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Chapter 665 The Beggar Gang Cannibalization Plan

Snow covers Shaoshi Mountain.

It was already dusk, but the setting sun was not visible. The weather was extremely gloomy, with heavy clouds overhead, the north wind howling, and the sky and earth being expanse of white, desolate and desolate.

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, He Xie, wearing a gray coat, walked out of a thatched hut, looked around, and said with emotion: "The auspicious snow heralds a good year. With such heavy snow, I think there will be a good harvest next year."

Before he finished speaking, three people walked out from behind him, namely Qiao Feng, Qi Liu and Wu Changfeng.

Two days have passed since the first battle in Shaolin. On that day, He Xie made five conditions. The sweeping monk said that the matter was of great importance and required careful consideration by the whole temple. He Xie promised to give them three days to consider it.

Today is the third day.

Because Huang Shang had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he said goodbye to He Xie and others after coming down from the mountain and returned to Tokyo. As for Wu Changfeng...

Anyone who besieges Tianxiahui must pay a price. How can the Beggar Clan be an exception?

In the battle at the Main Hall, only Wu Changfeng, the top leader of the Beggar Clan, survived, and the rest were killed in the battle. Even Chen Guyan was not spared, and He Xie deliberately spared Wu Changfeng's life.

When He Xie was settling the scores afterwards, Wu Changfeng simply stated that the Beggar Gang would be disbanded and that it was up to Wu Changfeng to decide what to do with him.

The reason why he was so decisive was that the world society had too much influence on the Beggar Gang. This was the first batch of recruitment. In less than ten days, one-tenth of the Beggar Gang members had left the organization.

If this continues, the beggar gang's living space will only be squeezed smaller and smaller by the world, and will eventually be reduced to the bottom of the stream.

Secondly, the Beggar Gang suffered two major changes, and Wu Changfeng was the only senior elder left. Wu Changfeng believed that he was not qualified to lead the Beggar Gang, and the leaders below, regardless of their martial arts and prestige, were not enough to succeed. He was completely

It is conceivable that the Beggar Gang is likely to split and fight within itself. In this case, it is better to announce its disbandment.

Wu Changfeng was indeed disheartened by the Beggar Clan.

However, it was not in He Xie's interest to disband the Beggar Clan on the spot, so He Xie and Wu Changfeng discussed it and simply let the Beggar Clan go bankrupt and reorganized, and merged into the Tianxiahui. As a hero, He Xie promised Wu Changfeng the position of helmsman.

He Xie invited him by fist, and Qiao Feng tried his best to persuade him. Wu Changfeng thought about it and finally agreed happily.

In the past two days, He Xie and others have not been idle waiting for the results of Shaolin. Instead, they have been discussing how to smoothly merge the Beggar Clan into the Tianxiahui.

Merging the two factions is not that easy.

First of all, although the Tianxiahui is good, not everyone wants to join it. There are always some ambitious people, seeing that the Beggar Clan is leaderless, they are bound to have their own ideas, stir up people's hearts, and take advantage of the situation.

Secondly, the Beggar Clan is a mixed bag of good and bad, and most of the disciples at the bottom are lazy and lazy. To be honest, He Xie doesn’t want to accept them all. He only wants the high-quality shares among them, but how to screen them and how to deal with the gang members he doesn’t want.

, it is a difficult problem without causing too much conflict.

Finally, the Beggar Clan's branches are spread all over the world. The Tianxiahui currently does not have the ability to fully accept the Beggar Clan's territory. If it is forced to swallow the elephant, it will only turn a good thing into a bad thing, which is not beautiful.

If these three problems are not solved, the beggar gang will only become a trouble for the world.

He Xie thought of several plans, but in the end he rejected them all. As a result, Qi Liu finally showed his talent and made a suggestion, which He Xie immediately appreciated.

Qi Liu's opinion is not to merge the factions first, let Wu Changfeng continue to take charge of the overall situation, and then the world will quietly eat away at the various branches of the Beggar Gang one by one, until finally the entire Beggar Gang is swallowed up.

To be honest, there are many problems with this idea, but Qi Liu undoubtedly put forward a good idea.

He Xie only thought about how to eat all the beggars, and this kind of thinking completely limited himself.

The idea of ​​​​not merging the factions is very good. With this condition as the premise, then He Xie will have more methods to operate.

He first asked Qiao Feng to come out of the mountain again and temporarily take over as the leader of the Beggar Clan.

Due to He Xie's change, apart from being a Khitan, all of Qiao Feng's grievances have been cleared away, and there were many members of the Beggar Clan who supported Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng returned to the Beggar Clan, with the agreement that he would only serve as the leader temporarily.

There is no doubt that it will stabilize the situation of the Beggar Clan to a great extent and deter those who are ready to make trouble within the Clan.

Then, He Xie asked Qiao Feng to announce the alliance between the Beggar Clan and the Tianxiahui. The two factions were as close as one family, sharing information and communicating with each other. Moreover, if Beggars Clan disciples wanted to join the Tianxiahui and have a good future, they only needed to report to the senior management and get approval.

Never prohibited.

In this way, it will not only dissuade the external robbers, but also make the Beggar Gang become the blood supply machine of the Tianxiahui. The best thing is the approval method. There are Qiao Feng, Wu Changfeng and other high-level officials to check that it is suitable for the Tianxiahui.

Only the disciples who are suitable will be approved, and those who are not suitable will be naturally blocked.

If this group of people who failed to pass the exam forcibly leave the Beggar Clan, then I'm sorry, the Tianxiahui and the Beggar Clan are fraternal gangs, and if you failed the review and approval, you are not even qualified to take the test. And it is impossible for such people to return to the Beggar Clan.


In this way, it is equivalent to smoothly abandoning many non-performing assets.

In the end, Qiao Feng and Wu Changfeng wanted to be a good person and a bad person, and began to rectify the atmosphere of the Beggar Gang.

In this way, not only can some bad disciples be eliminated, but the Beggar Clan can also quickly build up morale.

After completing this step, there are only a group of loyal and good disciples left in the Beggar Clan. At this time, the Tianxiahui can fully intervene. Qiao Feng announced that the Beggar Clan disciples can enjoy half of the treatment of the Tianxiahui, as long as they complete this task.

While assisting with tasks, he is also responsible for helping the Tianxia Society to gather intelligence, collect and deliver news, etc.

Over such a long period of time, the two sects became as close as one family. In the end, I am afraid that without He Xie's suggestion, the majority of the Beggar Clan disciples would take the initiative to request to be merged into the Tianxiahui.

It's a very simple reason. At that time, apart from the difference in name, the Beggar Gang actually wore the same pants as the Tianxiahui. So why should we have to pay half the salary for the same name, and why can't we enjoy the benefits of the Tianxiahui's open arsenal?

This process can take as short as half a year or as long as two years. He Xie can digest the entire beggar gang to the greatest extent.

When He Xie expressed his thoughts, Qiao Feng and Wu Changfeng were very happy because it was a win-win situation.

He Xie gave Wu Changfeng the temporary position of the Beggar Clan's pacifier on the spot, enjoying six-level benefits. When the Beggar Clan is completely merged into the Tianxiahui in the future, he will reward him based on his merits, thus giving Wu Changfeng a certain status.

However, Qi Liu's meritorious service, coupled with his outstanding performance in the Shaolin battle, He Xie also promoted him to one level and named him the helmsman of Chun Tang on the fifth day of March.

After the First World War in Shaolin, many of the heroes who had withdrawn early from neutrality or switched sides to support the Tianxiahui expressed their intention to join the Tianxiahui. He Xie sent Qiao Feng as the chief examiner and accepted more than 130 of them.

These more than 130 people were all handed over to Qi Liu.

This chapter has been completed!
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