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Chapter 304 Lost reason

Another memory that seems to have been blurred occurred in the "Myth" plane (note).

At that time, he had just recovered He Xie's identity and memory from Meng Yi. At that time, he had panic and doubts about his current situation and the dream stealing team's intrusion into the world of "Myth".

But this doubt and panic inspired his special skill "Yang Jinrong's Calmness", and then, inexplicably, he gave up all doubts!

After thinking of this, He Xie was really scared!

What he is afraid of is not death itself, but this unknown and strange evil intention!

He made up his mind at that time to find out the truth!

Yes, at that time, he had already planned to attack the Dream Stealing team first!

He is sure there is something wrong with the Dream Inception team!

Although he didn't know if the Dream Stealing team themselves had no idea what was going on, and it was very possible that they themselves were being used as pawns, he couldn't care less!

He focused on Arthur, because of the incident of pulling the meteorite into his dream, Arthur's abnormality had actually been exposed to He Xie's eyes.

So he killed Arthur.

He didn't even dare to do it himself because he wasn't sure what the consequences would be if he killed Arthur himself.

He was so afraid of these things that even after he watched Arthur being eaten clean by man-eating grasshoppers, he still worried about leaving another "dangerous" mark on the piece of cloth in Yoko's pocket.

symbol, just in case.

He left these two symbols on Yoko to remind himself that he was in danger and to stop his losses in time!

Yoko, who was originally inconspicuous, witnessed with her own eyes the process of He Xie killing Ying Caihong and then killing Arthur. Once He Xie's memory is suppressed again, she is the only hope to awaken He Xie.

This is why He Xie fought tooth and nail to save Yoko.

Although all this is a long story, in fact, these memories only flashed through He Xie's mind in the flash of lightning!

He Xie knew martial arts, he knew how to shoot a gun, he knew many things, but he didn't know how to deal with the strange existence that got into his body.

He knew that waking up was only temporary, and he was even sure that when he woke up, even this memory might be blurred.

He knew the situation was urgent and there was no room for delay!

So, he flew up and kicked Yoko out!

Then he turned around and flew away to his previous position.

There, there was the meteorite he threw on the ground.

Previously, the Tianxing meteorite once again showed its ability to restrain this strange thing. The only thing He Xie can count on now is this thing!

But while he was still in the air, he let out a muffled groan and fell headfirst!

At that moment, his head seemed to have been kicked by a hundred strong men!


The moment he fell to the ground, before He Xie became confused again, he stabbed himself in the thigh with a sword!

The severe pain kept his mind awake for a moment, and he took advantage of this moment to suddenly reverse his internal strength. In an instant, his internal organs felt like being struck by lightning, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood again, and his

His face suddenly turned pale!

However, his eyes, which were about to become chaotic, became clear again.

He Xie didn't dare to waste even a second. He endured the severe pain in his dantian, forced himself to use his internal energy, and rushed towards the meteorite again!

However, he only flew halfway before roaring to the ground again!

That weird power is here again!

Reversing the internal force can only temporarily stop it, but it cannot stop it at all!

He Xie immediately thought that the reason why the strange power of suppressing memory failed halfway when he killed Ying Caihong was not only because he reversed the internal power at that time, but also because

He was holding the Tianxing meteorite in his hand!

"Bring me the beads, quickly!" Before the hazy consciousness was about to overwhelm him again, He Xie screamed ferociously to Yoko, who had just climbed up not far away.

"Uh ah..." He Xie could no longer bear it after saying these words. Veins popped up all over his body. He knelt down and let out a shrill and angry scream!

Two lines of blood and tears burst out from the corners of his eyes, shocking!


At the entrance of the mechanism at the other end, Hu Bayi and others, who had not heard the movement of the man-eating grasshopper for a long time, finally opened up the clothes blocking the entrance of the tunnel and almost rushed out. Some of them held torches in their hands, and some held on to them.

A coat sprinkled with realgar.

Then, they saw He Xie crying and screaming with blood!

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them!

At this moment, Yoko ran towards He Xie like crazy!

"Don't go there!" Hu Bayi exclaimed.

However, Yoko didn't seem to hear anything and ran straight over there.


Hu Bayi untied the flying tiger's claws from his back and ran out like a leopard, followed closely by Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang!

Cobb, Eames and Andre looked at each other with inexplicable fear in their eyes.

"Where's Arthur? God, don't tell me he's dead!" Eames whispered in Cobb's ear. "Did the boss find something and kill him?"

"In the scene just now, death is nothing unusual! Calm down Eames!" Cobb glared at Eames with warning, "Don't expose yourself!"

"Fake!" Eames cursed angrily, but it was still difficult to calm down.

At this time, the other side has already handed over.

Yoko desperately ran towards the Tianxing Meteorite, but He Xie was once again distorted by the crazy murderous intention. He suddenly raised his head and stared at her with his red eyes!

Yoko was so frightened that she quickly showed the blood-stained rag again and danced wildly. However, this time, she failed to wake up He Xie.

He Xie stood up unsteadily and struck at Yoko with his sword!


In the flash of lightning, Yoko narrowly pulled out the dagger from his waist and blocked it for a moment. Then his whole body was blown away, knocking Wang Kaixuan who was running towards him and knocked him upside down.

"Fuck..." Wang Kaixuan was a little angry, "Why are you fighting there with a rag? Get away quickly, you can't handle this!"

"Bead!" Yoko climbed up anxiously and pointed to the Tianxing meteorite lying quietly on the ground on the other side, "That bead can make him wake up!"

Wang Kaixuan was stunned for a moment.

Before He Xie could make another move, Hu Bayi arrived. He first hooked the flying tiger claw on a boulder while running, then quickly turned the other end of the rope into a lasso and threw it directly towards He Xie.

He Xie was immediately trapped and unable to break free.

Hu Ba was overjoyed and shouted hurriedly: "Fat man, get on the black donkey's hooves!"

"No time!" Wang Kaixuan's voice came from far away.

Hu Bayi turned around and almost turned his nose in anger. He actually saw Wang Kaixuan bypassing He Xie and running straight to the open space behind He Xie.

"Damn fat guy..." As soon as Hu Bayi cursed, he heard Shirley Yang exclaiming from behind: "Be careful!"

He was startled. As soon as he raised his head, he heard the sound of springs springing in his ears. He only heard a click, but Shirley Yang had already opened the Thousand Planes Umbrella and blocked it in front of the two of them.


The next moment, a huge force came from the umbrella, and the two of them were blown away!

This chapter has been completed!
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