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Chapter 38 I just found out that I had a knife stuck in my chest

"Arthur, your idea is wrong." Valentine said seriously, "How will you tell your children the story of Noah's Ark in the future? Is Noah the big bad guy?


Arthur shook his head.

“Is God the Big Bad?”

Arthur continued to shake his head.

"Are the animals that come on board in pairs the bad guys?" Valentine asked again.

"Of course not." Arthur laughed.

Valentine spread his hands: "Look, Arthur, we are about to usher in a new era. You must put aside all thoughts related to death and focus on new life. We must not grieve for the lost life. We must put aside our doubts and

We respect their sacrifice and thank them for their contribution to saving humanity. You must know that viruses are sinful and dirty, but we make their existence valuable, and they should thank us."

Arthur smiled sincerely: "It's a pity that we can't hear them say thank you to us personally."

Valentine laughed and patted Arthur on the shoulder: "Who the hell says it's not?"

He Xie convinced Harry.

In other words, the hard facts convinced Harry.

Harry is an excellent agent. After He Xie raised his doubts, he immediately invaded the British surveillance satellite and found Valentine's people who were guests in old Charlie's yard.

Then he continued to call out of the Arthur family's manor, and happened to see Arthur sending Valentine out. The two hugged each other goodbye, both smiling.

Arthur betrayed!

These facts confirmed He Xie's excellence and his wisdom was as profound as a prophet's, which shocked and pleased Harry.

And He Xie's performance also allowed Harry to put him on an equal footing with himself. He Xie even vaguely played the role of "commander" in the team due to He Xie's accurate judgment.

The five-person team quickly gathered together, and Harry told Merlin, Eggsy and Roxy everything they knew.

Finally, amid the shocked expressions of the three people, Harry added: "The above information was all analyzed and judged by Charlie, and the performance of old Charlie and Arthur proved that Charlie's inference was completely correct.

So if you are willing to join, all actions taken by the five of us will fully respect Charlie’s opinions.”

The eyes of the other three people all fell on He Xie.

He Xie nodded gracefully: "I am honored to save the world with you all!"

"Charlie! Charlie!" The admiration on Merlin's face was undisguised, "Your excellence far exceeds my expectations. I am proud of you."

"Thank you." He Xie smiled.

"Five people fighting against a huge organization, this sounds so crazy!" Roxie's expression was complicated, including shock, horror, worry, admiration, and excitement...

This girl's eyes are so rich.

"Even Arthur has defected to Valentine. Who knows how many of their people there are in the organization?" Eggsy spread his hands, "There are only five of us, how can we win?"

"Justice belief and fearless courage are our biggest trump cards." Harry encouraged, "Of course, our most advanced equipment will give us a greater chance of winning. What we need now is a

A feasible plan.”

Eggsy suggested: "Maybe we should try to contact China and try to convince them. I think they have tolerated the lighthouse country for a long time, and rebuilding a new international order should be in line with their vision."

Roxy retorted: "No, I think they can achieve this goal without doing anything at all. There is no reason for them to pay anything for it. To find them, it is better to find the Jin family."

"The Jin family conquers the universe, huh?" Eggsy joked, making everyone look at him expressionlessly.

Eggsy's smile slowly faded and he said nonchalantly: "Okay, I really shouldn't tell jokes at such a great moment. I apologize."

Merlin said: "I think Charlie's concerns are right. To fight Valentine, the fewer people know about it, the better. Can you guarantee that these two countries are absolutely reliable? And even if they are willing to help, how can they help? Launch

A world war?”

Harry said: "Charlie, you seem to have a good idea, please tell me."

So everyone shut up again and looked at He Xie.

He Xie knocked on the table and said: "Let's analyze it. Valentine used smart cards to destroy the world, but he also implanted a chip into his partners. What does this mean?"

Merlin complimented cooperatively: "It shows that this kind of chip is the basis for ensuring that his partners survive the disaster."

He Xie snapped his fingers and continued: "That's right, but when Harry was tracking Professor Arnold, he found that this chip was actually remotely detonated. What does this mean?"

Praising actor Merlin then praised: "This shows that Valentine has great ambitions. He has already made plans to become the king of the world after the new era begins."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Eggsy shouted unhappily, "We all know this useless information now, but what's the solution? Where is the solution? What we need now is a way to deal with Valentine, not some bullshit analysis.


"Hey, Eggsy, don't interrupt Charlie's thinking!" Before He Xie could speak, Roxie was already dissatisfied and scolded him.

Eggsy was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing, and his heart felt hopeless.

The goddess turned into his opponent's licking dog, and he felt like a knife had been stabbed in his heart.

He Xie smiled and said to Eggsy: "Actually, what I want to say is hidden in this information, and I am going home now to receive Valentine's chip implant."

"I understand!" Harry was the first to react. The British gentleman was full of excitement at the moment, and he uttered a rare curse word: "Mom, I pissed off Kerr! Charlie, you are such a genius! An absolute genius!"

Merlin was the second to understand and said excitedly: "Don't worry, Charlie, I will prepare everything and wait for you to come back!"

"What are you talking about?" Eggsy looked confused. He turned to ask Roxie, "Do you know what happened?"

Roxie had no time to pay attention to Eggsy. She frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly shouted "Ah", looked at He Xie with extremely admiring eyes, and said happily: "Charlie, you are really great, if your method can

Success, the five of us can really save the world!"

"Fake, what are you talking about?" Eggsy was a little angry, "Am I the only one who doesn't understand?"

The four people glanced at him together, and their eight white eyes seemed to tell him in unison: "Yes, you are the only one!"


Eggsy felt that his intelligence had been severely insulted, and a second knife had been inserted into his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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