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Chapter 53 Tell the truth!

Wei Zhongxian was in a daze as he looked at the constantly shaking fish float. He felt like a fish in the water, whether he lived or died, all depended on the fisherman's thoughts.

But who is the fisherman?

In fact, he knew it in his heart.

On the first day of the seventh lunar month in autumn, the emperor traveled to Xiyuan and drowned without hesitation.

The newly built treasure ship specially for the emperor sank!

You must know that the emperor usually has to check the chamber pot through seven procedures when he urinates. This shows how absurd the shipwreck is!

What is even more absurd is that at that time, the emperor was surrounded by eight young eunuchs and four imperial guards. However, the emperor fell into the water for twenty seconds and could not be saved. If Wei Zhongxian had not arrived in time, I am afraid that the sky at that time would have been... It’s already about to change!

Does Wei Zhongxian dare to investigate this matter?

He doesn't dare!

On Bingyin day of the seventh month, Huo Weihua, Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, offered a drink of elixir and spirit dew. The emperor drank it and fell ill in the Palace of Qianqing after tasting it. He had been away for ten days.

This Huo Weihua is one of Wei Zhongxian's people...

But he secretly donated the elixir, but Wei Zhongxian only found out about it after the fact. Did he dare to ask Huo Weihua for an explanation?

He doesn't dare!

He knew very well who was behind all this, but he didn't dare to do anything.

In the eyes of everyone, he is the powerful Governor of Dongchang. His people are everywhere from the cabinet, the six ministries to the governors and governors of the four directions!

Above the court, he has "Five Tigers", "Five Bears", "Ten Dogs", "Ten Children" and "Forty Grandsons".

Among the factory guards, he had "twenty children", "forty monkey grandchildren" and "five hundred adopted grandchildren".

Both inside and outside the court were under his control. He was "nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old", only one year younger than Wan Sui.

But even so, he still didn't dare to do anything! He was so scared that he couldn't even eat anything and couldn't sleep at night.

Because as early as the day the emperor drowned, the imperial doctor told Wei Zhongxian that the emperor's time was running out...

Wei Zhongxian has always been very clear that all his current power and wealth are actually based on the emperor's favor. If one day the emperor no longer favors him, what awaits him will definitely be a disaster.

The emperor is his only support. If the emperor is successful, who else can he rely on?

Today there is no heir, but Wang Xin has a reputation as a virtuous man and is highly praised by the emperor.

King Xin, will you continue to favor him?

He didn't know, but he was nine thousand years old. There were very few things that could be hidden from him in the Ming Dynasty. He knew that the emperor fell into the water and Huo Weihua presented the elixir. Both of these things were related to King Xin, so he didn't Dare to check but dare not ask!

But that doesn't mean he has to sit still and wait for death!

In the past half month since the emperor fell into the water, he ordered his subordinates to seal all the files and documents, pretending to vigorously investigate the case of the emperor falling into the water, but in fact he did nothing at all.

When Huo Weihua offered the elixir, he immediately found a reason to punish Huo Weihua's official position and ordered him to stay at home and think about his mistakes. But in fact, he wanted to destroy Huo Weihua's nine tribes!

The reason why he was so uncharacteristically unmoved was because he was waiting. He was waiting for King Xin to give him an attitude and a guarantee.

If King Xin can guarantee that he will continue to favor him, he will completely suppress the matter and fully assist King Xin in ascending to the throne.

If not...

A look of cruelty and fear suddenly appeared on Wei Zhongxian's face...

He already knew about the murder of eunuch Guo Zhen, he knew it earlier than Jin Yiwei, and Guo Zhen was the director of the Internal Supervision Department in charge of building the treasure ship.

The treasure ship crashed and Guo Zhen was killed. The nature of this incident is self-evident.

He never expected that he would receive such news instead of waiting for a letter from the King.

What does this mean?

King Xin is hostile to him? King Xin won’t use him?

No no no...

Maybe King Xin is just afraid, just afraid.

Wait a little longer, wait a little longer...

He is already old, and he just wants to live a peaceful life. Moreover, he believes that King Xin needs him. He is nine thousand years old. Without him, how can the emperor be able to sit in the court?

Wei Zhongxian looked at the struggling fish in the water, no matter how it flopped, it could never break free from the hook.

His eyes gradually became colder.

"We must get King Xin's guarantee! Since you killed Guo Zhen to silence him, I will help you kill another person and tell you clearly that I know everything. If you come to me, then so be it. If you don't come to me..."


Suddenly, the water splashed on the water, and then the fish float suddenly stopped shaking.

The fish got away!

Wei Zhongxian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing: "Hoo ho ho..."

Seeing Wei Zhongxian about to get up, Sun Jin from the Thousand Households of Dongchang who was waiting on the side hurriedly stepped forward to meet him, helped him up, and said with a smile: "Godfather, please slow down, come over here."

"Let's go back to the palace!" Wei Zhongxian's originally anxious mood became much better as the fish broke free from the hook. He was about to leave with Sun Jin's support when he suddenly remembered that there was another person in the pavilion.

So he pushed Sun Jin's hand away and looked sideways at He Xie, who was holding the bamboo basket.

He Xie smiled, bowed slightly, and remained silent.

At this time, he had completely digested Lu Wenzhao's memory, and knew that he was approaching Wei Zhongxian this time, and he was doing the superficial thing of sucking carbuncles and licking moles. In fact, King Xin was afraid that Wei Zhongxian would find out that he was plotting to assassinate the emperor, so he sent Lu Wenzhao.

Secretly probe and investigate.

In the original plot, Lu Wenzhao guessed Wei Zhongxian's thoughts through careful analysis, and this was how King Xin later cried cowardly in front of Wei Zhongxian, even kneeling down, which calmed Wei Zhongxian's heart.

But now, He Xie will naturally not humiliate himself like that again.

King Xin is mean, cold-blooded and suspicious. Naturally, He Xie will not make the same mistakes as Lu Wenzhao. Before he traveled through time, the owner of this body had done many shameful things for King Xin. He Xie is sure that once

If King Xin comes to power, he will definitely kill himself.

He has decided to stop King Xin from ascending to the throne at all costs, so naturally he will no longer plan for King Xin.

It's just that he hasn't thought about where to go in the future.

Another supporter for the new king?


Wei Zhongxian had walked up to He Xie, looked at him condescendingly, and said in a lazy tone: "Tell me, what do you want?"

Lu Wenzhao, known as Lu Liuxu, spent two hundred taels of silver this time in exchange for an opportunity to serve by his side. How could Wei Zhongxian not know this?

But what was strange to him was that Lu Wenzhao never said a word from beginning to end, and had no intention of currying favor with him at all. So what did he spend the two hundred taels of silver on?

He Xie did not raise his head and tried his best to sound respectful: "If I return to the factory, I don't want anything from my humble position."

Wei Zhongxian sneered: "That's strange. You spent two hundred taels of silver to be with me. Could it be that you just want to look familiar?"

Without waiting for He Xie to reply, Wei Zhongxian had a straight face and said solemnly: "Tell the truth!"

This chapter has been completed!
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