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Chapter 175: Guessing the origin of evil spirits and the goal of the plane (seeking a monthly ticket

Five days later, He Xie arrived at Kaifeng Mansion.

Along the way, He Xie was not idle. He simplified the evil-repelling sword manual into a complex one and began to practice the sword moves of the complete version of the 72-way evil-repelling sword, which benefited a lot.

In addition, his internal strength not only recovered as before, but also increased again.

The growth of martial arts is a mysterious and mysterious thing, just like the growth of knowledge, little by little accumulation and mastery, before you know it, you have reached another level.

On the surface, it seems that it is an increase in strength, but in fact it is a broader perspective on problems.

The more he understood about the evil-repelling sword manual, the more He Xie felt that the meaning of this martial art was still unfinished, and the more doubts he had in his heart.

He always felt that the road to warding off evil swords was on the wrong track from the beginning.

In fact, he had this feeling from the beginning of his sword training, but at that time he knew nothing about martial arts, and he just felt that his experience was vaguely and inexplicably familiar.

Practice in the middle of the night, naked, need a cold place, need to be quiet and have few desires...

There are also swordsmanship, acupuncture...

But now, the more he ponders over this sword technique, the more he feels that besides its speed, the strangest thing about this sword technique is its weirdness.

Seventy-two sword techniques, the sword power is unpredictable, and the body is flying and moving, but every move and style gives people an extremely incomplete feeling, as if the sword technique is born with half of it missing.

The sword technique to ward off evil originates from the "Sunflower Book". It is said that this book was passed down from an eunuch of the former dynasty, so he wanted to practice magical skills and wield a sword from the palace.

But there is actually another theory about the origin of the "Sunflower Collection", which is that this collection was actually co-authored by a man and a woman, so it is divided into two halves, one for cadres and the other for Kun. Some people in the world also call it

"Books from Heaven, Books from Earth", "Yin Lu, Yang Lu".

Later, the "Sunflower Book" was obtained by a eunuch from the previous dynasty. This eunuch was extremely talented and actually improved it by integrating his own knowledge and improved some of the martial arts into martial arts suitable for eunuchs to practice.

Because the eunuch only changed part of it, the whole Sunflower Book is inconsistent with the preface and the follower.

Seventy years ago, Huashan Yue Su and Cai Zifeng sneaked into Southern Shaolin to peek at half of the movie, and when they came back to confirm each other, they couldn't get along at all. Both of them suspected that the other was lying, and as a result, the brothers turned against each other. This is how Huashan's

The battle between Air Sect and Sword Sect.

As for the anti-evil sword manual, Zen Master Duyuan from Southern Shaolin came to ask for the fragments of the book. However, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng each took out their secretly learned parts and asked Zen Master Duyuan for advice. It turned out that this Zen master was very talented.

Extraordinary people, relying on the recitations of the two people and his own understanding, created the sword manual to ward off evil spirits. Later, he returned to secular life and became Lin Yuantu.

The more He Xie savors this allusion to the world, the more profound it becomes. Let’s not talk about the strangeness in it. Just talking about this book, if we look at it according to the latter legend, then Yue Su and Cai Zifeng each memorized half of it.

If you read this book, it will make sense for you to come back and be wrong.

Because this part is the original Sunflower Book, but part of it was changed beyond recognition by the eunuchs of the previous dynasty. How can it be consistent?

There is also a saying in the Huashan inheritance: "The Zixia Secret Book is the first step to get started. The Sunflower Book is the ultimate guide."

From this point of view, the Zixia Secret Book is also part of the Sunflower Book.

However, the Zixia Secret Book is a very orthodox Taoist internal skill and contains many Taoist principles.

Moreover, the internal skills in the Zixia secret book, the "Sunflower Collection", are surprisingly consistent with the inheritance of the Huashan sect. Using the Zixia magic power to stimulate the Huashan martial arts is completely seamless and there is no awkwardness at all.

He Xie then recalled that the founder of the Huashan Sect was Hao Datong of the original Quanzhen Sect, and that the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect also needed to be practiced in a cold and cold environment, and required meditation and abstinence, as well as the Jade Girl Sword Technique, the Jade Bee Needle, and the ability to ward off evil spirits.

The sword manual is also about swordsmanship and acupuncture...

Then there is the rumor that the Sunflower Book was created by a man and a woman...

The combination of so many coincidences made He Xie wonder if the "Sunflower Collection" was left behind by Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu?

Is it just because of that damn eunuch from the previous dynasty that this book became a cult book that must be practiced in the palace?

If this is the case, it can also explain why He Xie feels that this evil-repelling sword manual always feels like half of each move is missing.

Because this sword manual is supposed to be a sword technique combining two swords!

And if He Xie's guess is true, it means that this sword technique originally did not require self-improvement. The reason why it is like this now is because the eunuch of the previous dynasty tampered with the first part of the book.

This is like Ren Wo Xing's Star-Absorbing Technique, which originally originated from Beiming Magic.

However, the Beiming Divine Skill is said to be open to all rivers. In the world of Tianlong and Babu, Xu Zhu absorbed the skills of Wu Yazi, Tianshan Tonglao, and Li Qiushui for at least more than two hundred years, and these skills are all stored in the Dantian.

Zhu didn't do anything until the end.

However, Ren Woxing's Star-Absorbing Technique could only disperse the power throughout the body's meridians, and it could not solve the problem of the incompatibility of the different types of true qi at all. In the end, it was burst.

Compared to the Beiming Divine Art, the Star Absorbing Technique has also been tampered with in a way that does not look like it. The most critical part of the Dantian Technique has obviously been lost.

The more He Xie thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that if he could find the tampered part of the "Sunflower Book", then he could completely solve the problem of his own palace. As soon as he found a way, he could immediately extract his brother again!

He really wanted to end the days without his brother as soon as possible.

He soon had a plan.

He decided to take two steps, both at the same time.

The first step was to resolve the matter of Lin Zhennan and his wife. He went to the original Quanzhen Sect site in Zhongnan Mountain as soon as possible to search for clues about the ancient tombs and see if he could unearth other inheritances of the Ancient Tomb Sect and restore the original version of the "Sunflower Collection".


The second step is more difficult. This is assuming that the first step fails, then He Xie needs to solve this problem by himself.

It is not easy to change one's internal strength. It requires a high level of mental ability, a broad understanding of the past and present, and an understanding of the universe.

He Xie had to study a lot of martial arts, and also find the original version of the "Sunflower Book" and all the martial arts secrets related to it, comprehensively compile them, and understand them all. Only then would this be possible.

In this way, He Xie has more to do.

He wants to search for the martial arts of various sects and go to Dongfang Bubai to retrieve the "Sunflower Book". This means that he wants to fight each sect one by one and clear this proud world!

There’s a long way to go!

He Xie set a goal and became more motivated and determined!

Ping Yizhi lived in the southeast outside Kaifeng Prefecture. When He Xie arrived, he happened to see Ping Yizhi carrying a medicine box and about to go out. The two looked at each other and were stunned.

He Xie stood up and dismounted, and before Ping Yizhi spoke, he took out the letter from Qu Yang and said, "But Doctor Ping in person? I am recommended by an old friend of Doctor Ping, so I came here to seek medical treatment."

"Old friend?" Ping Yi pointed his finger at He Xie suspiciously, stretched out his hand and said, "Bring the letter!"

This chapter has been completed!
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