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Chapter 705 Hermes is on the line

When he saw Chen Jiaju again, He Xie couldn't help but laugh at the miserable appearance of this man.

In the past few days, I have been used to seeing Chen Jiaju's majestic appearance on TV and in newspapers. Now he has a bruised nose and a swollen face, plus he looks dirty and downtrodden. The gap is really big.

He Xie parked the car next to Chen Jiaju and waved his fingers to him: "Get in the car."

Chen Jiaju looked around nervously, then rushed over immediately, walked around to the passenger seat and got into the car.

He Xie didn't stop, stepped on the accelerator, and the car immediately merged into the traffic flow.

"How much do you want?" Chen Jiaju rubbed his face vigorously and exhaled a long breath and asked.

He asked very directly, which shows that this person is very anxious now.

He Xie didn't talk much to Chen Jiaju on the phone, so until now Chen Jiaju still doesn't know what it will cost to ask He Xie for help.

He Xie glanced at him and found that his face was gloomy, his eyes were red, and his whole person was like a firecracker that had the fuse lit.

He Xie shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​negotiating the price first.

"Let's talk about the general situation first, without going into too much detail." He Xie said.

"I was framed by Zhu Tao and killed my colleagues." Chen Jiaju said bitterly, "That day..."

He told the whole thing again, and the process was no different from the original plot. It was a very old-fashioned story.

He Xie sometimes wonders if these villains have shit in their heads?

You don’t even understand how to frame an individual and leave so many loopholes. Doesn’t this leave an opportunity for Chen Jiaju to make a comeback?

In other words, Chan Ka Kui is wanted by the entire Hong Kong and is now in chaos. Otherwise, as long as he thinks about it calmly, there is really no room for evil in this story.

"So your appeal is, first, to clear your name; second, to bring Zhu Tao to justice." He Xie said, "Is that right?"

"That's right!" Chen Jiaju stared at He Xie with sharp eyes, "I know that you have something to do with the Chaozhou Gang, and I also know that you took Zhu Tao's money that day, but these have nothing to do with me. I am not a policeman now, just

As a person asking for help, I don’t have much savings, but as long as you need it, I can give it all to you!”

He Xie smiled faintly: "Do I look like a person who is very short of money?"

"We'll discuss the remuneration later. You can rest assured that I won't ask you to break the law or discipline, and I will ensure that it is fair and reasonable." He shook his head, "Tell me about your business."

"Actually, it's very simple to solve your problem. It only takes three steps." He Xie said, "First, the woman named Salena witnessed the whole process, so she is the key witness. Find her."

"Second, the real murderer of your colleague is Zhu Tao's nephew Zhu Danny. Catch him."

"Third, seize Zhu Tao and let Zhu Danni and Salina testify against him."

"I also know that all problems can be solved by doing this!" Chen Jiaju waved his arms excitedly, "But, how?"

"Salena is now afraid of being silenced by Zhu Tao, and also afraid of the police finding her. I don't know where she has hidden. Hong Kong Island is so big, where can I find her?"

"If Danny Zhu is caught, how can he admit to the murder? How can he be convicted without any evidence?"

"If the first two problems are not solved, even if Zhu Tao swaggers into the police station to visit, what will be done to him?"

"It's because you can't solve these problems that you came to me, isn't it?" He Xie said lightly.

Chen Jiaju was stunned for a moment and spread his hands: "Okay, tell me what to do?"

"It can be seen from the fact that Salena tricked you so easily and made you embarrassed in court that she is a very smart woman." The corners of He Xie's lips raised slightly.

Chen Jiaju twisted his body unnaturally and remained silent.

"When faced with adversity, a smart person will generally not sit still and wait for death, so she will definitely find a way to survive." He Xie continued, "We assume that she decides to fight for a way out for herself, then she actually doesn't have many choices.


Chen Jiaju was baffled by what he heard and couldn't understand the purpose of He Xie's words. Although he was very impatient, he decided to continue listening because he didn't really have many choices now.

"If she wants to live, she has only five choices: first, run away; second, turn into a tainted witness and seek police protection; third, beg Zhu Tao for mercy; fourth, threaten Zhu Tao; fifth, kill

Zhu Tao." He Xie continued.

He glanced at Chen Jiaju and said with a smile: "Based on your understanding, which path will she choose?"

Chen Jiaju suppressed the irritation in his heart, pondered slightly, and said: "I think she will run away and leave Hong Kong Island."

"Wrong!" He Xie smiled, "This is a dead end. She will definitely not do this."

"Why?" Chen Jiaju looked at He Xie.

"Because..." He Xie stopped after saying only two words, glanced at Chen Jiaju, shook his head and said: "Forget it, with your current mentality, no matter how much I say, you still won't be able to understand, I'll just go ahead and

Let me tell you the answer."

"She will choose to threaten Zhu Tao, hold Zhu Tao's hand, and then use this to exchange the conditions for her survival with Zhu Tao." He Xie said, "Other choices are insecure for her."

"Why?" Chen Jiaju couldn't help but ask, this time his attention was finally attracted.

"This involves psychological profiling. You can't explain it in one or two sentences. You just need to know that the probability of her doing this is 72.49%." He Xie said leisurely, "Let's make this choice again.

As a premise, let’s speculate on her next behavior.”

"According to what you just said, this Salina has been following Zhu Tao for less than a year, so it is certain that she does not know much about Zhu Tao, but she is Zhu Tao's personal financial advisor.

No funds can go around her, so if she really wants to take control of Zhu Tao, it is not difficult. As long as she has all of Zhu Tao's bank accounts in her hands, it is equivalent to holding Zhu Tao's lifeline."

Chen Jiaju listened with great concentration, and suddenly felt a little more confident in his heart.

"If I were Zhu Tao, I would definitely not let Salena control my lifeline." He Xie continued, "I must be present when Salena handles any capital transactions, and I must use my trustworthy special


"The only way Salina can seize the opportunity to threaten Zhu Tao, and the only way she can think of, is to secretly work on this special computer." He Xie said with a smile, "Zhu Tao will definitely use this special computer.

It is placed in a location where he feels at ease. As long as we find this location, basically everything can be solved."

Chen Jiaju's thinking was completely caught up in He Xie's rhythm at this moment, and he was surprised, happy, and worried about gains and losses.

"Since this special computer is so important, won't Zhu Tao prevent Salina from messing with him?" He asked eagerly, "Will he transfer or destroy his special computer?"

This chapter has been completed!
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