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Chapter 396 The Incident

Tang Ren said he didn't believe it, but his eyes subconsciously glanced to both sides. With this glance, his whole body suddenly froze.

I saw more than ten people on both sides of the road, looking as if nothing had happened. They gathered around him with him as the center point.

Thanks to his close relationship with Kuntai, Tang Ren recognized some of these people. They were police officers!

He was suddenly stunned.

In the receiver, the voice that deliberately lowered its voice became more urgent: "Listen, the evidence is conclusive. If you are caught, you will be dead. If you want to live, run!"

Toot toot…

After hanging up the phone over there, Tang Ren was still confused and couldn't react for a long time.

"What's going on?" Qin Feng also noticed that there were obviously malicious people on both sides, and immediately became nervous. He saw that Tang Ren looked wrong and asked hurriedly.


At this moment, the police on both sides suddenly rushed towards the middle without any warning!

Tang Ren jumped up like a spring, grabbed Qin Feng's arm, and yelled: "Run!"

He took the lead and rushed into an alley on the side of the road!

"catch him!"


"Don't let him get away!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic!

Langdon Huang had been monitoring everything in the car not far away. When he saw this, he cursed "a bunch of idiots" and hurriedly got out of the car. At this time, a group of plainclothes policemen had already chased Tang Ren and Qin Feng into the alley.

In the crowded alley, there was a burst of chickens and dogs, and screams and roars.

Huang Langdeng turned around and went directly to block it from the other way.

It is hard to imagine that dozens of police officers could not catch two people who were desperate. This chaotic pursuit lasted for twenty minutes, spanned three streets and a river, and ended with Huang Langden's nose being injured and the police returning without success.

Tang Ren and Qin Feng, who were still in shock, hid in a narrow alley, gasping for air and completely paralyzed.

"He, they are the police?" Qin Feng asked breathlessly, his voice a little panicked. Although he is smart, has he ever experienced such a battle?

"Yes, police..." Tang Ren was still confused.

"Police, police, why did the police arrest you?"

"Yes, why did you arrest me?"

"I, I, I'm asking you!"

"why why?"


Qin Feng slapped Tang Ren on the face.

Tang Ren looked at Qin Feng blankly: "Did you hit me?"

"I, I didn't hit you." Qin Feng stared innocently.

"Didn't you hit me?" Tang Ren touched his burning left cheek and his eyes finally began to regain focus.

"No, no!" Qin Feng had a puzzled expression, and then asked: "Why, why did I arrest you?"

"They said I killed someone," Tang Ren said tremblingly, his eyes becoming confused again.

"Who did you kill?" Qin Feng was surprised.

"Who did I kill?" Tang Ren looked at Qin Feng.

"Who did you say you killed?"

"Who do you think I killed?"

"How do I know who you killed?"

"How do I know who I killed!"


The two of them stared at each other, unable to say a word for a long time.

In the police station, Langdon Huang, who had just returned, immediately reported to the director. The director immediately held an internal meeting and required all police officers to be present.

As soon as everyone arrived, Kuntai slammed the table.


Kuntai glared at Langdon Huang, pointed at his nose and yelled: "Landon Huang, what do you mean? You came to my territory to arrest people without even saying hello, and why are you arresting my people? Bang!"

Langdon Huang's nose had been wrapped with gauze, and there was still faint blood oozing out, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, his eyes were full of playfulness.

"Your people?" He smiled half-smilingly, and deliberately prolonged his voice.

"Baofa!" Kuntai became even more angry when he saw his strange attitude, "Who in the entire Chinatown doesn't know that Tang Ren is my Ma Tsai? Ask them which one doesn't know? What evidence do you have to arrest him?"

The police chief had a sullen face and glanced at Kuntai coldly: "Langdon, evidence."

Langdon Huang smiled disdainfully at Kuntai, stood up, and turned on the projector.

He pointed to the information displayed on the screen and began to introduce the case: "Three months ago, four gold shops in Chinatown were robbed, and 101 kilograms of gold bars and gold nuggets were lost! One of the first theft gangs we targeted was Song.

The handicraftsmen in the Phra Kampuchee workshop sing the Phra Somde!”

"And we finally confirmed that the stolen gold was also hidden in his workshop." Langdon Huang's voice was loud and his eyes were sharp. He looked around with great momentum and continued, "On April 15th, we are going to arrest Songpa.

When I arrived, I found that he had been killed, and the time of death was between 11 and 1 o'clock in the evening on April 14th."

"We have conducted multiple investigations and found that there is only one entrance to the Songpa workshop, which is the main entrance of the workshop! There are four monitors outside the main entrance of the workshop, which can capture all the people entering and leaving the workshop without any blind spots."

Having said this, Huang Langdeng's eyes fell on Kuntai's face and sneered: "Although the police station was robbed yesterday and all the evidence was stolen by the gangsters, the surveillance video and the Municipal Affairs Bureau still have the foundation. I'll call someone

I checked it overnight and found that the only person who had been in and out of the workshop during the time of Songpa's death was Tang Ren!"

Kuntai looked at Langdon Huang in surprise.

Langdon Huang continued to sneer, staring at Kuntai and said: "Although the murder weapon that killed Songpa was also stolen by the thieves, fortunately, I had the fingerprints on the weapon tested the day before yesterday afternoon, and the test results came out this morning.

, Tang Ren’s fingerprints are all on the murder weapon!”

Kuntai's expression completely changed, looking unbelievable.

"Songpa was killed, and then someone sneaked into the police station to steal and destroy the evidence," Huang Langden said solemnly. "Such a frantic desire to destroy the evidence further proves that Tang Ren is the murderer of Songpa!"

"I'm sure that Tang Ren is the little man among the five suspects. Because the spoils were unevenly divided, he teamed up with other accomplices to kill Songpa, take away the gold, and seek wealth and death!"


Langdon Huang slammed the table and raised his voice again: "As long as we find Tang Ren, we will be able to find those accomplices who were bold enough to rob the police station, and we can also recover the stolen gold and completely solve the case. Have you succeeded?"


Fierce applause immediately broke out.

In the midst of the applause, Huang Langdeng looked sarcastically at Kun Tai, whose face turned blue and white, with an indescribable expression on his face: "Sir Kun, what else do you have to say?"

Kuntai scratched his hair hard, exhaled, coughed twice unnaturally, and said: "I want to make it clear here that I have nothing to do with this Tang Ren! I..."

"Hahahaha..." Huang Langden interrupted him with a laugh and mocked, "Didn't you just say that the entire Chinatown knows that Tang Ren is your boss? And that private detective agency, aren't you the boss behind the scenes?


Kuntai pointed his trembling hand at Huang Landeng: "I'm warning you not to talk nonsense, I'm suing you for slander, do you understand?"

Langdon Huang's expression became even more sarcastic.

Kuntai stood up, pointed at Landeng Huang and yelled at everyone: "He is slandering me! He is slandering me!"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, ah..."

Suddenly, a very annoying ringtone came from the mobile phone on the table.

The people sitting in front were stunned. They all looked down and saw Tang Ren's wretched face on the phone screen.

This chapter has been completed!
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