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Chapter 500: Master Ku Rong and the Five Books of Tianlong

The official name of Tianlong Temple is Chongsheng Temple. Since the ancestors of the Duan family who were emperors in the past dynasties often avoided their thrones and became monks, they all became monks in this temple. Therefore, this is actually the family temple of the Dali royal family, and the people of Dali simply call it this temple.

Tianlong Temple, as time goes by, no one remembers its original name, but the name of Tianlong Temple becomes more and more famous.

Tianlong Temple is said to be grand in scale and exquisitely constructed. Even the famous mountain temples in Wutai, Putuo, Jiuhua, and Shaolin cannot be compared. After every Dali emperor became a monk, his descendants must pay homage to the temple on his birthday.

, every time you worship, there must be dedications and decorations. The temple has three pavilions, seven floors, nine halls, and hundreds of buildings. There are many temples, but it is located in a remote southern border, so its name is not obvious.

He Xie followed Monk Ben Shen, passing through the Panotian Gate, Qingdu Yaotai, Wuwujie, Sanyuan Palace, Tusita Temple, Yuhuayuan, Prajna Terrace, and finally passed through a long corridor and came to several rooms.

Outside the wooden house.

These houses are all made of pine wood, with wooden doors and wooden pillars, and the wood is not peeled. They are natural and simple, completely different from the splendid palaces along the way.

When he arrived at the door, Ben Shen clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, the donor has been brought here."

Someone in the room said: "Junior brother, please come in!"

Ben Shen stretched out his hand and pushed the door slowly. The door creaked, indicating that few people opened it.

After opening the door, I stepped aside, made a gesture of invitation, bowed slightly and said, "Donor He, please come in."

"Thank you." He Xie returned the greeting and strode forward.

The room was brightly lit with candles, and there was an incense case set in the west. Behind the incense case, a monk in gray clothes was sitting facing the wall. He Xie couldn't see his appearance, only a few strands of gray long beard were visible, which showed that the monk was quite old.

The other three monks were sitting on three futons. Two of them had haggard faces, and the other was tall and strong. He Xie recognized that this person was the original monk who had gone to the temple with Ben Shen to "invite" him back.

At this time, the old monk was clasping his hands together and looking at him with a smile.

On the right hand side, Xuan Bei was also present. On the other right hand side, He Xie also saw Duan Zhengming and Duan Yu.

Duan Yu seemed to be completely fine, but Duan Zhengming was dressed in monk's robes and had a bald head. He had already been tonsured!

"Amitabha!" At this moment, an old monk sitting opposite Xuanbei suddenly chanted the Buddha's name, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply.

Following his movements, everyone except Xuan Bei and the old monk facing the wall, including Duan Zhengming and Duan Yu, chanted the Buddha's name and saluted He Xie.

In fact, as soon as He Xie came in and saw that Duan Zhengming had become a monk, he knew why Tianlong Temple had to wait for so long.

It seemed that Jiumozhi had already sent a greeting, so everyone in Tianlong Temple felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. After Duan Zhengming arrived, they first discussed how to deal with Jiumozhi.

He Xie also knows the stakes of this matter. Tianlong Temple is the foundation of the Duan family in Dali. Whenever the royal family is in trouble, Tianlong Temple goes to the rescue with all its strength and always saves the day. It has been 158 years since the Duan family in Dali conquered the country.

After countless storms and waves, the country has never fallen, largely because Tianlong Temple stabilizes the capital.

In addition to force, Tianlong Temple's religious, political, and cultural influence is also a major factor that allows the Duan family to sleep peacefully.

The police in Tianlong today is actually no different from the crisis in Dali Sheji, or even more serious.

What He Xie didn't know at this moment was that the monks of Tianlong Temple actually discussed the matter of him, the benefactor of the Duan family, first even though they were facing a formidable enemy.

He Xie first had the virtue of teaching Duan Yu's art, and he heard that the Duan family was in trouble and rushed to help him. Then he had the kindness to save Duan Yu twice, plus he "eliminated three disasters" in the Dali palace.

Ambition, all these things, Duan could no longer treat He Xie as an ordinary young righteous hero.

Only after Duan Zhengming and Xuanbei finished recounting He Xie's deeds to the monks in Tianlong Temple did they realize how big of a mistake they had made.

He Xie defeated the three villains and the masked man in black with strong martial arts skills. To a certain extent, he blocked the disaster for the Duan family. Even under the circumstances at that time, it is not an exaggeration to say that he turned the tide.

For such a great kindness, they detained He Xie himself and put him under house arrest.

Not to mention that they themselves felt ashamed. Although Xuan Bei didn't say anything, he was very unhappy. After all, He Xie was invited by him, but he was treated like this. How could his face be bright?

This incident even alarmed the old monk facing the wall.

This wall-faced old monk, whose monastic name is Zen Master Kurong, is the oldest senior in Tianlong Temple. Even several eminent monks of his generation would call him uncle.

Zen Master Kurong severely reprimanded Ben Shen in front of Xuan Bei. Ben Xiang and Abbot Ben Yin immediately took the decision and took out a valuable treasure that had been collected by Tianlong Temple for many years and presented it to He Xie. One was to express gratitude and the other was to apologize.


After that, Zen Master Kurong told about Jiumozhi’s visit.

What Jiumozhi planned was the Duan family's secret skill, the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Unfortunately, no one in the world could master the Six Meridians Divine Sword. With just one Yang Finger, they had no chance of defeating Jiumozhi.

Therefore, Zen Master Kurong decided that people with a yang finger cultivation level above the fourth level should each cultivate one meridian to form a six-meridian sword array.

The original cause, the original appearance, the original view, the original ginseng and Zen Master Kurong, there are only five people. Duan Zhengming came just in time. He is also a direct descendant of the Duan family, and his Yiyang finger cultivation has reached the fourth level, so he is just qualified to practice.

Six Meridians Divine Sword, just six people.

So just like in the original plot, Abbot Benyin made a cameo appearance as Master Tony, and immediately gave Duan Zhengming a look, thinning the sides and leaving out the top.

Duan Zhengming made his debut and got a stage name

No, Duan Zhengming became a monk and also had a Buddhist name, Benchen.

After doing this, Master Kumu immediately asked Ben Shen to invite He Xie.

But now, as soon as He Xie arrived, the seniors of the Duan family all saluted He Xie, which could be said to have completely made up for the courtesy.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just a matter of etiquette. After this incident, He Xie's unhappiness immediately disappeared.

He was not an unreasonable person, so he hurriedly returned the greeting and said: "Masters, why are you so polite? You are really in trouble!"

At this time, Ben Shen, who was behind He Xie, stepped forward and introduced everyone with a smile.

"Donor He, this is the abbot of our temple, senior brother Benyin, and this is senior brother Benguan. You have already met senior brother Benxiang."

"That is Zen Master Kurong, our uncle. After learning of Donor He's benevolent and righteous act, and because of the reckless ignorance of the poor monk, I personally apologize to Donor He on behalf of our Tianlong Temple."

Every time Ben Shen introduces someone, He Xie salutes to the other person, and except Zen Master Kurong, the other old monks don't care much and return the salute to He Xie one after another.

After everyone was introduced, Zen Master Kurong slowly spoke: "He is a kind-hearted donor and has a profound sense of justice. It is a blessing for Dali to have such a benefactor as a friend. He is so sincere, but he suffers

Our temple's reckless and rude treatment has made our benefactors feel cold and chilled the hearts of our friends. Fortunately, it is not too late to remedy the situation. Today, on behalf of Dali and Tianlong Temple, I will definitely give an explanation to the little benefactor He."

This chapter has been completed!
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