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Chapter 302 Arthur's bones

He Xie sometimes thinks about what kind of person he is?




Or is it cruel?

Maybe a bit of both.

In fact, He Xie hates labeling a person with a certain attribute, whether it is for others or for himself, because it is likely to cause stereotypes.

People are very complex, and they are changing every minute. If you attach a fixed attribute to something that is constantly changing, what is the difference between this and trying to find a sword?

Such as Arthur.

If He Xie really wants to follow his previous inner feelings and label Arthur, he must be loyal, reliable, strong in execution, and trustworthy...

Compliments like this.

Among the four members of the Dream Stealing team, He Xie is most satisfied with Arthur, because he is really capable and dedicated to his work. The most important thing is that he is the one who respects and trusts He Xie the most among the four.

Arthur, who has such a label, should be He Xie's most trusted right-hand man.

But now, He Xie deliberately gave up on Arthur and wanted to watch him be eaten into a pile of bones by man-eating grasshoppers.

Arthur was so kind to him, but he was so kind to Arthur.

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Does this mean that He Xie is really a cold-blooded, vicious, butcher and executioner with no bottom line?

At least Yoko thought so, because this was a fact she saw with her own eyes. She saw with her own eyes that He Xie went crazy and killed her mother, and now he inexplicably deliberately let his own companions die in pain.

In Yoko's eyes, He Xie is a moody, cruel and murderous lunatic!

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

Because what a person sees is not determined by the eyes, but by the brain.

If the brain doesn't know the cause, but the eyes see the result, it will come to the opposite conclusion.

Yoko didn't know that Arthur, as the owner of the dream, pulled He Xie into a dream with the Tianxing meteorite.

It was that dream that convinced He Xie that the Tianxing meteorite was alive. Even the golden man in the dream made him think that he was the "reincarnation of a powerful man" because this is the standard configuration of many protagonists.

This wrong judgment made He Xie even more eager to get the Flower of the Other Side, because he mistakenly believed that both the Tianxing meteorite and the Flower of the Other Side were "parts" that fell from his previous life.

After the first time Arthur successfully pulled the Star Meteor into a dream as the dream master, and later when He Xie entered the dream as the Dream Master, the Star Meteor never had any reaction again.

Such an obvious loophole was placed in front of He Xie, but He Xie never doubted whether the dream was caused by Arthur?

Instead, he relied more on the dream-stealing team because he mistakenly believed that he had not mastered the dream-stealing technology or that there was something wrong with the Tianxing meteorite itself, which resulted in this result.

He Xie has always been cautious and suspicious, but he has rarely doubted the Dream Stealing Team since these two planes. Is this normal?

When He Xie recalled everything he had experienced in these two planes, he was filled with fear and his hair stood on end!

Coupled with Ying Caihong's words before his death, He Xie is 100% sure that there must be something wrong with the Dream Stealing team, especially Arthur!

If it is really proven that Arthur has a problem, then there is no doubt that there is a problem with the entire Dream Stealing team from the very beginning!

So, the truth hidden behind this matter is really terrible!

If she had shown kindness to a woman at this time, had Yourou hesitated, and felt compassion for Arthur, then He Xie would not have been able to survive until now.

Yoko didn't know the reason why He Xie wanted to harm Arthur. Her eyes could only see the most superficial things.

Just like now, He Xie took out a piece of bloody cloth from Yoko's pocket while watching Arthur being chewed into a skeleton and then crashing to the ground.

This piece of cloth was pulled off by He Xie from his own clothes after killing Ying Caihong, wiped the blood on Yoko's face, and then stuffed it into her pocket.

Yoko still can't figure out why He Xie suddenly showed "the tenderness of a devil" to her.

Now, the devil's tenderness is back.

Under Yoko's fearful eyes, He Xie used the blood-stained cloth to gently wipe away the stains on her face, and then stuffed the cloth into Yoko's pocket.

He finally patted Yoko's trembling shoulder, stared at her frightened eyes, and smiled deeply: "Keep it safe, it can save your life."

Yoko nodded desperately. She felt that the moody man in front of her was smiling at her one moment, and might cut off her head the next.

She didn't understand the use of a dirty rag. This man was simply a psychopath!

But she didn't dare to refute at all, let alone resist?

He Xie pinched Yoko's face, turned around, kicked off his feet, and rushed towards the man-eating grasshoppers in the sky again.

Looking at He Xie's back, Yoko felt a little dazed for a moment.

This back view looks like a warrior who resolutely fights the dragon to protect the princess.

Is this pervert a warrior?

Yoko suddenly had some strange emotions in her heart, and she was a little crazy for a moment.

After blowing up the outlet through which the grasshoppers continued to pour out, although there were many grasshoppers left, they could no longer pose any threat to He Xie.

In less than five minutes, He Xie cleared away all the remaining grasshoppers, leaving only the scattered "remaining soldiers" running around in panic.


He Xie flicks the sword.

What dripped on the sword was not blood, but brown viscous juice.

He Xie stepped on the insect corpses on the ground, making a "crunching" sound, and walked towards Arthur's body step by step.

Of course Arthur died.

No one can live with only a white skeleton left.

But facing such a white skeleton, He Xie's performance was even more nervous than when he faced countless man-eating grasshoppers before.

He seems to be walking casually, but in fact his whole body is tense and his internal strength is ready to go. If there is any trouble, he can react immediately!

His eyes were fixed on Arthur's skeleton, as if staring at a scourge, and his expression was extremely solemn.

He was holding the sword in one hand, and the other hand had already secretly held the meteorite.



Finally, he walked to Arthur's body.

The skull's empty eyes and open mouth seemed to be angrily asking He Xie why you want to kill me?

He Xie had no expression on his face as he inspected Arthur's body inch by inch, but found nothing.

This is just an ordinary corpse.

There is no lifelessness, no abnormality, nothing!

He Xie did not relax his vigilance. He took out the Tianxing meteorite and prepared to take a photo with it.

He still remembered that in the first level, the Tianxing meteorite helped him restrain Ding Sitian's face, which was composed of death energy.

He had no way to deal with this extraordinary and strange existence. The meteorite was the only thing he could think of.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Following a vicious and shrill roar, a black mist suddenly shot out from Arthur's bones like electricity, shooting straight towards He Xie!

This chapter has been completed!
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