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Chapter 262: Thinking about the Fearful Things

"Of course cooperation is possible," He Xie looked at Wang Kaixuan and said, "But I'm not alone. I have a few friends who will join me."

"Is it reliable?" Wang Kaixuan asked.

"Reliable." He Xie said with a smile, "And his skills are good. When they see my missing person notice, they will come to me soon."

Although Wang Kaixuan still had some doubts in his heart, after weighing the pros and cons, he still nodded and said: "Then let's finish talking about the ugly things first. After entering the tomb, everyone can rely on their abilities. Whoever gets the things inside first will belong to you. Can you

You can’t just rely on the large number of people to cause chaos!”

He Xie said: "Of course."

"Then it's settled." Wang Kaixuan slammed the table, took a deep breath and said, "As soon as your friends arrive, we will set off immediately. Don't tell Hu Bayi and the others about this yet."

"Are you going to hide it from him?" He Xie asked.

Wang Kaixuan waved his hand and said, "I will leave a message for them after we set off."

He Xie nodded, he didn't want to interfere and change the plot. After all, if strictly speaking, Hu Bayi was the real one who touched the gold captain and divided the gold points, and he was the only one who was clear-headed.

He Xie did not dare to underestimate this trip to the ancient tomb. He was sure that due to his appearance, this trip to Princess Aogu's tomb would definitely be much more dangerous than the original plot.

Moreover, the water in this Liao Dynasty princess's tomb was not shallow to begin with.

The biggest treasure in this tomb is the Flower of the Other Side. The reason why Wang Kaixuan insisted on going to this tomb is to find the Flower of the Other Side and fulfill Ding Sitian's last wish, which is the biggest obsession in his heart.

This is also the obsession shared by Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan.

Twenty years ago, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan went to the mountains and countryside, jumped in the queue at Mengdi Grassland Ranch, and met Ding Sitian. They both fell in love with this girl at the same time, and each started pursuing her.

A handsome and talented Hu Bayi, a rude and honest Fatty Wang, Ding Sitian thought with her toes and knew who to choose, so Fatty Wang became the "good guy".

Once they were following a team to "destroy the Four Olds" and were chased by a group of grasshoppers who ate human flesh and blood. They strayed into a Japanese underground fortification, which was connected to the tomb of Princess Ogu of the Liao Dynasty.

As a result, at the intersection of day and night, Higanbana flowers bloomed, and all the Japanese mummies in the underground fortifications were resurrected. In panic, everyone detonated the explosives in the underground fortifications, causing heavy casualties.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan took Ding Sitian to escape on an old elevator, but the elevator was stuck. In order to save the two of them, Ding Sitian fell into the sea of ​​fire below.

In the end, only Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan escaped from the accident, and Ding Sitian became a lingering pain in their hearts.

Ding Sitian's biggest obsession during her lifetime was to see the Flower of the Other Side with her own eyes.

Looking back at the original plot, Ding Sitian’s obsession is actually very strange.

Ding Sitian was born after the founding of the People's Republic of China and grew up under a red flag. Her parents are both botanists. As the daughter of a botanist, if she likes the flower of the other side so much, she should know that the flower of the other side is also called Manzhu Shahua, a botanical name.

The name is Safflower Lycoris, and it can be found almost everywhere in southern China’s provinces and cities.

But this thing is not adapted to the northern climate at all. Ding Sitian went to the Mongolian prairie in the north to find the flower of the other side. It would be a ghost if she could find it!

Moreover, this girl, as a proletarian warrior and a staunch materialist, always said that "the flower of the other shore blooms at the junction of yin and yang, and has the function of guiding the dead and connecting life and death." Such abnormal words coming from her mouth are simply too inconsistent.

, so abnormal!

What’s even more horrifying to think about is that according to the legend in the original plot, in ancient times the heavens and the earth split apart. The first shaman was inspired by the gods and received a treasure that fell from the sky. This treasure was actually a meteorite. This thing cost a thousand dollars.

It fell into the hands of Princess Ogu many years ago.

Here comes the key point. It was Princess Aogu who named this meteorite Bianhuahua. This means that this thing was not called Bianhuahua at all before. It might also be called some kind of sacred stone, or even a star meteorite.

In short, the so-called treasure Hibiscus flower in the ancient tomb is completely different from the red Lycoris commonly seen!

This Bana flower is just a meteorite that looks like a Pu'er tea cake.

So here comes the question. In the original plot, when Ding Sitian saw the pattern on the sculpture, she immediately excitedly said that the big tea cake was the other side flower. She also took out a notebook and compared it with the other side flower pattern she had drawn before. The result

Same thing!

Since this flower is not that flower

How did Ding Sitian draw the appearance of the legendary Bianhua flower?

How did she know what the legendary Hibiscus flower looked like?

Why does she have such an unusual and persistent pursuit of this kind of thing?

Also, in the original plot, Ding Sitian’s death is also very questionable.

In Hu Bayi's memory, Ding Sitian fell into the sea of ​​fire from an old elevator, and she was destined to die so hard that she could never die again.

But the plot of escaping from the big explosion by taking an elevator is very unreasonable.

With the speed of that old-fashioned elevator, how could it possibly be faster than a series of explosions? Or the tongues of fire rising instantly?

Even if it is possible, the elevator requires electricity and has a support foundation. How can your elevator continue to operate if the foundation and generator below are blown up?

Can we use love to generate electricity?

Therefore, the memories of Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan are actually very untenable.

If Ding Sitian really died, it would never be the way they remembered her death. It can only be said that their memories were either hallucinations or had been tampered with, or that they jointly weaved such a lie.

But if it's an illusion, it doesn't make sense.

In the original plot, at the end, Shirley Yang explained the Hibiscus flower as an existence similar to the corpse-scented konjac, which means that the Japanese zombies and ancient zombies that appeared in the tomb were all hallucinations caused by the flowering of the Hibiscus flower.

But this statement is far-fetched and cannot be justified at all.

The most straightforward loophole is that the foreigner Mark and others turned into rice dumplings as soon as they entered the cemetery. Even a knife can't kill them. There is no doubt that they are proper rice dumplings. At this time, the flower of the other side has not bloomed at all. This is not an illusion.

If everything must be scientific, how can we explain this?

Moreover, He Xie has never believed that science can explain everything. His own existence cannot be explained by science.

This "Dragon Seeking Technique" plane has many secrets...

Thousand-year-old ancient tombs with numerous mechanisms, strange underground fortifications, broken Bianhua flowers, and Hu Bayi who sacrificed himself in the end but managed to escape inexplicably...

And lastly, when the entire ancient tomb is looked down from a high altitude, it turns out to be the outline of a skull...

Just these details make He Xie extremely frightened when he thinks about it. He Xie, who escaped from death in the last "Myth" plane, is even more shuddering when he compares the similarities between the two planes!

The Tianxing meteorite and Bianhuahua are both meteorites that fell from the sky.

The meteorite can make people immortal, and the flower of the other side can connect life and death. They are all incredible existences.

If these two things were to follow their original fate, they would eventually be destroyed.

As for the Tianxing meteorite, it was now brought out by He Xie.

What about the flower of the other side?

What is the connection between the two?

Why was their original destiny to be destroyed?

What is the essential difference between He Xie, who is facing punishment by the rules at this moment, and these two stones?

According to He Xie's previous guess, the Tianxing meteorite is likely to be a living thing, so is it possible that the Bianhua flower is also a living thing?

Thinking further, does every world have an existence similar to the flower of the other side and the star meteorite? It's just called by different names.

That night, Wang Kaixuan sent He Xie back, then left in a hurry, without saying anything all night.

Early the next morning, the Dream Stealing team came to the door as they wished.

This chapter has been completed!
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