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Chapter six hundred and sixteen He Xie said martial arts

"He Shaoxia, the young monk is here as promised. Please be patient if you disturb me." Jiumozhi bowed with a respectful expression.

He Xie smiled and nodded: "There is no need to be polite, Prince Ming. The owner of this place is newly mourned. How about you and I move to the pavilion outside the valley and talk in detail?"

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders." Jiumozhi bowed and said.

He Xie then turned his attention to Wang Yuyan, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "It adds a bit of heroic appearance, much better than the soft and weak look before."

Wang Yuyan was originally worried, worried that He Xie would blame her if she ran away without success in martial arts. Unexpectedly, the first sentence he said was to praise her, and this familiar and relaxed tone made her inexplicably friendly.

Wang Yuyan immediately became happy, and although she tried her best to hide the excitement in her eyes, it almost burst out of her eyes.

"Really?" she said, "I also feel a lot more courageous."

In the past, how would she have dared to follow an unfamiliar monk all the way to find a man other than her cousin?

I dare not even think about it.

"You should also come along." He Xie said with a smile, "It will be beneficial for you to listen carefully to my conversation with Prince Ming."

"Okay." Wang Yuyan pursed her lips and smiled, radiantly.

The three of them walked all the way to the outside of the valley and arrived at the pavilion. After sitting down respectively, He Xie didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"King Ming, if He is not mistaken, the internal strength that King Ming practiced was the Taoist Small Phaseless Kung Fu at that time, right?" he said leisurely.

Jiumozhi's eyes flashed, he clasped his hands and said, "He Shaoxia has a sharp eye, it's true."

Jiumozhi was not surprised that He Xie was able to break through his martial arts foundation. In fact, when he and He Xie first met at Shenjie Temple, he suspected that He Xie had already seen through his martial arts foundation.

"Prince Ming's special skill, the Flame Sword, has obviously reached its peak." He Xie continued, "If He guessed correctly, Prince Ming should have originally practiced tantric martial arts before switching to Xiaowuxiang Kung Fu.

, yes or no?”

Jiumozhi was shocked, He Xie could even see this.

He nodded slowly: "That's right."

He Xie smiled: "The inner strength of Tantric Buddhism is extremely strong and yang, while the Small Phaseless Skill is formless and invisible. King Ming merged these two martial arts, which not only allowed the flame knife to retain its power, but also added a bit of the ethereal nature of the Small Phaseless Skill."

Jiumozhi once again admired He Xie's vision. This was what he was most proud of. Combining the two martial arts into one, the two complemented each other, which not only greatly increased his training speed, but also produced an effect that was definitely greater than the two.

Jiumozhi felt proud, but he pretended to be reserved and humble and said: "The young monk is not good at his skills, so he is making people laugh."

He Xie sighed and said: "Prince Ming's idea is good, but this step is wrong. This is also the biggest root cause of your current physical condition."

"Oh?" Jiumozhi was surprised and asked eagerly: "What is the meaning of He Shaoxia's words?"

"There is no form and no trace, there is form but no action, there is Dharma and there is no way to understand it, there is no cultivation and there is cultivation."

He Xie said four sentences of the inner formula of Xiao Wuxiang Gong and said seriously: "These four sentences are the true meaning of Xiao Wuxiang Gong."

Jiumozhi was moved. He stared at He Xie for a while and then said: "It turns out that He Shaoxia also knows the Xiaowuxiang Kung Fu."

He Xie smiled faintly: "In the world of martial arts, He has picked up all of them, so it's no big deal."

These words made Jiumozhi instantly feel a powerful aura rushing towards him, making him subconsciously feel fearful and a little unconvinced.

On the other side, Wang Yuyan's eyes flashed with something strange. This man was so different from her cousin. She used to think that her cousin Murong Fu was the most masculine man in the world, but now...

He Xie continued: "King Ming merged the two martial arts into one. It is not surprising that he is very talented. However, this move has advantages and disadvantages."

"Benefits, this new set of skills is more powerful, and it is most suitable for King Ming. If King Ming studies hard and continuously improves it, over time, with this skill alone, he will definitely become a great master."

Jiumozhi was thoughtful, but he had never thought of what He Xie said. At that time, he was only thinking about learning more martial arts, and never thought of continuing to perfect his improved martial arts.

"The disadvantage is that the Small No-Phase Skill emphasizes the absence of form and traces. If there is a phase, there will be no action." He Xie continued, "King Ming integrated the Zhiyang True Qi into it, and this skill will become a phase, trace and action. In this way,

If King Ming uses the Small Phaseless Kung Fu to simulate other martial arts, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult unless he continues to integrate the internal kung fu."

Jiumozhi was moved again, feeling a little frightened in his heart.

He felt as if He Xie was standing aside and watching while he was practicing. All the situations He Xie mentioned were entirely his experiences!

After he merged the flame knife and the small phaseless skill, the first martial art he obtained was the phaseless calamity finger. Then he used the small phaseless power to activate the phaseless calamity finger, but he couldn't release the invisible finger.


In the end, he still intercepted part of the mental movement technique of Wuxiang Jiezhi and continued to integrate it into the small Wuxiang Kung Fu, and then he barely achieved the effect.

Later he learned other martial arts, and the same was true.

Every time he learns another martial arts, he has to find a way to integrate the core movement circuits of this martial arts into the small phaseless skills before he can perform them. Over the past few decades, his small phaseless skills movement routes have become so complex that they can be

It is said to be unique throughout history.

He himself also knows that the real Xiao Wuxiang Kung Fu can be simulated as long as he knows a martial arts move. It does not require him to put in so much effort. But by doing so, his internal strength grows faster and the martial arts power is greater, so

He always felt that he was on the right path.

Jiumozhi looked solemn and asked in a deep voice: "What Shaoxia He means is that the cause of the young monk's illness is the continued fusion of various internal powers?"

"This is a superficial reason." He Xie said, "What the master has learned is too complex, and the movement circuits are becoming more complicated and confusing. This is a huge load on the meridians, so the meridians are unstable, and the yin and yang are often reversed and confused, so

Causes liver and kidney failure."

Jiumozhi had sweat on his forehead and his face was extremely ugly.

"He Shaoxia," he bowed respectfully, "He Shaoxia said this is just a superficial cause. Could it be that this disease has a root cause?"

He Xie nodded: "The root cause of King Ming's illness is actually the solution, and it also involves the most advanced realm of martial arts."

The reason why He Xie knew Jiumozhi's situation so well was because of his amazing eyesight and because when it came to fusion martial arts, no one was more experienced than He Xie.

After Jiumozhi heard this, he immediately became energetic and said hurriedly: "Please give me some advice from He Shaoxia."

Wang Yuyan on the side also pricked up her ears. She knew very well that what He Xie was about to say would be the martial arts wisdom that people in the world could only dream of.

This chapter has been completed!
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