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Chapter 217 Fighting Monsters


Meng Yi hugged the princess and walked out of the pool step by step.

The weather was very cold, and the cold armor on his body was like ice pimples, and the chill was overwhelming.

Fortunately, some hot energy was circulating in his body, allowing him to resist the cold.

But the princess in my arms couldn't do it.

At this moment, the princess's eyes were closed tightly, her face was pale and bloodless, and her whole body was trembling.

Meng Yi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly and carefully placed the princess on the edge of the pool, took off her cloak, wrung out the water, and hung it up to dry. Then he quickly went to collect firewood nearby, cut the wood to make fire, and soon gave birth to a fire.

A fire comes.

He spread the half-dried cloak on the open space next to the fire, then picked up the princess, who was already unconscious from the cold, and let her lie on it. After thinking about it, he made a simple stand, and then took off his own cloak.

Using the helmet as a container, he went to the pond to scoop out water, then came back and put it on the fire to boil the water.

He took off the helmet and let it dry. After waiting for the water temperature to be right, he cut off a log and immediately used a knife to cut out a water trough, and then used it to carefully feed the princess water.

After helping the princess to sleep again, Meng Yi added a handful of firewood to the fire, then came to the edge of the pool and sat blankly on the stone, thinking about his thoughts.

He feels very confused and conflicted now.

His memory was blurry. He only knew now that his name was Meng Yi, and he was a general of the Qin State. He had fought in the world with the First Emperor for many years and had made great military exploits.

The mission of his trip was to welcome the princess of Tu'an back to Xianyang. The First Emperor had already consecrated this princess as Concubine Li of Great Qin.

He has an ability that even he can't figure out where it comes from. There is a kind of energy that is rushing around in his body, but he doesn't remember how to use it at all.

His messy memory told him to be loyal to the emperor and to Da Qin.

But there is a consciousness in my heart that says: "Just stay true to yourself."

He was terrified that he had touched the emperor's woman's body with his "lowly body". Even if he had no choice but to save others, he felt guilty.

But there was another voice in his subconscious telling him that this was bullshit!

Sometimes he felt that he was being rebellious, and sometimes he felt that his rebelliousness was natural.

He was extremely conflicted.

He didn't know what happened to him.

So when the princess woke up, logically speaking, he should come forward and kneel down to apologize immediately, but he still sat there, looking at the princess with disheveled temples and natural beauty with a complicated look.

Don't know what to do.

The princess was still a little weak, but she still sat up dignifiedly, nodded slightly to Meng Yi, and said softly like jade beads falling on a plate, "Thank you so much, Yu Shu, General for sacrificing your life to save me."

The princess's accent is a little weird, with an unspeakable charm.

"Yu Shu..." Meng Yi subconsciously felt that the name was familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

He was slightly silent and said, "Do you recognize me?"

Princess Yushu was slightly startled and said: "My country, Tu'an, is located in a remote place, and Yushu has lived in the palace for a long time and is ignorant, so Yushu has heard of the general's name before."

Meng Yi was silent again.

He just wants to know more about his past self.

At this moment, Meng Yi's expression suddenly changed and he suddenly frowned.

He stood up slowly, picked up the knife beside him, and said slowly: "Princess, please retreat behind the stone beside the pond for now. An enemy is coming."

Yu Shu was startled and looked around subconsciously, but found nothing.

However, she had a weak personality and didn't like to argue. She just kept silent for a while, then stood up and walked to the edge of the pool.

After about a third of the time it took to burn the incense, dozens of soldiers were seen, slowly surrounding them from all directions.


Robert Fisher felt relieved when he saw the rows of simple houses with wooden structures in the mountain col ahead.

He walked on the mountain road for at least more than an hour, which was an impossible amount of exercise for him before.

But perhaps because of the dream, he didn't feel tired, nor hungry or thirsty.

Just walking alone in the wild mountains, this kind of loneliness is really unbearable.

He decided to go to the village to find out where he was and the whereabouts of Meng Yi.

He walked down the narrow winding mountain road and soon entered the village.

Perhaps it was because it was almost noon, and smoke was rising from every household in the village, and there were few pedestrians on the dirt roads in the village.

Robert Fisher randomly picked a restaurant, tidied up his appearance, and then went through the Chinese greetings from memory in his mind, took a deep breath, and knocked on the wooden door.

Soon, he heard footsteps and an old voice uttering two strange syllables. He quickly realized that this was asking "Who is at the door" in Chinese.

He cleared his throat and was about to speak when the wooden door opened with a creak.

An old man with white hair and coarse clothes stood behind the door and looked up at him.

Robert Fisher tried his best to make his smile look graceful, and then bowed slightly like a gentleman: "Mud Monkey..."

"Ghost!" The old man screamed miserably, rolled his eyes, raised his head and fell down.


Robert Fisher's eyes widened as he looked at a strong man with bare upper body running out of the house, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Among the lofty mountains, the Dream Stealing team finally found a row of footprints and followed the winding path away.

"It's most likely Little Fisher!" Arthur said excitedly while measuring the length of the footprints with his palms. "The size and the depth of the footprints all match his body type."

"Look over there!" Andre suddenly pointed to the other side of the mountain and shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed and saw smoke rising from behind the mountains not far away.

"Let's go quietly, everyone, be careful!" When everyone became excited, Cobb stood up and said with a solemn expression, "I have a hunch that the subconscious reflection of the dream master will be very unfriendly to us."

By the pool.

Dozens of corpses of soldiers were lying on the ground. Meng Yi subconsciously flicked his sword, causing drops of blood to fly.

After killing these people, some more specious memories appeared in his mind.

Such as internal strength, such as evil-proof swordsmanship.

He also thought of some of his past experiences in conquering the world. He thought of Prime Minister Li Si, Chamberlain Zhao Gao, and his loyal and heroic subordinates.

He was a little unsure. He remembered his name before because he killed two people. But just now, every time he killed a few people, there would be more memories in his mind.

Could it be that if you want to remember everything, you have to keep killing people?

What's the point?

Shaking his head, Meng Yi stopped thinking about it.

Looking at Princess Yushu who was shivering but still barely calm as she stood by the pool, he slowly said: "It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. Let's leave here first."

This chapter has been completed!
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