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Chapter six hundred and twenty first father and son meet

Right now, Tianxiahui actually has nothing else to do except recruiting people.

So He Xie also gave Huang Shang the same task, giving him the position of helmsman of the first rudder of the March Altar in Spring Hall, and asking him to invite talents from all over the world.

The only difference between Duan Yu and Duan Yu is that Duan Yu focuses on recruiting people, while Huang Shang focuses on the literary world.

In today's world, there are many scholars who are depressed and frustrated. He Xie does not intend to let go of these people. Anyone who dares to agree with the ideas of Tianxiahui proves that this person's mind is emancipated and has great cultivation value.

He gave Duan Yu and Huang Shang a hundred recruitment orders each. The recruitment orders forged from stainless steel amazed the two of them.

Around Hai hour, when it was late at night and everyone was quiet, He Xie came out of the valley alone, put on his night clothes, took the Changing Pill, and headed straight towards Luoyang City.

Those who make plans should combine the unexpected with the right and prepare for a rainy day.

He Xie is confident that Tianxia will rise soon, but if he wants to truly realize his wish and make Tianxia become the only force that dominates the universe, he will need a key opportunity - chaos in the world.

Of course, He Xie can't do things like bringing chaos to the world by himself, so the trumpet is gloriously online again.

He went to Luoyang to find Murong Fu.

Before leaving, Jiumozhi said that he had seen Murong Fu in Luoyang City, but Wang Yuyan expressed doubts about this.

But He Xie thought that if Murong Fu had not obtained the Yi Jin Jing, he might not have left.

After all, if he doesn't want the reputation he has worked so hard for thirty years to be ruined, he must find Xu Zhu, steal the Yi Jin Jing, and then kill him.

Therefore, Murong Fu will definitely not be idle tonight, and may even use a lot of manpower to find out the whereabouts of Xu Zhu.

In this way, He Xie's probability of finding him will undoubtedly be much higher.

He Xie performed Qinggong all the way, as fast as lightning. In less than half an hour, the black wall of Luoyang City appeared not far away, entrenched in the wilderness like a black giant beast.

The city gates were closed at night, so He Xie found a section of the city wall to easily enter the city. There was no one on the long street, except for the fenced area in the west of the city, which was full of lights, feasting, and hustle and bustle.

He Xie walked like a ghost, walking through the long streets and alleys. Along the way, he saw many people hiding in the dark, seeming to observe something, but these people were all low-level martial arts, and some even simply

Ordinary people naturally cannot detect the existence of He Xie.

He restrained one of them and used some tactics to force him to question him. He learned that those who were out tonight were all servants and guards of the Wang family in Luoyang. They were ordered by their master to look for an ugly young monk.

These people had searched all over the city during the day and contacted the government for help, but found nothing. At night, they turned from light to darkness and simply hid in various places in the city, waiting for help.

Needless to say, the person who entrusted this master Wang must be Murong Fu.

He Xie found out the address of the Wang family clearly, so he knocked out the unfortunate guy and went straight to the Wang family.

At this time, in a guest room of the Wang family, Murong Fu was leaning against the window and looking at the moon, with a sinister look on his face.

Behind him, Bao BuTong and Feng BoE also looked heavy and frowned.

All three of them were speechless, and the atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing.

After a long time, Murong Fu suddenly said in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, please go and inquire about the situation again."

Fengbo evil followed the order and left. Bao Butong couldn't help but bow and said in shame: "Master, this is all because of my lack of thinking and random ideas. Please punish me!"

Murong Fu was silent for a long time, and then he said quietly: "What's the use of punishing you? If that young monk had escaped, or if he had talked nonsense to others, the Murong family's good reputation for hundreds of years would have been defeated by me today.

The hard work of our ancestors was completely ruined."

"Master..." Bao BuTong cried guiltily.

Murong Fu stretched out his hand without looking back and sighed: "Brother Bao San, I want to be quiet."

Bao BuTong hesitated to speak, but finally sighed deeply and said: "Master, my fourth brother and I will go explore the situation again. After the little bald donkey escaped during the day, we immediately asked the head of the Wang family to seal the

After entering the city gate, he must still be hiding in the city and cannot escape far."

Murong Fu remained motionless and silent, as if he was dead.

Bao BuTong felt heavy in his heart and slowly withdrew.

After Bao BuTong walked out for a long time, the expression on Murong Fu's face suddenly turned ferocious and vicious.

"Trash!" He said in a hateful voice through gritted teeth, "You are a thing that has failed to accomplish anything and is prone to failure! If it wasn't for the occasion of my employment, how could I have allowed you to live?"

In his heart, he hated Bao BuTong who offered him advice and put him in such a passive situation. Once he couldn't find the little monk, Murong Fu would definitely be infamous from now on. How could he gather a lot of heroes and plot a great cause?

"The house leaked and it rained all night. Could it be that I, Murong Fu, am really having a bad time and am destined to accomplish nothing?" Thinking back to what happened in the past two days, Murong Fu felt sad from the bottom of his heart.

He raised his head to look at the moon, and shed two lines of tears, which he could no longer hold back.

However, at this moment, he found a figure in gray clothes standing in the courtyard at some point, looking at him quietly. He didn't know how long this person had been standing there, but he didn't notice it at all.

Murong Fu was startled, and his hair stood on end. He drew his sword with a hasty cry, flew out of the window, pointed the sword at this person and shouted in a deep voice: "Who is your honor?"

The man in gray slowly walked out of the dark corner, stood opposite him more than ten feet away, and slowly said: "Murong Ke, Murong Chui, and Murong De were such heroes in the Yan Kingdom back then, but they didn't expect that their descendants would be...

A woman who only dares to hide in her room and weep secretly is so ridiculous!"

This man's voice was quite old.

Murong Fu was filled with resentment when everything went wrong. When he heard this, his face turned red and he became furious.


He pointed his sword at the man in gray and shouted angrily: "How dare you insult me? Do you really think that I, Murong Fu, is easy to bully?"

Before he finished speaking, he thrust out his sword.

The man in gray clothes waited quietly for Murong Fu's sword to arrive in front of him. Suddenly, he turned aside and let the sword pass by his chest. Before Murong Fu could change his move, the man in gray clothes suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed it.

On the spine of the sword.

Hearing a "dang" sound, Murong Fu felt the tiger's mouth go numb, his hand suddenly loosened, and the long sword fell to the ground with a clang.

His whole body froze, and he suddenly stood there dumbfounded, his face turned ashen!

Another move!

He only felt that after practicing martial arts for thirty years, he was so vulnerable!

A smile flashed in the eyes of the man in gray, he was none other than He Xie who had hurried over.

He said leisurely: "Murong's family martial arts are magical and profound, unparalleled in the world, but you haven't learned even a little bit about it. You really have disgraced your ancestors."

"I'll fight with you!" Murong Fu couldn't stand it anymore and hit He Xie in the chest with his palm, looking like a madman.

With this palm, he had absolutely no reservations. He was only attacking but not defending. The door was wide open. Although the momentum was huge, he was actually just seeking his own death.

This chapter has been completed!
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