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Chapter 429: See Zhang Ziwei (for the helm of Wuliang)

Shanghai karaoke hall at night.

In fact, this karaoke bar is on the same floor as Axiang's house, and it is also next door to Axiang.

He Xie sang for more than two hours, and he felt a little sick whenever he heard the music.

He really admired Mr. Yan. He had been doing such disgusting things for decades and still enjoyed it. How did he do it?

When he took a break, he was not idle either. A group of company leaders came forward to report to him.

Some of them are genuine reports, while others are just here to flatter you and make you look familiar.

According to Mr. Yan's previous style, He Xie usually smiled and listened but did not speak. After speaking, he would nod and say thank you for your hard work, and the person who reported the report would understand and step back.

But there are also people who come to listen to his instructions when they encounter real problems.

For example, the boss of a taxi company reported that a group of taxi drivers are colluding everywhere and meeting privately with a senior member of the union. It is said that they will hold a city-wide taxi strike in the next few days to protest against the increase in taxi operating and management fees.

The boss proposed two plans, one literary and one military, and asked He Xie to give instructions.

The idea is to let the government and powerful people come forward to persuade the union to give up participating in the strike, and then give some benefits to the drivers appropriately. After the incident subsides, they can then quietly fire all those who danced the most happily.

The trick is to directly deal with those who dance the most happily and shut them up. If you cancel your intention to strike, it is best to report yourself and ruin your reputation.

As for how to settle the matter, it is naturally nothing more than threatening to kidnap family members and other shady means.

He Xie directly told the boss to use both methods, a two-pronged approach.

Wen asked the boss to do it himself, while Wu went to find his "Jade Guard Commander" Tirad.

Any organization that can be organized must have a hidden hand behind it. He Xie is sure that there must be some shady person behind it who is planning something secretly.

He didn't care what it was, but he believed that Tirad would definitely handle it well.

The CEO of the real estate company reported to He Xie that the government had contacted him and said it wanted to take back a 1,000-hectare piece of land on the outskirts of Thailand that Mr. Yan bought eleven years ago but had never developed, and said it would give it to the military.

In terms of use, the price can be 10% higher than the market price, and it is implied that other aspects of compensation will be provided.

After chatting with Mr. Yan all night last night, He Xie just changed his mind and sneered in his heart.

He was sure that behind this was Prime Minister Bayou's will. This was a test and an expression of Bayou's determination to weaken Mr. Yan's terrorist influence in Siam.

Because this is not the first time that Bayu wants to buy back Mr. Yan’s land or acquire Mr. Yan’s property.

There's no way He Xie could just give him two words!

I have to say that Bayu is at least a qualified prime minister and a qualified politician.

But as Mr. Yan's partner, and now He Xie's partner, he is undoubtedly unqualified.

He Xie does not need Siam to have a good prime minister, but He Xie only needs Siam to have a puppet who listens to him.

It has only been a year since this Bayou came to power, but he is already impatient and wants to control more power.

In fact, He Xie felt that Mr. Yan was making a foolish move by supporting Bayou to come to power, because Bayou was from the military and had a close relationship with the legislative body. Now he has repeatedly revealed that he wants to transform into an elected prime minister.

And he also had the support of the king.

This Bayou has great ambitions, and now he is starting to get rid of Mr. Yan. In a few years, once he completely gains power, He Xie will be the unlucky one.

Then, the president of Tai Hengchang Bank controlled by Mr. Yan told He Xie that the military wanted to buy back 13.4% of Mr. Yan’s shares in Siam Military Bank. There was no doubt that Ba You was behind this.

This Bayou is very aggressive...

He Xie pondered slightly. He originally planned to deal with the affairs of Siam after settling the affairs of the Golden Triangle. But now it seems that Bayou may not give him this opportunity.

It seems that a two-pronged approach is still needed!

After sending away the bank president, He Xie called Tirad and asked him: "What is the female prime minister's recent schedule?"

Tirad was stunned for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Yan, she is currently under house arrest by Bayou and has basically no travel plans. The 13th hearing on the rice malfeasance case is about to begin, and now the whole country is

If you pay attention to this matter, I'm afraid...it won't be easy to touch her."

According to the previous hatred between Mr. Yan and the Sivana family, it is understandable that Tirad misunderstood He Xie and wanted to touch the female prime minister.

He Xie glanced at Chachai lightly: "Cha."

Tirad's face tightened, and he lowered his head quickly and said, "Yes!"

When meeting the CEO of the energy group, He Xie gave him a task: to acquire californium-252 globally, as much as he wanted, no matter the cost.

There were still a dozen bosses waiting in line to be summoned by him, but at this moment, Chachai came back, quietly walked up to He Xie and said, "I brought him back, outside the back door."

He Xie nodded and said, "Take him to the box upstairs."

Chachai took the order and left.

After He Xie met all the bosses, he stood up with a smile and went upstairs with everyone's respectful greetings.

On the second floor, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. There are many big men with guns in their waists. When they see He Xie, they all bow their heads and say hello.

He Xie walked straight to the innermost box without squinting. Chachai stood at the door, said hello respectfully, and opened the door.

He Xie strode in and saw a short man with his head covered by a black cloth and handcuffed on a chair.

Chachai followed He Xie, closed the door with his backhand, and explained to He Xie: "He met a Hong Kong man named Duan Kun on Sukhumvit Avenue. This Duan Kun is the leader of a society that has recently emerged in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Island.

, very active. Our people are following him, and this guy now went to cowboy and called two ladyboys, one of whom was ours."

After a pause, Chachai asked: "Do you want to bring him back?"

He Xie noticed that as soon as Chachai finished speaking, Zhang Ziwei's body suddenly stiffened.

He smiled playfully and ordered: "Take off his mask, and you all can go out."

Chachai didn't have any objections and respectfully said yes. He stepped forward and took off Zhang Ziwei's mask with his own hands. Then he waved his hand and walked out with the two men guarding the room.

Zhang Ziwei frowned, squinted his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes, and saw He Xie walking towards him and sitting down on the sofa.

He recognized Mr. Yan and also learned Mr. Yan's identity from Mian Na.

He knew that Mr. Yan was the elder brother of the Eight-faced Buddha, and he also knew that although Mr. Yan had faded away from the Golden Triangle, he still had the ability to control the entire Golden Triangle.

The Eight-faced Buddha is very afraid of Mr. Yan, and Mena also told him.

The reason why Zhang Ziwei feels despair about this world is largely due to Mr. Yan.

The Eight-faced Buddha was so powerful that he didn't know how to deal with it, and behind the Eight-faced Buddha, there was an even more powerful Mr. Yan.

Where is Mr. Yan behind?

Sweep the poison, sweep the poison.

He didn't know when the sweep would be completed. Maybe this was something that could never be completed.

Although he knew that the Eight-faced Buddha had great conflicts with Mr. Yan, he did not think that Mr. Yan would let an outsider dare to plot to murder his nephew because of this.

Yes, he always believed that compared to the Wei family, he, Zhang Ziwei, had always been just an outsider.

He knew that he was dead.

However, at this moment, his heart felt peaceful.

This chapter has been completed!
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