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Chapter 694 Break through two streets

Although He Xie has soul penetration, even in his current body, it is still not easy to deal with a group of young and Dangerous boys.

He took a broken iron bar and beat it from Boller Lane to Nathan Road. Young and Dangerous boys were lying all over the two long streets, but he just raised and lowered the stick without blinking an eye.

This process only took He Xie ten minutes.

The reason why it takes ten minutes is because it would take He Xie that long to limp across two streets normally.

And when he beat up Young and Dangerous, it actually didn't slow him down at all.

By the end of the fight, the Young and Dangerous boys were so frightened that they didn't dare to charge forward anymore. They just retreated wherever He Xie went. He Xie even had some free time to light another cigarette for himself.

It's useless to engage in group fights because it's too boring.

There was such a big movement here, so naturally someone had reported it to Wang Bao a long time ago.

At this moment, Wang Bao was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the top floor of Tongda Building, looking down at everything happening in the alley.

His face was expressionless and his heart was calm.

He has sent Ajie down, and he believes it will be done soon.

But he was also a little surprised. What kind of grudge did this cripple... have against Wang Bao?

Ajie soon appeared in front of He Xie, with a slightly weird and crazy smile on his lips, staring into He Xie's eyes.

He smiled evilly, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck, and then suddenly twisted his right arm, and suddenly there was a willow leaf knife in his hand. He held the knife behind his back, kicked off his feet, and rushed towards He Xie like a lightning bolt.

When he was ten feet away from He Xie, Ajie jumped up high and came down with a ferocious smile, stabbing He Xie in the head with a knife!

His eyes were shining with bloodlust. Killing made him excited, and killing a master made him even more excited and crazy.

However, all his madness and excitement came to an abrupt end the next moment.

He Xie stretched out his fingers and took out the cigarette butt in his mouth.

When Ajie's knife fell, he loosened his hand and the cigarette butt fell. Then he pinched his two fingers and immediately clamped the blade.

Ajie's expression changed instantly.


He Xie slowly blew out a puff of smoke, all of which hit Ajie's face, then raised his foot and stamped out the cigarette butts on the ground.

He smiled at Ajie and waved his hand like a stick.


Ajie was shocked, and a stream of blood slowly flowed from his forehead, but his eyes were still wide open.

"I'm so stubborn, brother." He Xie exclaimed.


Another blow from the stick, and Ajie fell to the ground like a torn sack.

No one died, and He Xie was very measured in his actions, not even killing a single person.

He raised his head, smiled slightly at the figure standing on the top floor of the building not far in front, and continued to walk forward.

Wang Bao's expression in front of the floor-to-ceiling window completely changed.

He stared intently at He Xie who was limping into the building on the ground. He slowly took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Take your people downstairs." He said coldly.

But the next moment he changed his mind.

"No! Bring someone here!" he said, "Wait for my order!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Bao's eyes flashed.

He became more and more curious.

At the same time, more than ten police cars stopped at the entrance of Baole Alley. In the leading assault vehicle, Chen Guozhong and others slowly opened the door and got out of the car. They stared dumbly at the densely packed people covering the entire alley.

Feeling numb and covered in cold sweat.

"Uncle Da did this?" Li Weile murmured in a trembling voice.

"Go and have a look!" Chen Guozhong said solemnly.

They quickly stepped forward and checked more than a dozen people, and found that all of them were unconscious and not dead. Only then did their hearts beat in their throats calm down a little.

"Achen, you lead a team of people to stay here, call the General Administration, and mobilize all the helpers from Hong Kong Island!" Chen Guozhong quickly ordered, "The rest of the people, follow me!"


Ding dong.

The elevator door slowly opened, and we arrived at the top floor.

He Xie limped out of the elevator and saw Wang Bao sitting on the sofa, facing him.

He glanced left and right, couldn't help but smile sarcastically, and said: "Are you afraid of me in such a big battle?"

Wang Bao's pupils shrank, he stared at He Xie expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

"Let me ask you if you can still control your little brother." He Xie walked forward and said casually, "They burned down my shop before, which made me very unhappy."

Wang Bao still stared into He Xie's eyes and said slowly: "I don't know about this matter, but if it's just like this, I can give you an explanation."

"Then give it." He Xie chuckled and sat on the sofa opposite Wang Bao, "But hurry up, I haven't been very patient recently."

Wang Bao nodded, took out the phone and was about to make a call, but the phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered the phone and only listened to one sentence. His face changed slightly, his whole body tensed, and he immediately looked at He Xie with sharp eyes.

With He Xie's sharp ears, he naturally heard what was said on the other end of the phone: "The police are here." But he didn't say anything. He kept smiling from beginning to end and crossed his legs comfortably.

Wang Bao thought about it for a long time, and his eyes gradually softened.

"Let them blow some air first," he said. "Who set the fire tonight?"

The other end of the phone said: "It's Sang Gou. A dozen of his men had their legs broken a few days ago. Today he took people to burn down a grocery store. Now he takes people to kill chickens."

Wang Bao was silent for a moment, glanced at He Xie, and said in a slightly strange tone: "What grocery store?"

"It's just a small wooden house, the kind where a bad old man or old lady sells goods." said the other end of the phone.

Wang Bao was silent again, his face twitching slightly.

He hung up the phone silently, looked at He Xie, and said angrily: "Just because of an ordinary grocery store, you traveled two blocks to come to me to demand an explanation?"

"No?" He Xie asked with a smile.

Wang Bao gritted his teeth and stared at He Xie fiercely, his face turning red with anger.

After a while, he suddenly laughed.

"Okay, why not?" He said with a smile, "What do you want to explain?"

"How you punish your little brother is your business, I don't ask." He Xie said leisurely.

This sentence also made Wang Bao's complexion soften slightly.

"I'll arrange a presidential suit for me later, and find two Yangma to make me a horse-killing chicken." He Xie continued lazily, "Tomorrow morning, I want to see that my grocery store is still there, and inside

You can’t lack anything, can you do it?”

"Yes, why not?" Wang Bao smiled even brighter, "I will arrange this now."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and a man in a suit immediately walked out from behind the bar, with one hand on his lower back, looking at He Xie warily as he walked.

"Give this gentleman my business card, then take him to the best hotel on Hong Kong Island, book the most expensive room, find all the Oceanias, let him choose as he pleases!"

Wang Bao stared into He Xie's eyes and smiled ferociously: "Before tomorrow morning, you will definitely be very satisfied with the outcome of this matter, I said so!"

He Xie smiled and nodded: "I hate trouble the most, so this is the best thing for you."


This chapter has been completed!
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