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Chapter 29 Skydiving

Above the vast sea of ​​clouds, a transport plane broke through the billowing white fog and roared into the distance.

In the cabin, all ten students were ready, fully armed and waiting for the upcoming assessment.

"You look a little nervous?" Eggsy asked concernedly to Roxy, who was taking a nap, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Roxie was breathing heavily, but her face was still very pale. When she spoke, her voice was trembling: "I, I'm fine, but my memories of skydiving are bad... But, I'm fine!"

He Xie curled his lips and licked the dog!

Originally, he had no prejudice against the protagonist Eggsy, but perhaps it was due to the natural opposition between the rich second generation and the gangster. He did not go to Eggsy to trouble him, but Eggsy kept mocking him in a strange way.

Why do you still spoil him? I once treated one of the protagonists as his younger brother and sent the other one to jail!

So the relationship between the two still became tense as in the original plot. But the difference is that in the past month, He Xie has always been among the best in both the literary and martial arts exams, unlike in the original plot.

Not low, which made Eggsy extremely jealous.

He is handsome, rich, and extremely talented, and even a goddess flirts with him. How can the protagonist counterattack?

Amelia held Roxy's hand and comforted: "You have to believe in yourself, you are great, your grades have always been second only to Charlie, better than us."

Roxie couldn't help but glance at He Xie, and the thought of not admitting defeat temporarily overcame her fear.

She is also a genius. Not only does she have an IQ of 170, but her physical fitness is also good. She is very good at firearms and fighting. She has always been the most beautiful girl in people's eyes. However, she met the most beautiful boy, He Xie.

She hasn't defeated He Xie yet, so how can she be willing to do so?

Seeing He Xie lazily closing his eyes and concentrating, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, Roxie encouraged herself in her heart, took a deep breath, and her eyes gradually became firmer.

At this time, Merlin's voice came from the speaker: "Listen carefully, your mission is to land at the designated target location without being detected by the radar. Anyone who is discovered by me on the radar, or who deviates from the target location,

People, congratulations, you can pack your things and go home, do you understand?"

The students all looked serious. After a month of hard training, today it was time to test the results!

Of course, this assessment is not just as simple as skydiving. The key to the assessment lies in the two prerequisites of "radar" and "deviation from the target."

The plane is now at an altitude of 30,000 meters. If you jump from this height, the minimum safe altitude for parachute opening is 5 kilometers. The radar is mounted on this plane, and its detection range is 27,000 meters. In other words, only

Students can only open their parachute bags within 3 kilometers from the ground, which is far lower than the minimum safe height for parachute opening!

This is not over yet. The so-called "target location" is actually a lawn that is almost half the size of a football field circled in the middle of their training venue. It is difficult to land from an altitude of 30,000 meters to a lawn that is half the size of a football field.

You can tell how big it is as soon as you hear it.

The earlier the parachute bag is opened, the higher the possibility of deviating from the target location. Students have all learned in the course how to calculate the landing point of skydiving. To ensure that they do not deviate from the target location, it is best for them to be within 2 kilometers.

height before opening the parachute bag.

When parachuting from an altitude of 30,000 meters, taking into account air resistance, the human body falls at a speed of about 75 meters per second. In other words, they need to fall freely for almost 400 seconds.

During this period, due to the very low air pressure at high altitudes, even with the use of protective clothing, the nitrogen in the human lungs will expand, and the oxygen in the blood will directly boil. The resulting symptom is suffocation, and there will be swelling on the shoulders.

It was as if a ton of weight had been pressed down on it, which was overwhelming.

400 seconds is definitely not a long time. Maybe you have almost reached the ground before you have recovered from the symptoms of hypoxia and suffocation.

So this high-altitude skydiving is definitely risking your life!

The content of its assessment almost covers most of the courses learned in this month such as physical fitness, human balance, medicine, physics, psychology, etc.

"Arrived at the landing zone in 10 seconds, countdown starts now, 10, 9, 8..."

The rear door of the cabin slowly lowered, and suddenly a strong strong wind rushed in. The students clung to the armrests of their seats to avoid being blown over.

Before I could get used to it, the countdown had already reached 5.

"Jump, jump, jump!" Rufus roared, taking the lead in running against the wind to the back door, and without hesitation, jumped down to make an appointment!

The second one is He Xie, closely followed!


The students suppressed the fear in their hearts with roars and jumped one by one. The last one, Roxy, waited until the countdown reached 0 before jumping down with the courage to fight to the death.

The constant feeling of weightlessness almost caused He Xie's blood to concentrate in his brain. He felt that his lungs and head were about to explode. His mind went blank and he could not organize his thinking ability at all!

This effect was achieved after a month of non-stop drug use and super-intensity training. An ordinary person would go into shock the second he jumped out of the plane.

When He Xie just regained some consciousness, he found that he had landed at an altitude of 22,000 meters. In other words, his unconscious state lasted for about 100 seconds.

The body was descending at an extremely fast speed. The extreme speed made He Xie almost unable to feel his body!

There were strange screams from the students nearby, with fear mixed with excitement. Even the two girls Emilia and Roxy were roaring with excitement. There were also students doing somersaults and handstands at high altitudes.

Difficult actions.

Maybe this is why there are so few foreigners...

Challenging human limits will always make people's adrenaline levels soar. Even He Xie feels extremely excited at this moment. This excitement will make people highly focused and their consciousness unprecedentedly clear.

But then, Merlin's voice sounded in everyone's earphones, pouring cold water on everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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