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Chapter 614: Free and Easy Sect Gift Pack (2/3 of February)

What else happened thirty years ago?

Ding Chunqiu killed his army and Wu Yazi was paralyzed.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yufeng sent his daughter to the Wang family in Gusu for no apparent reason.

What’s so special about the Wang family in Gusu?

At that time, the sister of the head of the Wang family in Gusu happened to be Murong Bo's wife.

Then Murong Bo planned the attack on Xiao Yuanshan.

Why did Murong Bo choose to attack Xiao Yuanshan?

Also, in the words left by Qi Yufeng, he asked his successors to "kill all the disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect" full of resentment. Is it really just because he and Wu Yazi had a hatred for each other because of their love?

Xiaoyaozi never returned after leaving. Why didn't Qi Yufeng go to find Xiaoyaozi? Why didn't he avenge Xiaoyaozi himself?

There are too many strange and unexplainable things in this series of events.

But if these were all done behind the scenes by Xiaoyaozi Pan Lang, everything would be explained.

Tianshan Tonglao and Li Qiushui are both working for their master's great cause, but Wu Yazi does nothing and even kidnaps Qi Yufeng. How can Xiaoyaozi be willing to do so?

So in order to bring order to the chaos, he planned the murder of Ding Chunqiu, and then somehow dealt with Qi Yufeng, gave their daughter Li Qingluo to the Wang family, and got into a relationship with the ambitious Murong Bo.

Afterwards, Xiaoyaozi poisoned Murong Bo and attacked Xiao Yuanshan, making him full of hatred towards the Song Dynasty.

Qi Yufeng knew that he could not fight against his master, so he wrote the words "Kill all the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect" with hatred.

As for what other plans this Xiaoyaozi has, He Xie is not sure. After all, even these things are just his speculations.

And Xiaoyaozi should be dead, or something happened, because his plan deviated again. Instead of joining the Liao court and invading the Song Dynasty as he wished, Xiao Yuanshan went to Shaolin to learn martial arts.

Thirty years.

Murong Bo also faked his death and escaped because of what happened that year.

Li Qiushui only knew how to search for handsome men from all over the Xixia Palace, and the Tianshan Child Mother also made the imperial concubine of Lingjiu Palace complain.

If Xiaoyaozi was still alive, things would not have turned out like this, so He Xie speculated that this person was either dead or something happened.

But if this Xiaoyaozi is still alive, he would be over one hundred and twenty years old, and he would be a real fairy...

Could this guy be a sweeping monk from Shaolin?

It's really possible, after all, the sweeping monk recognized Jiumozhi's small formless skill at a glance...

But there is one thing that doesn't make sense. If the sweeping monk is Xiaoyaozi, it stands to reason that Xiao Yuanshan should recognize him.

He Xie shook his head and stopped guessing.

In any case, the Xiaoyao faction succeeded in resetting Taizu Hou in the end.

More than a hundred years later, another young man with a shadow of the Xiaoyao sect in martial arts appeared. Not only did he become a martial artist in Dali, but he also acted with the same arrogance and willfulness as Pan Lang.

This man fought all the way from Dali to the imperial city, denounced Gaozong for his old age and fatuousness and the bad government of the court, saying that he should plan a Northern Expedition and restore his homeland.

Then Zhao Gou suddenly abdicated to the throne, and Emperor Xiaozong Zhao Shen, who was a direct bloodline of Taizu, was able to inherit the throne, fulfilling the motto of a hundred years ago that "after Taizu, there will be another world."

After Xiaozong succeeded to the throne, he quickly vindicated Yue Fei's unjust case, appointed militants, and determined to regain the Central Plains. He also actively rectified the administration, eliminated redundant officials, punished corruption, and fully accepted the young man's angry advice to Zhao Gou.

Emperor Xiaozong was a rare and promising monarch in the Song Dynasty, and later generations said that he was "outstanding and the first of all the emperors in the south".

And that young man, because he was not a saint, ruined his ancestors, slandered the court, and was unscrupulous, he also got the name of "Evil Hero" in the world, and created a legend of his own.

In Su Xinghe's stunned look, He Xie brought Duan Yu and Huang Shang into the wooden house.

Wu Yazi asked the two of them some questions respectively, and checked their martial arts. For a moment, it was difficult to make a decision.

Both of them are extremely talented and have extraordinary looks. They also practice the Xiaoyao sect's martial arts.

Duan Yu's advantage is that he has higher martial arts skills, has practiced Beiming Divine Kung Fu, and possesses magical skills such as the Six Meridians Divine Sword, which is actually very advantageous.

Huang Shang is over forty years old and has only recently learned martial arts. Logically speaking, he cannot compare to Duan Yu.

However, Huang Shang surprisingly suited Wu Yazi's taste. He said that this person possesses "Tao charm" and if he has deep blessings, he will definitely achieve Tao and be free.

In the end, Wu Yazi gave up his choice and wanted both.

He decided to pass on all Xiaoyao sect martial arts to the two, and then transfer his inner strength to Huang Shang through initiation.

Under the witness of He Xie, the two became masters and called each other senior brother and junior brother, with Huang Shang as brother and Duan Yu as brother.

During the apprenticeship ceremony, the three of them brought Ding Chunqiu in and killed him as a blood sacrifice as a tribute to their master.

What Ding Chunqiu shouted before he died was very interesting. He said: "Old thief, you know who betrayed the master!"

Next, Wu Yazi began to dictate the secrets of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Beiming Divine Skill, Pure Yang Supreme Skill, Small Phaseless Skill, Lingbo Weibu, Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand, Tianshan Six Yang Palm, White Rainbow Palm Power, Sound Transmission Soul Search**, Cold Clothes Fluttering Sleeves...

A series of miraculous martial arts were explained from Wu Yazi's mouth, and the three of them were mesmerized.

This Pure Yang Supreme Kung Fu is actually the original version of the Bahuang ** Self-Supreme Kung Fu. It does not have the miraculous effect of rejuvenating one's youth. It's just that the Tianshan Tong Lao has modified this martial arts, which is why it has drawbacks.

After mastering this martial art, it is easy to keep your appearance forever and prolong your life. It is said that the ancestors who created this martial art lived for a full three hundred years.

Of course, although the three of them are all very interested, they also have their own preferences.

He Xie did not refuse anyone who came, and accepted all orders; Duan Yu was only interested in the power of Tianshan Six Yang Palm and Baihong Palm besides Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu.

As for Huang Shang, he seemed to be extremely talented in martial arts such as Hanyi's Fluttering Sleeves, Sound Transmission and Soul Searching **, but in martial arts such as Lingbo Weibu and Pure Yang Supreme Kung Fu, he frowned and was obviously not interested.

During this lecture, ten hours have passed.

After passing on the martial arts, Wu Yazi transferred all his internal strength of more than seventy years to Huang Shang.

Unless He Xie comes up with a magical elixir from the system, there is no way for him to heal Wu Yazi's body.

It was a blessing that this man did not fall to death that year. All the muscles and bones in his body were broken, but he could still live for another thirty years, and his internal strength became stronger and stronger. It was even more of a miracle.

Now, Wu Yazi is ninety-three years old, and he is suffering from hidden diseases that make his life expectancy approaching. He has run out of oil and lamps, and there is no medicine or stone to cure him.

After transferring his internal power, his originally young and handsome appearance immediately became extremely old. Fortunately, He Xie used his internal power to overcome it and pricked his acupoints with golden needles to survive.

Wu Yazi passed the position of head of the Xiaoyao Sect to Huang Shang. He really loved this eldest disciple because he seemed to see his own reflection in Huang Shang.

This chapter has been completed!
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