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Chapter 668 The first time with the sweeper

"Is Mr. Xiyi still alive?" He Xie couldn't help but ask after listening to the sweeping monk's story.

"The poor monk doesn't know," the sweeping monk said with a smile, "my mentor went to sea as early as a hundred years ago. If he were still alive, he would be two hundred and twenty-three years old..."

As soon as these words came out, both Qiao Feng and Wu Changfeng were very surprised. They couldn't imagine that there could really be such a long-lived person in the world. At the same time, they became even more curious about the identities of the sweeping monk and Mr. Xiyi.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that I was born at the wrong time. I wish I could catch a glimpse of Mr. Xiyi's style." He Xie couldn't help but be fascinated and sighed with regret.

"If donor He sees him, I'm afraid he will be greatly disappointed." The sweeping monk shook his head and laughed, "The martial arts level of my mentor back then is still inferior to that of the poor monk now, and the path that the poor monk is taking now is the same as that of my mentor back then.

The path we have taken is all wrong..."

The sweeping monk was so sad that he shook his head and sighed.

He paused, looked at He Xie and said: "Donor He, you have actually embarked on an unprecedented path. Your talent has been unparalleled for thousands of years. This poor monk is disabled and has no way forward. You want to

If you compete with a poor monk in martial arts, I'm afraid the result will not satisfy you."

"Stones from other mountains can attack jade," He Xie held his fists respectfully, "Senior's cultivation has reached a state where the mind has no heart, the form has no shape, the object has no object, and the void is empty. The third avenue is

Qian, no one dares to say that his or her own way is the only way. If our predecessors can clearly discern the path, they may not be unable to reach the great road if they take a step further."

In two simple words, the state He Xie talks about is virtual tranquility.

Hearing this, the sweeping monk smiled and shook his head: "The poor monk is still far away from this realm."

Reaching the extreme of emptiness and maintaining tranquility is easy to say, but it is like reaching the sky to do it. To reach the state of emptiness and tranquility where there is no knowledge, no desire, no action, nothing to do, and no self, it is simply inhumane.

Because it is impossible for people to achieve complete tranquility, the sweeping monk's current state is, at most, less knowledge, less desire, less action, less things and less self. To be able to achieve this is to stand at the pinnacle, which is extremely difficult.

But it is absolutely impossible to go further, which is why the road of sweeping the floor has come to an end.

If he could really be quiet, he wouldn't stand up and interfere with Shaolin's business.

Just like He Xie's victory without any moves, is it really possible to win without any moves?

Since drawing a sword is a move, how can it be possible that there is no move?

Even if you can stare someone to death with one glance, your glare is still a trick.

Therefore, the so-called "no move to win, but a move to win" is just a very simple move, but it still cannot break away from the cage.

If there is truly no move, it can be regarded as virtual tranquility.

He Xie discovered early on that this path was impassable, so he gave up on extreme speed and simplicity, and instead began to seek the fusion of techniques and the evolution of moves, hoping to find a new path.

So far, He Xie's journey of thousands of miles has only staggered a few steps, and there is still a long way to go.

"The road is as long as iron." He Xie sighed, "Who doesn't cross the river by feeling the stones?"

The sweeping monk looked at He Xie with even more admiration: "Almsgiver He is gentle but not arrogant. He really has the demeanor of a gentleman. It's good that the poor monk saw such a arrogant person in the world, and his heart was aroused, and he was itching for a moment. Today you and I are here.

It is also a good story to appreciate the realm of martial arts and explore the way forward in front of Bodhidharma Cave."

"That's right." He Xie said with a smile. He stretched out his palm and said, "Senior, please."

"Please." The sweeping monk also slowly stopped smiling.

Wu Changfeng and Qiao Feng on the side were both full of enthusiasm and very excited at the moment. They knew that a battle that was destined to shake the world was about to begin in front of them, and it was a great blessing that they were lucky enough to see this battle.

Seeing He Xie taking out his sword and standing opposite the sweeping monk, Qiao Feng and Wu Changfeng hurriedly backed away and got out of the way.

"Xiao Lian?" The sweeping monk looked at the sword in He Xie's hand with admiration, "Mr. Duan can be regarded as a gift of a sword to a hero. With this sword in the hands of the donor, it can be regarded as meeting the Ming Master."

"Ashamed!" He Xie said lightly, "Senior, please forgive me for taking the liberty of making a move first."

As soon as he finished speaking, He Xie lightly kicked his foot, pointed the tip of his sword directly, and floated towards the sweeping monk.

The sword is like a shadow, and the person is like a rainbow.

This sword was infused with all of He Xie's will and energy. Although it was a simple flat thrust, it contained infinite changes, which could be induced but not revealed.

If an ordinary master faced this sword and blocked it rashly, or ran away, he would surely die. This is why.

Therefore, He Xie rarely uses the second sword to kill people because it is not necessary.

The sweeping monk naturally recognized the power of this sword, and his face became slightly solemn. When He Xie's sword was less than three feet away from him, his cloudy eyes suddenly shone brightly, and a blush appeared on his pale face.

He did not retreat but advanced, pointing at the tip of He Xie's sword.


At this moment, He Xie seemed to have an illusion, as if the sweeping monk's fingertips were magnifying infinitely. No matter what he did, his sword would only pierce his fingertips in the end.

But in fact, it was at this moment that the sweeping monk released his energy and instantly restricted a three-foot space around him with his majestic internal force, leaving He Xieru trapped in the quagmire. Not even the slightest change in the sword's power could occur.

He could only watch helplessly as the sweeping monk stabbed the tip of his sword with his finger.


The sword fingers faced each other, making a sound like popping a balloon, and a bead of light visible to the naked eye quickly condensed between the two, which was dazzling.

The sweeping monk's expression changed, and he retreated.


The light beads exploded, overflowing with energy.

He Xie did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but stood there blankly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The sweeping monk took three steps back before stopping. He took his finger in front of his eyes and saw a drop of blood slowly condensing on his fingertip. The sweeping monk's true energy was circulating, and the drop of blood immediately seeped into the wound and recovered in the blink of an eye.

As before.

He looked up at He Xie, smiled slightly, and stood there waiting quietly.

After about seven or eight breaths, He Xie stopped thinking, glanced at the smiling sweeping monk, and bowed respectfully with his fists in hand, thanking him for giving him time to realize.

"The poor monk underestimated the power of the benefactor's inner strength." The sweeping monk sighed, "I also didn't expect that the benefactor's martial arts were so mysterious."

The moment he collided with He Xie just now, his three-foot zhenqi wall of yin and yang was suddenly affected by He Xie's internal force, and was assimilated and absorbed by him, causing him to suffer an instant loss.

He and He Xie have similar skills, and neither of them tried their best just now, so they each used three successful skills in a tacit understanding.

Relatively speaking, the sweeping monk's internal strength is more condensed and pure. After all, he has been using his internal strength to suppress his injuries all the time over the years, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

But the result of the collision was that He Xie easily won. It was obvious that compared to his internal strength of combining yin and yang, He Xie's internal strength of negative yin and yang was more powerful in terms of power.

This chapter has been completed!
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