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Chapter 227 Blood Curtain Prologue


Everyone in the Dream Stealing team no longer knows what to say. If the conspirator behind it is the man riding a tiger in front of them, then they have no fun at all.

"It's not that bad," Cobb stared at Meng Yi at the city gate, "Anyway, we are one step closer to the answer."

Just as the Dream Stealing team was racing in their minds, the city gate not far away suddenly opened, only opened halfway, and then stopped.

A general in armor rode out of the city alone to meet Shen Xingzhi.

When Shen Xingzhi saw the person coming, he quickly got off his horse and knelt down on one knee: "General Shen Xingzhi, please see General Zhao!"

The person coming was none other than Zhao Kuang, who came in a hurry.

With a gentle smile on his face, he held his hands up in a soft gesture and said in a very easy-going manner: "General Shen, there is no need to be polite. Please take me to see General Meng."


In terms of title, Meng Yi is naturally much higher than Zhao Kuang, but in terms of his position in the military, he is at the same level as Zhao Kuang.

Shen Xingzhi knew that he was not qualified to talk to Zhao Kuang on an equal footing, so he didn't waste any time and brought Zhao Kuang directly to Meng Yi.

Looking at the majestic tiger under Meng Yi's crotch, Zhao Kuang was shocked and jealous. He still had a smile on his face, but the murderous intent in his heart was even more boiling.

Three feet away from Meng Yi, the horse did not dare to move forward any further.

Zhao Kuang was also a little afraid, so he simply stopped where he was, clasped his fists, and laughed loudly: "General Meng, we meet again! The general has the ability to subdue a tiger. He is worthy of being the best warrior in the Qin Dynasty. He is really beyond the reach of the last general.


Zhao Kuang...

Meng Yi didn't find the memory of this person in his mind, he cupped his fists and said, "General Zhao has given you the award.

Zhao Kuang laughed and suddenly changed the topic: "It's just that the beasts are ferocious and the people are deeply afraid of them. If the general rides a tiger into the city, it will probably cause panic."

Meng Yi had thought about this problem for a long time. It was not easy for him to conquer this tiger, and he was unwilling to give up easily.

He touched the fur on the back of the tiger's neck and said, "Can you please General Zhao to find an iron rope? I will lead it into the city with my own hands. The people will feel more at ease. After entering the city, I will immediately lock up this big beast in the house and won't let it go."

It comes out to do harm."

Zhao Kuang's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "General Meng has thought carefully, so that's what he did! Iron rope..."

He pretended to think for a while and said: "I happen to have dozens of thick and thin iron ropes in my camp, just east of the Wengcheng. General Meng might as well follow me into the Wengcheng first, pick up the chains, lock up the tiger, and then enter the city."


Meng Yi nodded: "Well, General Zhao is here to help."

"Haha, the one I, Zhao Kuang, admire the most is General Meng. For such a simple effort, General Meng's thank you would be too disrespectful!"

Zhao Kuang waved his hand and was about to make a gesture of invitation when he suddenly said to one side as if he had just remembered: "I received a report earlier that there are remnants of the Six Kingdoms who intend to sneak into Xianyang and plot evil things. The Prime Minister has already

Order to strictly check everyone who enters the city to prevent thieves from getting in."

Zhao Kuang smiled at Meng Yi: "Of course General Meng's men don't need to be investigated, let alone escorting the noble. However, I'd better make a show of it, so as not to make it difficult for me to explain to the Prime Minister."

Without waiting for Meng Yi to answer, Zhao Kuang turned around and said to the two men behind him: "Huan, Li Ce, you two go with General Shen. Remember, you are not allowed to get close to the nobleman's car. If you disturb the nobleman, I will

I’m going to take your heads!”

The two people behind him said "Hey."

After turning around, Zhao Kuang continued to make a gesture of invitation to Meng Yi, and said with a smile: "Leave some small things to my subordinates. When the general locks the tiger, they should finish the formality. The general is in Wengcheng.

Just wait until they enter the city. General Meng, please!"

Zhao Kuang arranged everything very well, and it sounded like there was nothing wrong with it. Meng Yi was not aware of the evil intentions this person had at all.

However, out of caution, he still told Shen Xingzhi: "Protect the princess carefully."

"Here!" Shen Xingzhi solemnly clasped his fists.

This is the gate of Xianyang City. In addition to the 500 cavalry led by Meng Yi, there are a thousand county soldiers on the other side, plus the city gate guards. With such a force, Meng Yi said this just out of caution. He didn't want to

Do you think something could go wrong?

What's more, he just entered the city gate once and wouldn't go too far.

Zhao Kuang was chatting and laughing and led Meng Yi into the Wengcheng and headed straight to the northeast corner. Just as he turned around the door, he suddenly heard the sound of the soldiers closing the door behind him. Meng Yi was immediately alert and stopped.

Zhao Kuang had been paying attention to Meng Yi's expression. When he saw this, his heart suddenly jumped, but he still smiled and said: "General Meng, you are right in front. Please follow me."

Meng Yi glanced at him, turned around and left.

Zhao Kuang's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly drove his horse to catch up, but he forgot that the horse did not dare to approach Meng Yi. In anxiety, he simply got off the horse and ran towards Meng Yi, shouting: "General Meng! General Meng, you

This is……"

However, Meng Yi didn't stop at all, and his figure turned into the doorway.

Zhao Kuang's expression changed drastically, his eyes showed a cruel look, and he shouted: "Close the door! Close the door quickly!"

At the same time, outside the city gate, Shen Xingzhi looked at the motionless two people strangely and asked, "Don't you two generals want to check the photo IDs?"

The person on the left smiled and said: "General Shen, General Zhao is just talking. How can you really check General Meng's men? Wait a moment, the general will go directly to the city."

Shen Xingzhi cupped his fists and said, "Thank you two generals very much. I am in charge of the military. If I don't check, I will go back to the military formation."

The man on the right said: "General Shen, why are you anxious? We are just curious about how General Meng subdued the tiger and want to hear what General Shen tells us. Could it be that General Shen looks down on us and doesn't want to be with us?"

Shen Xingzhi hurriedly bowed: "General, I have no such intention! It's just..."

While he was speaking, a group of black-clad and masked dead soldiers, each carrying a sword on their back and holding a copper crossbow, quickly approached the cavalry phalanx from the dense forest on both sides of the road. When they arrived six feet away from the cavalry phalanx, the leader suddenly

With a wave of their hands, these dozens of people all aimed their crossbows at the cavalry. Their movements were consistent and their steps did not stop. They were obviously well-trained.

Closer, closer!

Just when this group of dead soldiers was less than four feet away from Chidao, the vigilant cavalry finally noticed their traces.

"Enemy attack!" the cavalryman who first noticed them changed his face drastically and shouted miserably.


At the same time, the leading dead soldier suddenly waved his arm and shouted!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Arrows rained like rain, and blood sprayed everywhere in an instant. With just one salvo, dozens of cavalrymen screamed and fell off their horses!


The leading dead soldier shouted loudly again.

Another round of arrow rain!

The cavalrymen never expected that they would encounter such a blatant attack at the gate of Xianyang City. They were in chaos for a while and suffered heavy losses!

The moment the cavalry were attacked, Shen Xingzhi immediately noticed it. His complexion changed drastically, and he turned his horse and walked back. The two generals behind him rushed out one step ahead of him. The two horses were crossing the road, one of them

One person pretended to be angry and said: "General Shen doesn't take us seriously..."


Shen Xingzhi drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Get away!"

Inside the city gate.

Meng Yi hurriedly walked towards the city gate, and dozens of soldiers were quickly closing the heavy city gate.

At this moment, screams and shouts of killing were heard from outside, and Meng Yi's eyes suddenly burst with astonishing murderous intent, filled with rage!

Until now, how could he still not realize that he was careless?

But how could he have imagined that the dignified Xianyang City guards would actually collude with bandits to carry out assassinations?

It's so crazy and so audacious!

"Go away!"

Meng Yi slapped the tiger's buttocks, and the tiger immediately roared and ran towards the city gate faster.

This chapter has been completed!
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