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Chapter 276: Mojin Colonel Gathers

He Xie had a reason to go in, but he would never be reckless without thinking about anything. That would be courting death.

At this time, the four poisoned people had come back to life and turned into unkillable rice dumplings. Anyone who had direct contact with their bodies would also be infected by them.

However, in just a few minutes, the situation in the field was already in chaos. The four rice dumplings turned into seven. Three of them forced Ying Caihong and others to retreat step by step, and they were about to retreat to He Xie's side.

Wang Kaixuan and Da Jinya were also chased away by the remaining four rice dumplings.

Due to the previous activation of the mechanism, all eight stone gates around the square have been opened. Wang Kaixuan and Da Jinya entered from one door and came out of that door, going around and around, unable to get out of the square at all.

Wang Kaixuan was so angry that he cursed his mother, and finally stopped running away. He took out a black donkey's hoof from his pocket, said "hurry is like a law", and stuffed it into the mouth of a rice dumpling that was thrown at him.

Strangely enough, this rice dumpling had a black donkey's hoof stuffed in its mouth and immediately froze in place, motionless.

When Wang Kaixuan saw that it worked, he immediately became happy. He picked up the Luoyang spatula in his hand and hit the rice dumpling's head with a "bang": "Hey, aren't you awesome? Ah?"


Another shovel shot at the head.

Zongzi let out an ear-piercing roar from his throat, his body trembled slightly, and his two green eyes stared at Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan took the photo and took another slap with the Luoyang shovel: "You ah ah ah ah, ah, ah! You are so disgusting to me!"

Da Jinya was panting and said ecstatically: "Master Kai, this is the legendary magic weapon to ward off evil spirits and the nemesis of big rice dumplings, the black donkey's hoof, right?"

On the other side, Cobb and others saw this scene and their understanding was completely overturned.

"Why?" Ames looked at He Xie in disbelief, "A donkey's feet can actually make this devil immobile. What is the reason for this?"

"Mysterious Chinese people!" Arthur sighed sincerely, "Boss, do you know this kind of Eastern witchcraft?"

Just as he was talking, something unexpected happened again!

The zongzi actually reached out and took out the black donkey's hoof from his mouth, threw it aside, and then roared angrily, and rushed towards Wang Kaixuan again!

At this time, Wang Kaixuan was bragging proudly to Da Jinya. How could he have expected such a change?

In a hurry, a shovel came in, but the Zongzi grabbed the handle of the shovel. Wang Kaixuan pulled hard for a few times and couldn't break free. He cried out: "Damn, you are so evil!"


The rice dumpling roared in response, and Wang Kaixuan simply pushed the rice dumpling into the ditch.

Big Jinya was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, shouting: "Damn it, are your hooves from expired food?"

Two more rice dumplings rushed towards Wang Kaixuan. Wang Kaixuan greased the soles of his feet and turned around to run away again: "Jinya, sir, what the hell do you call my hoof? That's a donkey's!"

There was chaos in the field again. Soon Wang Kaixuan, Da Jinya, Ying Caihong and others gathered together, and by this time the number of rice dumplings had increased to eleven.

They fought and retreated, coming towards He Xie.

"Boss?" Cobu turned his head, waiting for He Xie to make a decision.

He Xie looked at the eight sculptures again and found that they were still motionless.

He pondered for a moment and finally made a decision: "Help! Cobb, Arthur, Eames, you three, please be careful not to let them touch your bodies!"

He didn't choose to do it himself because he still had a bad feeling in his heart and wanted to observe again, just in case.

These rice dumplings move slowly and cumbersomely, which means they cannot be killed no matter how hard they are killed. This is a headache. With the skills of the Dream Stealing team, it is more than enough to deal with them.

"It's time for our friends in China to see what we can do." Cobb smiled and took out his gun, tilted his head at Arthur and Eames, and the three of them rushed towards the rice dumplings at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang!

In the square, there was a sudden burst of gunfire, accompanied by Wang Kaixuan's shout: "Damn, why did you get here? Where is Lao He?"

Although Zongzi was hit by a gun, his movements were only hindered, but he couldn't hold the bullet and fired it for free.

Moreover, Cobb and others had a tacit understanding. The three of them concentrated their firepower and fired at the head of a rice dumpling at the same time. In less than ten seconds, the head of the rice dumpling exploded. The headless body was still alive and continued to stagger forward.

Arthur took out a long knife, shouted, rushed forward, dwarfed, swung out the long knife, and directly cut off one of the rice dumpling's legs, finally causing the rice dumpling to fall to the ground!

After falling to the ground, Zongzi was still struggling to crawl forward, but he no longer posed any threat to everyone. The three of them immediately changed to another target.

On the other side, Wang Kaixuan was not to be outdone, and fought vigorously with Zongzi, who was showing his teeth and claws.

He Xie was still frowning and observing the eight sculptures with animal heads and human bodies, but they still showed no movement. At this moment, his expression changed and he looked back.

I saw a middle-aged man with a stubble and a sigh, and a dashing woman in a leather jacket, running hurriedly down the stone steps.

It was Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang.

He Xie smiled slightly, these two people did not disappoint him, and they came anyway.

When the two of them saw He Xie standing on the stone steps with his hands behind his back, they were slightly startled and slowed down. Then Hu Bayi laughed and walked over, saying: "Boss He, we meet again."

After saying that, he said hello to Andri next to He Xie in English: "Hello, madam!"


The smile on Andre's face froze, "I'm only nineteen years old, okay?"

He Xie looked at the two of them with a smile, his eyes especially lingering on the set of flying claws carried by Hu Bayi and the steel umbrella in Shirley Yang's hand: "Are you worried about the fat man?"

Hu Bayi walked to He Xie and stopped, he chuckled and said: "Originally, we were very relieved that Fatty would have a boss to take care of him, but after all, we can't bother you all the time, so we are here."

Are you talking to me about this nonsense?

He Xie smiled half-heartedly: "It's good to be here. Do you want to eat?"


Hu Bayi's expression froze. Is this the right time to ask "Have you eaten?"

If I have to say I haven’t eaten, can you still give me some rice dumplings to eat?

Shirley Yang saw that He Xie was responding to Hu Bayi's nonsense, and hurriedly stepped forward to resolve Hu Bayi's embarrassment. He pointed to the square where the battle was going on, and said with a smile: "Boss He, your brother is over there.

Isn’t it a bit unjust for you to watch a show here leisurely despite being beaten to death?”

He Xie said calmly: "It's just a small scene, let them stretch their bodies."

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Shirley Yang's eyes, and she said: "It's not that I don't take action in big scenes. It seems that Boss He's appearance fee is very high. I just don't know if I have the honor to see you take action in person?"

"You will have such an honor." He Xie smiled, and before the two of them could reply, he pointed behind him: "Fat man can't hold on anymore, why don't you two show your faces?"

"Okay, Boss He, let's talk about old times after the trouble is solved!" A flash of anxiety flashed through Hu Ba's eyes, because Wang Kaixuan was being besieged by two rice dumplings over there, and it seemed that the situation was already in danger.

He Xie got out of the way, and the two of them rushed that way like the wind.

Wang Kaixuan was sitting awkwardly. At this moment, a steel claw suddenly flew out and snatched away a rice dumpling in front of him. The fat man was stunned for a moment. When he looked up, he saw Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang.

The two of them posed and looked at him with smiles.

"The king of heaven will overthrow the tigers of the earth!" Hu Ba shouted, and with a strong tug, he threw the rice dumpling into the ditch.

"The pagoda suppresses the river demon!" Wang Kaixuan said happily, "Damn it, you two are really here!"


Shirley Yang moved quickly and swiftly. She knocked out a rice dumpling with the steel umbrella in her hand, and turned around and said: "Hey, you two will be stupid later. Let's solve the trouble first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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