

"No, outsider, get away! Leave my world! Leave my body!" Ilúvatar roared in pain, his voice full of pain and resentment.

He is the supreme Father God and the master of everything. He has never endured such humiliation and pain, which made him feel unprecedented anger and resentment.

He Xie walked up to Ilúvatar with a smile on his face.

It's hard to describe what kind of creature this is.

To put it in a very clumsy way - He is just as long as he wants.

His body has no rules at all. There are legs above his eyeballs, a mouth in his ears, his heart beats in his hair, and his body is divided into several parts irregularly, constantly converging and changing.

Moreover, the number and position of His facial features and internal organs are changing anytime and anywhere.

"Go away! Outsider!"

Ilúvatar sent out angry mental waves, and the whole world trembled violently when the Father God became angry.

However, this turbulent force like a stormy sea cannot harm He Xie at all. On the contrary, as soon as it gets close to He Xie, it will be destroyed and disappear immediately.

"It seems that you still remember me, that's easy to handle." He Xie said calmly, "If you don't want to die completely, hand over the origin of Smaug's soul."

The soul of every living creature has its origin. And this origin will generally return to the origin of the world after the creature dies and no longer reincarnates. It does not increase or decrease, and will never die.

With He Xie's cultivation, it is now very easy to resurrect a living being. But without the original resurrection, even if it has the same memory and the same appearance, it will only be a similar flower.

He owes Smaug a cause and effect, and naturally he has to resurrect the real Smaug to end it.

"Never!" Ilúvatar refused without thinking. His dignity prevented him from making any compromise.

"Smaug, that shameful lizard?" Ilúvatar sarcastically said maliciously, "You will never revive it! It will sleep in the endless darkness forever, and until the end of heaven and earth, it will never

Will wake up!"


He Xie's momentum suddenly exploded, and the temple collapsed completely. The bodies of the gods were shattered in an instant, and then the squirming flesh and blood reorganized with difficulty again.

Even Ilúvatar's body exploded, letting out a shrill scream.

"Perhaps I have to remind you of the current situation you are facing so that you can make a clear and rational choice." He Xie said lightly, "Ilúvatar, this is not a request, but an order! Either hand over what I want,

I will spare your life, or die!"

"Death, hahaha..." Ilúvatar laughed crazily, "Even if you destroy the world, I will not die! Because I am the origin! I am the product of the long river of time and space! As long as time and space are still there, I will forever


"You can't even kill my children, because they are part of my body! Even if you can seal them for endless years, one day they will wake up! And you, the outsider, you will bear the pain of an undead person.

Anger, facing never-ending hatred and curse, will not end until you die completely..."

"There's so much nonsense..." He Xie sighed.


He took action brazenly, directly blasting Ilúvatar's body into dregs.

Then the mental power turned into a black hole, suddenly sucking Ilúvatar's spirit body in, crushing it, and annihilating it!

However, a strange scene happened.

When He Xie completely destroyed Ilúvatar's body, its body and spirit body were soon reborn, as if they were created out of nothing.

It's as if there must be an Ilúvatar, and no matter how many times something destroys Ilúvatar, it will always reappear.

"I am immortal!" Ilúvatar roared crazily.

He Xie frowned slightly, turned around, and shot it with a palm in the air.


The whole world was destroyed and the gods disappeared into thin air!

Ilúvatar screamed again as if she had been severely wounded.

He Xie cast a series of mysterious spells, wiping out Ilúvatar's body inch by inch, and then even used the law of cause and effect to devour it.

But all this is still in vain.

Ilúvatar is reborn again.

This kind of creature seems really unkillable.

As long as the concepts of space and time exist, they will never die.

They are the poison of time and space!

Just like the insect of cause and effect, as long as things are still developing and life still exists, they will be born endlessly and devour everything.

"You can't kill me!" Ilúvatar roared crazily, his body squirmed and reorganized, and the world below began to rumble and reopen.

He Xie saw through the essence of this matter at a glance. He was reborn with the help of the power of time and space.

And He himself is also closely connected with the long river of time and space.

Even if He Xie destroys this tributary of the long river, He will be reborn elsewhere in the long river of time and space.

"Outlander, I will never die, and you will bear my wrath!" Ilúvatar shouted bitterly.

"Noisy!" He Xie said calmly, pointed out, and beat Iluvi again until the tower shape and spirit were destroyed.

But this time, before its reorganization, He Xie used the magic formula to directly strip it of its control over the entire world and seal it heavily.

"It's useless! Everything you do is in vain!" Ilúvatar yelled crazily.

He Xie frowned deeply.

This kind of creature does have its clamor. Even if he tried all kinds of methods, he couldn't even seal it completely.

Not only that, the gods who were previously killed by He Xie also began to reorganize and resurrect.

Is there really no other way?

He Xie was not worried about the revenge that Ilúvatar said. It was just that his reverse cause and effect was for the final enlightenment. If the cause and effect was lacking, it would definitely affect him in taking the most critical step.

Therefore, Ilúvatar must die! And Smaug must be resurrected!

"It seems that there is only one way left!" He Xie shook his head, feeling helpless.

He cast a series of mysterious spells in the void to seal Ilúvatar, who was threatened by the mad curse, and then used it as energy to create a world.

All the power for the birth and evolution of this world came from Ilúvatar, but He Xie cleverly isolated his consciousness and thoughts in a seal, only to continuously draw out his power.

"It's... useless!" Ilúvatar was still roaring crazily, but his voice was already hesitant and intermittent.

His body and the surrounding seals gradually evolved into a planet. He was buried at the bottom of the dark deep sea, in the center of the magma.

Then, His power began to give birth to all living things.

The consciousness that Ilúvatar was able to project became increasingly dull and blurred, and in the end, only some crazy and incomprehensible dreams were left.

After doing this, He Xie turned his attention to the gods under Iluvatar.

These are all derivatives of its body and consciousness, and they are also immortal. However, after destruction, their recovery and rebirth will be much slower, and their power is also completely different from Ilúvatar.

There are eight main gods, dozens of subordinate gods, and tens of thousands of remaining elves, angels and priests.

Except for the Lord God, He Xie could destroy the rest, but his doing so would only return the souls of these dead elves and angels to Ilúvatar, so He Xie did not kill them.

He first buried the eight main gods in these eight directions, either underground or deep in the starry sky. Then he divided these subordinate gods, angels, elves and priests into eight batches, and buried them underground in different depths according to their strength.


Manwë, the king of the gods, was buried in the sun by him.

The goddess Varda was dismembered by him and buried in every star.

Olmo, the god of the sea, was buried in the dark depths of the ocean.

The earth goddess Yavana was buried by him in the wild jungle.

Ole, the king of craftsmen, was buried in the heart of the mountain.

Mandos, the King of the Undead, was sealed in the dark valleys and basins by him.

Nina, the goddess of sorrow, was sealed deep in the consciousness of all living beings by He Xie.

Oromi, the god of hunting, was hidden in the wilderness by He Xie.

Then, He Xie wiped out the development and reproduction of other races in this world, leaving only humans, various animals and plants, and left behind the legends of the old myths and the ways to fight against the old gods.

The best way to deal with cause and effect is to use the power of humanity and the power of all living beings to resolve it.

Similarly, to deal with the poison of time and space, the only way to deal with it is to fight poison with poison, and to torture and enslave humans through cause and effect and time and space for a long time, so as to gradually wear away his consciousness, wipe out his power, and finally completely destroy his body, allowing him to become the nourishment of the world.

Eventually, when the origin of this new world is reborn, He Xie will become the cause of all the effects of the new world.

And Ilúvatar will completely disappear in the long river of time and space, never to be resurrected again.

Because, He has completely become the cause and effect of He Xie.

As time passed, the human beings in this world got rid of the history of eating hair and drinking blood, and gradually gave birth to civilization.

However, this is an extremely dangerous world. In the wilderness, in the jungle, in the ocean, and even above the starry sky, in addition to all kinds of fatal natural disasters and dangerous animals and plants, there are also all kinds of terrifying and strange existences, and indescribable ghosts and monsters.


Humanity has a difficult road and struggles to survive.

Finally, based on the oracle left by He Xie, they obtained the method to control and subdue these demons.

They offered some specific sacrifices according to the guidance of the oracle, and these sacrifices must be the chosen ones, entangled in karma.

Then, they offered sacrifices to these demons and evil gods. When the demons and evil gods devoured the sacrifices, they started specific rituals to make these demons and evil gods fall into a deep sleep.

Repeat this several times, and even the demons and evil gods can be completely destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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