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Chapter 221 Princess Yu Shu

The conversation between Cobb and Fisher lasted only ten minutes before they were interrupted by the hurriedly arriving director of the pavilion.

The chief of the pavilion also brought fifty soldiers to surround the courtyard where Cobu and others were.

The Dream Stealing team and Fisher were quickly gathered together. Saito, as the "Japanese Ambassador", communicated and negotiated with the pavilion chief on behalf of Prince Fisher.

Saito made up a tragic story about a Japanese envoy making a pilgrimage to His Majesty the Qin Emperor. They were met by robbers on the way, resulting in heavy casualties and the loss of credentials and belongings.

In the story, Fisher is their prince, he is the foreign minister of Japan, Cobb is the captain of the guard, Yusef, Ames and Arthur are all guards, and Andre is the prince's maid.

Fisher knew very well that this was a situation where both sides would benefit from cooperation, so he cooperated and echoed what Saito said in half-baked Chinese.

The chief of the pavilion would not believe their words, but when it came to the pilgrimage to Fan Bang, he did not dare to neglect, so he left fifty county soldiers in the small courtyard as guards, but in reality they were under house arrest, while he hurried to report to the county guard


Fisher was considered the most important figure among them and was kept separate from the others.

After the Dream Stealing team reunited in the house, the villagers sent some food.

They are all made of pottery paper soup pots and thick bowls, containing rice and vegetable soup made by the villagers themselves.

Ames leaned over and took a sniff, but couldn't tell what it smelled like. He frowned and said, "This thing doesn't look like it's for human consumption."

Cobb waved to everyone to come over, and in a serious tone he recounted the previous conversation between Fisher and himself, and finally said: "He said that there was a Chinese named Meng Yi who plotted all this behind the scenes, and he

He is a victim like us. He doesn't know what this man named Meng Yi is going to do and what his purpose is. Mr. Fisher gave his suggestion and asked us to cooperate with him to find Meng Yi in the dream and find out.

The truth of the matter."

"Cooperation?" Ames sneered, "How can we be sure if he is lying? Maybe he has seen through us long ago, and now he is just playing tricks on us."

"Our little Mr. Fisher is indeed very special." Arthur said thoughtfully, "I wonder if you have noticed that when he had a conflict with the villagers before, he was besieged by dozens of people for at least five minutes! And he

He can actually speak Chinese, which is something I have never learned before."

"This matter is indeed very strange," Saito frowned and continued, "I have entrusted professionals to conduct an in-depth investigation of Little Fisher. All the evidence shows that he is a weak and cowardly guy, but this is different from what we have seen with our own eyes.

The Fisher I met was the complete opposite."

"Maybe he's not Fisher at all!" Andre suddenly raised her hand, "Since Ames can pretend to be anyone in his dreams, is it possible that the Fisher we saw is someone else disguised?


As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Andre just had a sudden thought, but the more experienced dream stealers like Cobb thought about it, the more they felt that this was probably a fact.

If this Fisher is fake, it can explain a lot of things.

"If this is indeed the case, then where is the real Fisher?" Saito said slowly, "And why does this fake Fisher want us to help him find the man named Meng Yi?"

Everyone frowned. There were too many mysteries, as if they were blocked by layers of fog, making it difficult for them to understand and see clearly.

"Fine!" Yusef suddenly raised his hand: "I changed my mind, sorry Cobb, I don't want your share, I quit!"

Ames said: "Very good, now it's four to two."

The previous vote on whether to withdraw from this mission was once again before everyone.

Cobb frowned, as if thinking hard about something.

Saito suddenly let out a long breath and said: "There is a Chinese proverb that says a gentleman does not build dangerous walls. I agree to cancel this mission."

After a pause, Saito looked around: "Although the mission failed, I appreciate your professionalism. I will pay half of the reward for this mission to show my respect."

Ames whistled and said happily: "Your generosity has earned my respect."

Bang bang bang!

Cobb knocked on the table, attracting everyone's attention. He looked around and said solemnly: "I think you all made a mistake. Now, it is no longer a question of whether we should cancel the mission."

"What's the problem?" Arthur asked.

"It's the conspirators who are hiding behind it. It's a question of whether they will let us leave or not!" Cobb said seriously. "One thing we are absolutely sure of now is that we have indeed been plotted against! We have fallen into a trap!"

"Everyone!" Cobb suddenly raised his voice, "This guy hiding behind has worked so hard to trap us in a dream. Why do you think we can leave just as we say?"

Ames couldn't help but said: "No matter what he wants, we just need to find a way to escape from here and find a place where no one is around to hide for a week. As soon as the effect of the medicine wears off, we will wake up immediately."

"That's right!" Yousef said, "I don't think the guy behind this can do anything to us! Cobb, we are not vegetarians! If we are not the best in the world, why did you gather us?


As soon as he said these words, everyone's face showed a look of pride.

Everyone here is extremely confident in their profession.

Cobb slowly raised a possibility: "If this conspirator doesn't get what he wants from us, he will probably make us never wake up! Even if we can escape in a dream, he can completely escape in reality.

Keep sedating us!"

Everyone's expressions changed again.

Cobb continued: "This is by no means a threat, everyone! This conspirator can pull us into his dream, and we didn't see any signs in advance. I believe he must be capable of doing this!"

"Hell!" Ames sneered and waved his hand, "We can't die. When we die, we will fall into the border of dreams and become stupid people with a muddy brain. Now we can't even wake up ourselves. Now I really want to

Do you know who is playing us like fools?"

Arthur sighed worriedly: "It seems that the only way to go is to fight to the end."

"We must have a complete plan." Arthur reluctantly accepted this fact and said, "First, we must find out everything Fisher knows."

The members of the Dream Stealing team once again reached a consensus, but they were no longer as high-spirited as when they first fell into the dream.

Things were completely out of their control, making each of them feel very heavy.

One day later, the county guard came with a thousand troops to escort the "Japanese envoy" along the way into Xianyang to meet with the First Emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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