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Chapter 255 This is not a dream!

The water in the bathroom is cold, freezing to the bone.

But this temperature was nothing to worry about for He Xie. He stood under the shower head and let the cold water wash over his body, while he touched the familiar face in the mirror with his hand and was filled with emotions for a while.


This face is not Meng Yi's, nor Fisher's. It is his own face, and it belongs to He Xie!

After so many years, when he saw his face again, he felt a vague sense of strangeness.

He has wandered through so many planes and lived in so many ways that he can hardly remember his true self...

I'm afraid it's only in the dream world that he is himself.

After sighing slightly, He Xie shook his head, abandoned all the chaotic thoughts, and turned his gaze to the shelf on the side.

There was a shining golden bead and a crystal clear jade bottle placed on it.

The star meteorite, and the three elixirs of life.

If his own resurrection had not been so difficult, He Xie would have really believed that this medicine could lead to immortality. After all, in the original plot, Yu Shu and Nangong Yan did live for two thousand years, although it is not known whether they lived in a closed underground palace or not.

Can't go to the toilet...

There is also this meteorite. He always feels that this thing has come into his hands out of nowhere. It is very strange. He Xie is very wary of this.

While He Xie was rubbing the mud on his body, he was thinking about how to deal with these two things. He thought for a long time and gradually made a decision.

After taking a shower, Wang Kaixuan hadn't come back yet. Hu Bayi found a set of his own clothes and asked He Xie to wear them first.

"Food will have to wait for a while. Boss He, you can do whatever you want for now." Hu Ba moved the recliners one by one to the door of the kitchen and lay down lazily on them.

He Xie sniffed it, and the fragrance hit his nostrils.

"The craftsmanship is good," he smiled at Hu Bayi, "I'll go out for a walk."

Hu Bayi sat up immediately, but He Xie waved to him: "You don't have to follow me, I'm nearby."

Hu Bayi lay back lazily without saying a word.

As soon as He Xie went out, Hu Bayi's eyes immediately opened!

He listened carefully at first, then jumped up, ran to the window like a civet cat, and looked downstairs.

After a while, he saw He Xie coming out of the building and walking leisurely eastward. After watching He Xie go away, Hu Bayi turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom had been cleaned, the floor was dry, and there was no water stain at all. He Xie's dirty clothes had also been put into a black bag and placed next to the trash can.

Hu Bayi nodded secretly in his heart. From this detail alone, he could tell that He Xie had good character.

He took out an old compass and walked around in the bathroom, taking a closer look at the pointer on the compass while frowning.

Finally, he stood where He Xie stood while taking a bath. He watched in horror as the pointer in the compass in his hand spun crazily. He couldn't help but take a breath: "There's something really wrong... This He Xie can't be a human being."


If He Xie were present, he would be surprised to find that the position where Hu Bayi was standing at this time completely coincided with the position where he was standing before, not even a millimeter different!

At this time, He Xie was squatting next to a homeless old man lying on the street, taking his pulse.

The old man had a big tumor on his neck, and the surrounding area was rotten. Although he was alive, he was not far from death.

There was no sparkle in the old man's cloudy eyes, and no matter what evil he did, he would not even move.

He Xie let go of his hand, took out the jade bottle from his arms, poured out an elixir of life, and then put the bottle back.

This action finally made the old man's eyes move over.

He Xie pinched the pill with two fingers and said to the old man: "Eat it, maybe you will die immediately, maybe you will get better immediately."

The old man looked at the pill in He Xie's hand. After a long time, he stretched out his hand to take it with difficulty, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

He looked at He Xie and said in a harsh and hoarse tone: "I hope it's the former."

He didn't ask He Xie what the medicine was, nor what its purpose was. He didn't seem to be interested in anything.

A person who has lost his curiosity is no different from a dead person?

Perhaps to the old man, he had already died, and he had just been looking at the world with the eyes of a dead person for many years.

The elixir of life melted instantly in the mouth. As soon as the old man swallowed the medicine into his mouth, he felt a stream of air pouring directly into all parts of his body. He was startled.


Suddenly, he felt itchy and painful all over his body, and he couldn't help but scream!

He Xie stood up and took a few steps back, watching the old man rolling around on the ground in pain without any expression.

The old man's cry was weak at first, but then it became louder and louder, full of energy!

The skin on his body fell off layer by layer, and his hair turned black again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After waiting for a minute, when the old man stood up in disbelief, what He Xie saw was a middle-aged man with shiny and rosy skin and full of energy!

This is what the elixir of life does!

"God, oh, god..." The old man touched his face and body in disbelief, feeling the vitality of his body, talking to himself crazily, with tears streaming down his face.

He Xie looked at the old man silently and turned to leave. But the old man was still in a crazy mood and could not extricate himself, and did not notice this scene at all.

"Oh, no!"

As soon as He Xie walked out of a distance of more than a thousand meters, he heard a shrill scream from behind. He turned around and saw the old man over there falling to the ground again, rolling and screaming in pain. He Xie's eyes flashed and he immediately took three steps back.


The old man quickly stopped screaming in pain, stood up again, and looked down at his body in surprise.

He Xie had no expression on his face and took a few steps away again.

Sure enough, the old man roared and fell down again.

This time He Xie didn't move again. When the roar of the old man over there became weaker and weaker, until it was completely silent, he took a step and walked towards the old man again.

The old man is dead.

He Xie looked at the old man's twisted and unwilling expression, and felt a chill in his heart.

The elixir of life, this is the truth about the elixir of life!

These three elixirs were made from the core powder of the Tianxing meteorite mixed with other things. In the original plot, as soon as the core was broken, the anti-gravity effect of the meteorite disappeared immediately, and Yu Shu, who had originally planned to follow Meng Yi out,

, suddenly changed his mind and would rather die than go out again.


Maybe Yu Shu really thought that Jack Chen in later generations was not Meng Yi, so he refused to go out, but there is another possibility, that is, Yu Shu found that as the core of the meteorite was broken, she was rapidly aging, and she knew that she was about to die.

, so I refused to go out!

If the reason is really the latter, that means that the so-called elixir of life can only be realized based on the intact core of the Tianxing meteorite, and He Xie's previous experiments can prove that after taking the elixir of life,

It should not be too far away from the core of the meteorite, otherwise, the effect of the medicine will disappear immediately!

What kind of immortality is this?

He Xie touched the core of the Tianxing meteorite in his pocket and suddenly had the idea of ​​throwing it away.

However, as soon as this idea came up, the core of the meteorite in the pocket suddenly shook violently!

He Xie's eyes were filled with light and his heart was horrified!

Could this thing be alive?

How can this be?

He instantly thought of the scene when this thing suddenly and inexplicably fell into his hands at the last moment, and an incredible idea came to his mind.

This thought made him tremble all over and made him inexplicably excited!

If this meteorite core is really a living creature, does it also choose to follow me at the last moment in order to avoid the fate of being destroyed by the rules?

He thought about his skills, his internal strength, the parts of his organs that had been resurrected, and all his real senses...

How could these things appear in the dream world?

Could it be...

This is not a dream at all?

Then his face...

At the same time, on the other side of the city, Cobb stood in front of the sink in the bathroom, looking at his weathered face with a complex expression.

He didn't understand why he grew older in his dream.

On the marble slab of the sink, a top was spinning rapidly.

This is Cobb's totem. As long as the top keeps spinning, it means that he is still dreaming.

He has always used this simple and effective method to distinguish dreams from reality, and he has never gone wrong.

Cobb slowly stretched out his hand and touched the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. He even wondered if he had been on the edge of a dream for a long time and was only reacting now?

However, at this moment, Cobb suddenly felt something was wrong. He frowned, lowered his head in disbelief, and looked at the top that was spinning slower and slower.

"Jesus..." Cobb's eyes widened instantly, and he felt that his soul was trembling at this moment!


Suddenly, at a certain moment, the top stopped!

Cobb felt a chill instantly spread all over his body!

This is not a dream!

This chapter has been completed!
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