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Description, thanks and situation of this volume

This volume can actually be written for a while. In my mind, there is also Detective Tang 2, the Bourne Supremacy series, plus the upcoming Detective Tang 3, and then interspersed with the plot of the two final chapters, and write in detail the changes in the protagonist

The process of the world.

Unfortunately, chapter 392 was suddenly swallowed today, and two chapters of the previous volume of Charlotte have not been released. I had a chat with the editor, and then I made up my mind.

I'm also wondering...

Thanks to the editor in charge, Lu Mingda, for allowing me to stop my losses in time, wake up to my mistakes, and make amends before it is too late.

The general environment is like this, and there is nothing to complain about. Although it is very depressing, you still have to follow your heart.

So, I show my cards!

I escaped from the outline again!

Am I proud?

But don’t get me wrong, this volume is not finished yet.

From now on, I will write about ancient times, fantasy, and fiction, so nothing will happen, right?

The purpose of this book is to live from the heart!

The protagonist's name is harmonious.

So, in fact, I am a good young man.

Subversion and all that, just let nature take its course. He Xie didn't do anything, and I didn't do anything either...

Ahem, let's get back to the point. This volume is over. The next volume of Tian Long Ba Bu will be a different kind of fun.

This dungeon has been badly written. I feel like I can come up with new ideas and bring you something different. Please look forward to it. I will definitely work hard. Because it ended suddenly, I have to finish the new dungeon carefully, so this is

It may be a little difficult to give birth in two days. Please forgive me. I will continue to update after it goes smoothly.

The following is the schedule for arrears and additional updates:

1. I will add chapter 8 if I don’t complain about the leader.

2. The helmsman who is unable to wake up due to lack of repair will add 1 more chapter.

3. From October to now, book friends have rewarded a total of 66,300 coins, and 6 chapters are owed.

4. From October to now, monthly tickets will be updated every 300. If one chapter is added, 6 chapters are still owed.

5. From October to now, recommendation votes will be updated every 5,000, and 6 chapters are still owed.

Total: 27 chapters owed, if you add two chapters every day...

Okay, eh.

The following is the list of thanks for book friends’ rewards from November last year until now:

100,000 coins for Buluo Xingyu (updated)

I don’t want to complain about 100,000 coins (I owe eight chapters)

12,100 coins for being unable to wake up (due to one chapter)

No cool 11,000 coins (updated)

Wanwu 10,000 coins (updated)

This guy is so good at cheating 10,000 coins (Updated)

Luoyang 10,000 coins (already updated)

Super Invincible Meow 5000 Coins

Hanwang Road Dentist 4000 coins

Book Friends 20191202041936443,3000 coins

丶Mo Xueyiyun 2100 coins

Lu Buyi 2000 coins

Hand-caught steamed buns for 2,000 coins

Bamboo Basket Heart Special Ming 2000 Coins

Book friend 130317130005305, 2000 coins

Bad guy Cong Ge 2000 coins

Bachelor gold 1700 coins

297996.qdn1600 coins

asquid1300 coins

1200 coins for free prostitution

Lonely Sky 1100 coins

Still water 20190422,1100 coins

1,000 coins for a greasy middle-aged man

Gray Throne 1000 Coins

Tianyanyan 1000 coins

Belly 1000 coins

Book Friends 20190523150852427, 1000 coins

blak*dragon1000 coins

Book friend 151106151237295,1000 coins

Gentle lineage 1000 coins

I can’t see the flowers blooming, I have 1,000 coins

I want to sleep after eating 1000 coins

Book review is poisonous 1000 coins

丨丶灬笑面1000 coins

My years are quiet and good for 700 coins

Hemoptysis swabbing costs 700 coins

Ming qshang 600 coins

Extraordinary intelligence 600 coins

Tie Ge Mighty 500 coins

Book Friends 20190728172930929,500 coins

Luo Lishuo 500 coins

Fatty’s 500 coins

500 coins for smart operation

Fly across the Mediterranean 500 coins

Huaixuan, Nian face 500 coins

Book Friends 20191004203905774,500 coins

Book friend 170104202446169,500 coins

It’s really 500 coins for ordinary people.

Sad Wind Cult 500 coins

aaa555aaa555,500 coins

Book Friends 20190308132024238,500 coins

me Guying 500 coins

Cow on white grass 500 coins

Neck sore 500 coins

Zifeiyu 2011,500 coins

Book Friends 161015085016489,400 coins

Her original price: 300 coins

mozyd300 coins

It’s 300 coins if you turn it around a thousand times

Exchange posts for 300 coins

Liu Aogu 300 coins

The old man loves Shanshan 200 coins

A statue of Jiang Yue Meng Life costs 200 coins

17 brocade 200 coins

Bijiang Shadow Moon 200 coins

gxz8641,200 coins

where is 200 coins

Wood_has 200 coins

Pure and Inaction Taishang 100 Coins

Book Friends 20181107165558216,100 coins

Blue fantasy 100 coins

pengk100 coins

You Mibo 100 coins

Li Lie 100 coins

King Immortaled 100 coins

1 Just like a person who knows whether drinking water is warm or cold, it costs 100 coins.

One, two, three, stone, 100 coins

Wuguixin 100 coins

Silent Drop Totem 100 coins

Book Friends 20180307093059420,100 coins

Winged Demon's Vest 100 Coins

Rural City 100 coins

I am not Gargamel 100 coins

Book Friends 20170923130529761,100 coins

Oops, 100 coins of pain

Singing butterfly 100 coins

100 coins for the little Yamen of Duhufu

Just be happy and get it done for 100 coins

I feel at ease 100

Book Friends 20190917145850651,100 coins

The world is invisible 100 coins

touhthesky100 coins

Book Friends 20180610094243768,100 coins

Ink painting painting 100 coins

123 Alchemist 321,100 coins

Find you 100 coins in Song of Time

Just read 100 coins for books

Dark Night Dragon 100 Coins

Yitianzhan 100 coins

zvaliant100 coins

tianyainn100 coins

Zhong 100 coins in the opposite direction

My favorite smile 100 coins

Fatty 2004,100 coins

100 coins

Mr. Su pays 100 coins

Falling into the water sword 100 coins

100 coins for veteran drivers

Jiong Youshen 100 coins

The Dark Lord is here for 100 coins

I’ve watched it for 20 years and it’s 100 coins

Book Friends 20180420054652133,100 coins

100 coins for you

Time flies and spends 100 coins

Tao Tianya 100 coins

Thank you to all book friends for your support, thank you all!

This chapter has been completed!
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