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Chapter 43 Chaos Shootout

In the broken plane, Valentin and Gazelle were fixed to their seats by a kind of blue foam, unable to move. There were fires everywhere in the plane, but if the flames came into contact with the blue foam, they would automatically extinguish.

Gazelle cut open the foam with the sharp blade on his feet, got out dexterously, and then came over to release Valentine.

Valentine coughed violently and complained: "Fake, this foam smells really bad, just like the armpits of the old Ethiopian lady!"

"But it saved your life!" Gazelle acted quickly, "I have two pieces of news. Demi Company (formerly Blackwater Company) sent fifty bodyguards nearby. They can be here in five minutes. Arthur sent

News, his ace agent will land in ten minutes."

"Really, haha!" Valentine laughed ferociously, "Has that bitch Poppy also received the news? She will definitely try her best to kill me. Just wait, I will give her a big surprise!"

Gazelle dug Valentine out of the bubble. At this time, they were the only two people left alive on the plane, and the rest were all turned into charred corpses.

Gazele took down a metal box from the luggage rack, handed Valentin a hood and said: "The central control room of this gymnasium is on the highest floor of the VIP building. You need to take an independent elevator to get in. It can be completely enclosed. There will be

It would be a good command center.”

"Okay, let's go there." Valentine said while putting the hood on his head, "Hell, try to walk faster later, I hate seeing blood."

When the two got off the plane, a few police officers happened to be approaching on guard. When they saw the two, they immediately pointed their guns at them.

"Don't move! Hold your head with your hands!"

Both of them raised their hands obediently, but when the policemen approached Gazelle, she suddenly grabbed the gun and killed, killing all the policemen neatly.

The scene had just been calmed down by the police, but when they saw the gunfight here, it became chaotic again.

Another policeman came running towards us. Gazelle protected Valentine, who was covering his face, as he walked towards the building and fired. Every time a policeman was shot, a policeman fell to the ground.

Valentine's phone rang and he answered: "Colonel Sam? On top of me?"

Valentine looked up and saw two helicopters landing on the lawn.

"Listen Sam, I don't care what your name is, deal with those policemen and then come over and protect me immediately!"

The phone was hung up and Valentine had already walked into the building.

At this time, in a cabin with a completely retro-style interior, a middle-aged blond woman's eyes widened in disbelief: "Super Bowl? This lunatic!"

Although he was scolding, her excited eyes and expression, as well as her next words, exposed his true thoughts.

"Valentin is such a genius! People all over the world are watching the Super Bowl! This is the best time to expand the influence of our company! This is a historic moment for our Golden Circle to enter the public for the first time! Tell the third camp, give it to me

Let’s all go to the Super Bowl, and I’ll have the second battalion rush there as soon as possible!”

"But Bobby, we are drug dealers after all. It's not a good thing to show our faces like this." The men next to him said with a grimace.

"Hey, what are you thinking!" Bobby's eyes widened, looking at this subordinate as if he were an idiot, "We will take back Valentine's machine, then destroy the old era and establish a new era, and I,

Will be the only king of the new era! I will establish a drug kingdom and serve as the first queen! Otherwise, why do you think I do this?"

A plane landed slowly at a winery in Kentucky. Arthur jumped out of the plane with two agents. A fat old man wearing a cowboy hat laughed and walked up to hug Arthur.

: "Hey my old friend, it's so nice to see you!"

He pointed to the two men and one woman behind him and introduced: "These three are the aces of our alcohol industry in the United States. Whiskey, tequila and dried ginger water. They will be of great help to you for what you mentioned."

Arthur nodded to the three agents, and then said to the fat old man: "Champagne, our ace gentlemen and your United States liquor industry are independent international intelligence agencies with a long history of friendship. Can we get rid of this madman Valentine this time?"

To save the world, it depends on whether we can cooperate sincerely."

The fat old man known as Champagne nodded solemnly and said: "Arthur, the friendship between gentlemen and cowboys lasts forever. Come on, let's go in and talk."

The fighter jet He Xie was riding in had already arrived above Houston. Except for John who was flying the plane, He Xie and Mike were ready to parachute at any time.

Mike was reading the Bible in a low voice, while He Xie listened to Merlin's voice in the headset.

"Charlie, Bobby has already been at war with Valentine. We traced the signal through Mike's contact and found out that Arthur is also in the Lighthouse Country, and we are also on the plane heading to Houston. It's a fighter jet!"

"Arrived at the target location, prepare to parachute!" At this time, John, who was piloting the plane, suddenly said loudly, and then started counting down.

He Xie took a deep breath, feeling quite excited and excited.

When the countdown reached 1, he and Mike on his side were suddenly ejected directly!

At this time, the stadium below was completely in chaos!

Near the VIP building, two groups of heavily armed people were exchanging fire, even using grenades and rockets. The audience was sealed in the venue and could not get out. They tried their best to huddle in the auditorium and did not dare to act rashly.

Amidst the gunfire, people were constantly shot and fell to the ground. Among them, the two robot dogs were particularly conspicuous!

This is Bobby's secret weapon. They are very fast and bullets are ineffective against them. Most of Demi's fifty bodyguards have been lost because of these two robot beasts!

They are very sensitive, and their two electronic eyes flash with a faint green light. If they attack at the front, they will directly pick out the bodyguards who are confronting the drug dealers, expose them to the drug dealers' guns, and then immediately attack the next target.


Even grenades can be quickly dodged!

The bodyguards were severely reduced in number and were fighting and retreating. They had already abandoned the gate of the VIP building and began to retreat to the second floor.

In the central control room, Valentin watched this scene from the monitor in disbelief and murmured: "Fake, why didn't I think of investing in the field of robotics? Bobby is such a genius bitch!"

His cell phone kept ringing, but he didn't even look at it.

The suitcase on the other side has long been opened, and the device taken out is somewhat similar to a touch screen. At this time, Valentine's hand is pressing on a fingerprint on the screen, and there is a progress bar above the fingerprint, which shows a countdown of four minutes.

Gazelle calmly loaded the bullet and was ready to fight at any time. She glanced at her phone and asked: "Our partners are all anxious. They are frantically contacting you. Are you really not going to answer?"

This chapter has been completed!
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