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Four hundred and twentieth seventh chapter is dead

By reviewing the case at the crime scene, Qin Feng basically restored the process of the case.

He knew how Tang Ren's fingerprints came to be on the murder weapon.

He also figured out that the murderer had actually been hiding under Dan's bed a week in advance, and when Tang Ren arrived, the murderer had already killed Songpa. The figure Tang Ren saw through the glass before leaving was actually

Sompa's body.

He also learned how the murderer left the crime scene. The box that Tang Ren transported out at that time was not a sculpture, but the murderer himself.

He asked Tang Ren to pick up the courier, sent him out by courier, and framed everything on Tang Ren, killing two birds with one stone.

Maybe he would even take the gold with him.

Tang Ren was so shocked that he had nothing to add. He never imagined that things could be so complicated.

"In the song "The Secret Chamber of the Seeker" written by Akira Utano, the murderer hid in the courtyard for a month in order to kill people." Qin Feng said to Tang Ren, "Holmes said that if all impossibilities are eliminated, the remaining one will be incredible.

It’s the truth.”

"But it doesn't make sense..." Tang Ren scratched his head and frowned, "When I left that night, Songpa was obviously working, and I heard the sound of the cutting machine."

Qin Feng smiled: "I, I just asked you to review the case, you, what did you say there was on that table?"

Tang Ren glanced at the table and said, "Speaker, I remember, there is a stereo there."

"Yes, but it's gone now." Qin Feng said.

"It must have been taken away by the police," Tang Ren said.

"But there is no mention of that stereo in the case file." Qin Feng said.

"Then, maybe the policeman in charge of the case took advantage of him!" Tang Ren thought for a while and said, "The policemen in Siam are not very high-quality. They often do it to make a show."

"Yes, it is possible." Qin Feng took a deep breath, "But, there is another more reasonable possibility."

"What?" Tang Ren asked.

"God, the mysterious man!" Qin Feng looked deeply and said in a deep voice, "If my guess is correct, then the sound you heard that night was not the sound of Songpa at work at all, but the audio recorded in advance.


He paused and looked at Tang Ren: "The murderer got into the box while you were filling out the form, and then connected to the speaker through Bluetooth. The speaker was outside the window of the operating room. When you heard the sound, you turned around and saw Songpa.

The shadow of the corpse, and the sound you hear is also coming from this direction, you think it is the sound made by Songpa's work."

Tang Ren was suddenly enlightened, slapped his thigh and shouted: "I'm in trouble! The mysterious man's cockroach is a key piece of evidence in the audio system, so he took it away!"

"No, that's right!" Qin Feng shook his head, "For example, if this speaker is a Bluetooth speaker with a memory function, maybe it is the only evidence that the murderer has been here."

"Mysterious Silver took it and must have destroyed it!" Tang Ren said bitterly, "I've long said that the pretty boy named He doesn't tie anything! He must have said that Axiang still has me in his heart, so he

He was jealous of me and deliberately destroyed all the evidence, leaving me unable to defend myself and having to take the blame for the real murderer. He also blinded the real murderer, making the case useless!"

Qin Feng was slightly silent.

In fact, by now, the identity of the murderer and the "mysterious man" are already obvious. Qin Feng is sure that the murderer is Li and the mysterious man is He Xie.

However, Qin Feng had no idea about Li's motive for the murder and He Xie's motive for destroying the evidence.

It doesn't matter if he can't figure out the motive. The key to this case is that all the truth he has uncovered so far is just his speculation, and they can't produce any evidence.

And the most terrible thing is that if He Xie really killed her adoptive father Li in front of Sinuo, then this He Xie is an extremely dangerous person.

Qin Feng still remembered that He Xie came to Thailand at the same time as him, and the night he came to Thailand, he stayed at the house of Tang Ren's beautiful landlady Axiang. Early the next morning, he went to see Tang Ren

Investigate Mr. Yan...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He Xie commissioned Tang Ren to investigate Mr. Yan. Could it be that he actually wanted to kill Tang Ren with the help of Mr. Tang?

He suddenly remembered that when he handed in the task that night, He Xie poked Tang Ren with his finger. Tang Ren couldn't get up for a long time, and he looked in pain and couldn't even speak.

At that time, Qin Feng thought Tang Ren was just faking it.

But thinking about Li's death, the dark figure caught on surveillance, and the teacup that knocked the stupid guy unconscious at Axiang's house, Qin Feng is now basically certain that He Xie must have some things that he can't understand at all.

Special ability!

Thinking again of Mr. Yan's attitude towards He Xie that night, Qin Feng suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He didn't know what the relationship between Mr. Yan and He Xie was, but if He Xie could even handle Mr. Yan as the victim...

Only then did he realize that no matter how far he investigated, facing him and Tang Ren would be a fatal situation!

Maybe before the police catch them, he and Tang Ren will be silenced!

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Ren asked worriedly, looking at Qin Feng, who had a gloomy look on his face and was sweating profusely.

Qin Feng looked at Tang Ren with a straight look in his eyes.

"We're doomed," he said.

"Damn!" This is what Tang Ren wants to hear the most right now, especially when it comes from Qin Feng's mouth.

"You have found out the truth! If we find any evidence now, we will be in trouble. Are you going to tell me now, are we cleared?" Tang Ren was a little angry, "If he comes to intervene, he will definitely leave traces. I

If you don’t believe it, we can’t pull his fox tail!”

"No, it's useless." Qin Feng took a deep breath and managed to regain some composure, but his face was still a little pale.

Smart people tend to think a lot, and people who think a lot are often more afraid of death.

Not only are they afraid of death itself, but they are also afraid of the more bad consequences that death may extend.

"Tai, Brother Tai said that the police station was stolen. They checked all the surveillance cameras and every inch of the scene, but no evidence was found." Qin Feng said, "Here, I also carefully checked all the surveillance cameras here. There is no surname at all."

There are videos of He’s coming and going, and apart from the gate, the only passage here to the outside world is right there!”

Qin Feng pointed to the ventilation fan on one side.

Tang Ren quickly turned around and looked over.

"I just saw it. Well, the ventilation fan is installed between two walls. The distance between the two walls is less than twenty centimeters." Qin Feng said to Tang Ren, "And it can only be disassembled from the inside, but there is no trace there.

None left!"

"I'm crazy!" Tang Ren's eyes widened, "He knows the legendary bone-shrinking technique!"

"Even if he knows it, how can we prove it?" Qin Feng said, "We have no evidence, let alone his motive. Even Li's murder motive, we can only rely on guessing."

"Are we really settled?" Tang Ren murmured with despair in his eyes.

"Unless..." Qin Feng hesitated.

"What's wrong with him?" There was a glimmer of hope in Tang Ren's eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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