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Chapter 678 The end of this volume

On March 23rd of the eighth year of Yuanyou, Xixia envoys arrived in the Qingtang Dynasty and discussed with the Tianxiahui about redeeming the captives. He Xie made a verbal promise and agreed to exchange money, grain, salt, iron and other materials for the captives.

That night, Lu Dafang, the envoy of Qin Fenglu's general army, went to Qingtang in person, interviewed He Xie, and proposed that the two sides form an alliance and take Xixia together. He also suggested killing 100,000 soldiers and surrendering them to sacrifice the flag. He Xie was unhappy and refused.

On March 24, all branches of the Tianxiahui in the Song Dynasty were suppressed by the Song government, and the Hehuang area and Tokyo branches were forced to close down. In the Song Dynasty, there were rumors about Tianxiahui's wild ambitions and plotting to establish itself against the Song Dynasty.

began to spread widely.

That night, the top leaders of the Tianxiahui held an emergency meeting in Qingtang. After half a night of discussion, Huang Shang and Duan Yu rushed back to the Song Dynasty to deal with the crisis in the Song Dynasty.

On April 4th, Ziwei Palace, the headquarters of Tianxiahui, was surrounded by the Song Dynasty army. Quan Guanqing asked to see the transfer envoy of Jingzhao Mansion but was turned away. In Tokyo City, Su Che pretended to summon Huang Shang, but put the latter under house arrest by the Imperial Guard.

In the Su Mansion and Yuhang, Duan Yu received an order from the officials of the Song Dynasty, reprimanding him for forming cliques and misbehaving. He was ordered to leave the Song Dynasty within seven days and return to Dali to live at home to reflect on his mistakes. He also ordered Emperor Baoding of Dali to write a letter of apology.

During this period, the Tianxiahui was plagued by controversy due to government pressure and rumors. More than 5,000 members broke away from the organization. Huang Shang, Duan Yu and Quan Guanqing, etc. were running around, and finally managed to stabilize.

People's hearts, after this experience, are once again panicked and thinking about changes.

After only three days, the number of people who left Tianxiahui reached 27,000.

The once-famous Tianxiahui is in turmoil, and the end is approaching.

On April 8th, the materials used to redeem people in Xixia had just been delivered to the border. The Zhenrong, Deshun, and Tongyuan armies of the Song Dynasty suddenly advanced and surrounded the team transporting materials.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhu Guangting once again went to Qingtang as an envoy to talk to He Xie about the entrapment and killing of 100,000 surrendered soldiers, but He Xie still refused.

The turning point of Tianxiahui occurred on the tenth day of April.

On that day, Murong Fu led 80,000 vanguard Han troops, crossed the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and planned to capture the two cities of Gaoyang and Baozhou, defeating the two armies of Song Shun'an and Weilu, and advanced directly to designated prefectures to threaten Tokyo.

, the Song Dynasty was in shock!

At the same time, Xixia's 50,000 proton army, 10,000 iron kite heavy armored cavalry, 50,000 infantry troops, and 2,000 Poxi artillery troops totaled 110,000 troops, known as 200,000. They pressed on the border in a mighty manner.

The peak is pointing to the two states of Hehuang and Huangzhou!

What frightened everyone in the Song Dynasty even more was that the allied forces of the Tibetan tribes also began to gather faintly, and there seemed to be some strange movement.

Zhu Guangting rushed to Qingtang City again and asked to see He Xie. However, this time, he was rejected.

The next day, the Xixia army began to advance towards the two states of Hehuang and Huangzhou. On the other side, the Song Dynasty was massing troops to attack Dingzhou City. To make matters worse, Emperor Yelu Hongji of Liao personally led an army of 300,000 and was marching towards Chanzhou.

Coming in force!

The Song Dynasty was fighting on two fronts, and when the war situation was stalemate, Qingtang City once again welcomed a very distinguished guest - Su Zhe.

He Xie and Su Che talked for half an hour, and Su Che looked solemn when he left.

On April 21, the Song army withdrew from Ziwei Palace, Huang Shang regained his freedom, and the government withdrew its censure of Duan Yu. The government also completely relaxed control over the various rudders of the Tianxiahui. On the same day, the Xixia envoys entered again.

Qingtang and brought a large amount of supplies, He Xie agreed to return 100,000 surrendered soldiers outside the city in three days.

On April 24, when Tianxiahui and Xixia handed over the 100,000 surrendered soldiers, the Song army relied on the military secrets discovered by Tianxiahui and the cooperation of Tianxiahui's elite special operations experts to defeat the Xixia army outside Lanzhou City and annihilated the enemy.

With more than 10,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of prisoners, Xixia was defeated and retreated from the Song Dynasty in a hurry.

After this great victory, the Song Dynasty finally took a breath and turned its attention to the battlefields in the east and Liao.

According to the agreement with Su Che, He Xie led the coalition forces of the Tubo tribes on April 27, with Qiao Feng, Zhao Qiansun, Qi Liu, and the Beggar Clan as the vanguard coalition, and invaded Xixia.

One hundred thousand surrendered soldiers were imprisoned outside Qingtang City for nearly a month. Jiumozhi developed nearly a quarter of the congregation among these one hundred thousand surrendered soldiers. With the cooperation of these Tianxiahui who were brought back by the Xixia army, Tianxiahui

The meeting was overwhelming, conquering eight cities in a row, all the way to less than 500 miles away from Xingqing Mansion.

On the seventh day of the fifth lunar month, He Xie, Qiao Feng, Jiumozhi and other senior officials of Tianxiahui sneaked into Xingqing Mansion, captured all the civil and military officials of the Xixia royal family in a battle, and released the army into the city. The Xixia Kingdom Zuo died.

During this battle, Li Qiushui escaped and disappeared.

After winning Xixia, He Xie immediately issued a peace notice, returned the land to the people, and promoted the former Xixia army to all members of the world. It took a full two months to temporarily stabilize Xixia.

At the same time, the war situation between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom was at a stalemate, and they had no time to look westward. This gave the world a rare opportunity to cultivate and recuperate.

On August 26, Empress Dowager Gao of the Song Dynasty passed away. Taking advantage of the low morale of the Song army, the Liao army broke through the Chanzhou defense line and directed its troops towards Tokyo!

On the third day of September, He Xie went to Dali as an envoy.

Three days later, the Duan clan of Dali announced that the whole country would join the Tianxiahui, and He Xie named Emperor Baoding the elder of Tianxuan in the Tianxuan Palace. He was also the first elder of the Tianxiahui.

The whole eight years of Yuanyou passed by in a state of turmoil.

In April of the following year, the official family of the Song Dynasty changed the Yuan Dynasty to Shaosheng, which was the first year of Shaosheng.

The officials were pro-government and determined to forge ahead. They demoted Su Che, Zhu Guangting and other old party members, appointed Zhang Dun as prime minister, vigorously promoted the backbone of the new party, restored some of Wang Jinggong's new laws, and sent envoys to meet with Yelu Hongji, advocating the alliance with Liao to attack Xia.

The war between Song and Liao lasted for nearly a year. Both the Liao and Song countries had reached their limit. The generals of the world attacked and destroyed Xixia. After swallowing up Dali, they sent troops to the west and successively destroyed Khotan, the Gaochang Uighurs and the Black Khan.

The other countries have now become a behemoth. Both the Song and Liao countries are extremely afraid of the world.

What worries Song and Liao even more is that when the two countries are at war, the division of rudders in the world has not only blossomed throughout the Song Dynasty, but has also quietly developed in Daliao.

The Tianxiahui had become a common threat to both countries. The Liao Emperor agreed to the Song Dynasty's request for peace and gave him a symbolic increase in coins before withdrawing his troops.

How could Murong Fu be willing to spit out the fat he got?

All kinds of remonstrances were fruitless, but instead damaged the relationship between the emperor and his ministers.

Just when he was at his wits' end, He Xie's trumpet went online again, transformed into Murong Bo, found the right opportunity, killed Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji, and persuaded Murong Fu to replace him.

However, how difficult is it for a Xianbei person to seize the power of the Khitan people?

Daliao suddenly fell into pieces and fell into civil war.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty began to completely liquidate the power of the Tianxiahui within the Song Dynasty. However, He Xie had already taken precautions at that time, and the officials overestimated the government's control over various places, and also underestimated the power of the Tianxiahui in the Song Dynasty over the years.

of secretly developing forces.

His settlement actually caused more than fifty prefectures and cities to directly declare their annexation to Tianxiahui, and the Hehuang prefecture and two prefectures were directly replaced by Zhuo Bufan.

A political system like the Tianxiahui has exerted amazing vitality and explosive power that even He Xie had not expected. Especially for the warriors of this era, the Tianxiahui has a fatal attraction.

Since the development of the Tianxiahui, Qiao Feng, Duan Yu and others have long since changed their minds and are no longer loyal to the Song Dynasty. Therefore, when He Xie held a high-level meeting, everyone agreed that they should take advantage of the civil strife in the Liao Dynasty to seize the country of the Song Dynasty.

Also included in the territory of Tianxiahui!

The subversion of the Song Dynasty was particularly dramatic. The troops sent by the Song Dynasty to encircle and suppress the Tianxiahui, with few exceptions, most of them surrendered directly.

After going back and forth, in the end the Song Dynasty almost did not dare to send troops to encircle and suppress the Tianxiahui, but it still could not stop the officers and soldiers from surrendering.

On December 30th of the first year of Shaosheng's reign, only Tokyo was still under the control of the Song Dynasty, and the rest of the country fell into the hands of Tianxiahui.

The next day, He Xie entered Tokyo alone and interviewed officials for three hours. Emperor Zhezong hanged himself in the palace that night, and the Song Dynasty was destroyed.

In March of the following year, He Xie digested the Song Dynasty and raised his troops to attack the Liao Dynasty, which was overwhelming.

Murong Fu was defeated and committed suicide, and all the tribes in Daliao were destroyed.

From now on, the world will be unified!

On the night of Murong Fu's defeat, Abi returned to Yanziwu with a baby in her arms. She cried and said to the child: "My child, you can no longer be named Murong... But you are a descendant of the Xianbei people, but you can't forget your ancestors.

, your surname should be Dugu."

"Your father has been very competitive all his life, and he ended up like this. My son, my mother just wants you to be safe and sound all your life. Don't be competitive. From now on, just ask for defeat..."

After the Tianxiahui unified the world, He Xie changed the year of Taichu, and this year became the first year of Taichu. It was legislated that from now on, the Tianxiahui will never change the year name and last for thousands of years.

Two years later, the wars in various parts of the world have been basically calmed down, and all martial arts sects in the world have basically been completely wiped out. During this period, Xu Zhu was finally hired by He Xie as the guardian of the Musashi Tower.

The World Society began to devote itself to the development of people's livelihood. He Xie exchanged a variety of species from the system that were far ahead of this era, making the world gradually prosperous and the political situation moving toward stable development.

He Xie spent another three years gradually improving the laws and regulations and introducing a series of reform measures, some of which were successful and some of which were unsuccessful, but in general, the rule of Tianxiahui was completely unbreakable.

In the sixth year of Taichu, Wang Yuyan integrated martial arts from all over the world and created a magical skill that followed the path of yin and yang, but led directly to the great road. He Xie was amazed, and Wang Yuyan named it Taichu Divine Skill.

In the seventh year of Taichu, He Xie and Wang Yuyan got married. On that day, Li Qiushui entangled a group of martial arts people who were committed to rebelling against the Tianxiahui to assassinate He Xie. He Xie killed nine heads with one sword, shocking the world.

After the wedding, He Xie began to delegate power, and Huang Shang, Qiao Feng, Duan Yu and others took turns taking the position of general manager of the Tianxiahui and patrolling the world.

In the eighth year of Taichu, He Xie opened the World Martial Arts Academy and gathered the world's masters to study martial arts together.

In the fifteenth year of Taichu, Huang Shang succeeded to the throne. From then on, no one saw He Xie or Wang Yuyan again.

In the hands of Huang Shang, Tianxiahui never stopped expanding its territory. In Huang Shang's later years, the scale of Tianxiahui finally reached the vision of a prosperous age described by He Xie - wherever the sun sets and the moon rises, Tianxiahui will take over the helm.


More than seven hundred years later, the world that has become decayed will collapse suddenly, and reincarnation will begin again.

This chapter has been completed!
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