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One hundred and fifty-six chapters of magic

As the saying goes, a wise man will make a mistake after thinking a lot.

When He Xie made the decision not to retrieve the eggs, he naturally had his own overall considerations.

He felt that, after all, he was not going to be a eunuch in the palace, so there was no need to cut him off so cleanly.

And cutting off the roots of worries is enough to cut off desires. After all, even if you think about it again, there is nothing to make you hard, and it is of no use.

This fully meets the needs of practicing internal strength.

Furthermore, he knows that the most important thing for a man is not the chicken, but the egg. If the chicken is gone, peeing and other things will be affected at most, but the beard will still grow, and it will not affect any development.

But if there is no egg, it will become like Dongfang Bubai and Yue Buqun, and start to slide into the abyss of human beings.

It was not easy for him to make the decision to kill the chicken.

Keeping it light is his last stubbornness.

But now, he knows that he was wrong.

Chickens and eggs cannot be kept.

Do I need to cut it again?

He Xie shuddered. When he thought of what he would look like after becoming a woman, he wished he could stab himself to death with a sword right now.

So, no more cutting!

Now I can only think of a way to keep the egg!

This is his only solution, don't do what he wants!

He Xie's mind started to work rapidly. First of all, it was impossible to change the method. He didn't have the ability, so he could only think of a way within the framework of this internal method.

The problem now is that as soon as he exercises his kung fu, he has wild thoughts, his mind is not calm, his energy is unstable, and he is unable to practice internal kung fu at all.

The culprit is faintness!

In terms of modern medicine, testosterone secretes an androgen called "testosterone". It is this androgen that causes He Xie to have desire. At the same time, this thing is also the main contributor to promoting male development and has the ability to maintain muscle strength.

, maintain bone density, refresh and improve physical fitness, etc.

The internal energy is running in the Ren channel, and coupled with the effect of dry medicine, it greatly stimulates the secretion of the androgen "testosterone", so He Xie is unable to operate the internal energy at all.

So the root of the problem lies in how to reduce or curb testosterone secretion.

This can still be accomplished with He Xie's level 3 Chinese medicine skills.

But what He Xie had to consider was that while he was taking drying and tonic medicines, he was also taking heat-clearing and appetite-clearing medicines, and how to solve the problem of the conflicting properties of the medicines, or the problem of the properties of the medicines canceling each other out.

He Xie soaked in the water for nearly two hours before the effects of the medicine wore off and his body temperature gradually began to subside.

After getting out of the water, he did not go back to the wooden house, but went straight out of the mountain.

It wasn't until dawn that He Xie came back. This time, the backpack he was carrying contained a lot of medicinal materials, which he had forcefully bought from major medicinal materials shops in Fuzhou Prefecture.

In the next two days, He Xie did not practice any martial arts, but tried to prepare medicine by himself.

He wanted to prepare a medicine that could suppress the secretion of testosterone without affecting the efficacy of the dry medicine.

This is not an easy task. He Xie is now extremely lucky that he has upgraded his medical skills to level 3. If not, he would have been able to swing his sword again.

On the evening of the third day, He Xie finally prepared a good medicine. He tried to take some, but within half an hour his body began to feel unbearably hot. He tried to exercise, and something that pleased him happened!

Although it was still difficult to completely stop his own whims, he managed to use his inner energy for two weeks.


However, this is just a trial drug. If the dosage is increased, it is difficult to say what the results will be.

He Xie thought for a while and made a plan in his mind. He prepared some more medicine, then went out with his sword and dry food on his back, searching all the way in the mountains. Finally, when the sun passed noon, he found a dark valley.

The water flows in the valley.

This is a dead valley, with a pool at the end. The place is dark and dark, so the water in the pool is bone-chillingly cold.

Good place!

He Xie was so satisfied that he couldn't be more satisfied. He cut down trees nearby to build a house, then went down to the pond and took a look around, but found nothing unusual.

It wasn't until the sun set that He Xie solemnly took the ointment he had prepared by mouth, then took off his clothes, walked naked into the pool, sat cross-legged, and began to practice Qigong.

As time passed, white steam began to emit from the pool water around He Xie, but he remained motionless. After one night, the water next to him even bubbled, as if it had been boiled!

At the moment when the sun was rising outside, He Xie in the pool suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that the water around him was extremely hot and he couldn't help but jump up!

This leap actually jumped two feet high!

He Xie was shocked. He didn't expect that he could jump so high. However, he quickly calmed down. When he saw that he had reached the highest point and was about to fall, He Xie reached out and grabbed the hand that was poked out of the ancient tree next to Tan.

Using the force of the tree branch, he jumped again, and the next moment, he landed firmly on the edge of the pool!

He Xie looked at his hands in surprise, feeling that a warm gas in his Dantian was nourishing his body all the time, and as long as he thought, he could immediately mobilize this energy!

He turned to look at the ancient tree beside the pool, took a step forward, and the next moment he was at the tree where the two of them were hugging each other. He used all his internal strength and punched out!


His fist was deeply embedded in the tree trunk, and branches and leaves fell all over the sky, covering the ground in the blink of an eye.

He Xie withdrew his fist and saw the mark of his fist that was more than an inch deep on the tree trunk, and his heart was filled with excitement!

This is inner strength!

After many hardships, he finally cultivated the internal power of the evil-repelling sword manual. Although it is still very superficial, it is a successful beginning. He has broken through the most difficult level. Even if the road ahead is not smooth, it will never be like that.

These past few days have put him under great pressure.

Thinking back on everything that has happened since time travel, He Xie felt inexplicable.

It seemed extremely easy for him to take away the evil-dispelling sword manual under the noses of the two sects in Qingcheng and Huashan, but in reality? If he had been a little careless, he might be on the run at this moment.

And the fact that he successfully cultivated the internal power to ward off evil spirits without cutting it off was the result of his racking his brains and careful planning.

Cutting position, cold pool, specially prepared medicine, plus the fact that he only starts practicing after dark when the yin energy is at its strongest. If any one of these prerequisites is not met, he will never be able to practice his internal skills so smoothly!

His internal strength was much "stronger", and the biggest feeling was that he was full of energy and his body was much lighter. He Xie was not tired at the moment, so he simply took out the evil-fighting sword manual and started practicing sword skills.

The reason why Lin Pingzhi's evil-fighting swordsmanship is not popular is because it lacks the connection of the mental method. Now He Xie has practiced the mental method and combined it with Lin Pingzhi's memory. Soon, he can perform it well.


So, in the following days, He Xie practiced martial arts at night and sword practice during the day, day and night, rain or shine. Even he himself could feel the gratifying changes in his martial arts every day.

He Xie immersed himself in cultivation and abandoned all selfish thoughts. Just like that, after the sun set and the moon rose twenty times, all the medicine he prepared was used up.

As for He Xie's martial arts, his progress has become slower and slower in the last few days.

He is ready to go out.

This chapter has been completed!
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