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Chapter 741: The Second Meeting with Gandalf

"I don't think it's necessary." King Elrond shook his head, "We were fooled by Sauron, which plunged Middle-earth into dark turmoil for more than a thousand years. We shouldn't take such a big risk to determine a certain outcome.

It’s something that’s bound to happen.”

Gandalf looked at King Elrond helplessly, and King Elrond also looked at him with dissatisfaction. They both saw that the other party would not be convinced by them.

"I have informed Queen Galadriel and Saruman," King Elrond said slowly, "Maybe the White Council will make you change this dangerous idea."

Gandalf nodded slowly, but his expression remained heavy.

Saruman has never dealt with him, and although Galadriel has always supported him, Gandalf knows very well that he must be alone in this matter, because even he feels that his choice is useless.

It makes sense and is very dangerous.

An idea suddenly came to his mind. He glanced at King Elon and said slowly: "Then, I will rush back before dusk. I hope the Holy White Council can make a correct decision."

At this moment, He Xie was not far from Rivendell. He was hiding in a hidden and quiet canyon in the lower reaches of the Imladri Valley.

In the past three days, he has been healing and recuperating here. The elves also searched this place, but He Xie easily let them find nothing and returned without success.

In three days, with the help of the foundation-building technique, he had completely recovered from his internal injuries, and he was making progress again.

This is the benefit of a life-and-death battle. People often exert extraordinary strength in desperate situations, and this state will point out the way forward and make many doubts suddenly clear. This is also the reason why many warriors challenge themselves everywhere.

The break with Justice and Law made He Xie somewhat helpless and dissatisfied. He originally wanted to quietly make a fortune, but Sauron tricked him. This status quo was definitely not what he wanted.

Now that the matter has come to this, He Xie knows that it is useless to think too much. The only thing he can do is to strengthen himself. This is also the only solution.

Justice and Law wanted to snatch the Supreme Lord of the Rings, but He Xie didn't believe that Sauron would just hide and watch the fun. Faced with the hostile encirclement and suppression by the black and white forces, He Xie felt heavy pressure even though he was confident.

Alone and surrounded by enemies, this is how He Xie feels now.

He only has one person, one sword, and is covered in blood. How many pots of blood can he do?

It’s time to win over allies!

There are not only two forces in this world, good and evil. There are also some neutral creatures and races that do not want to participate in the war, and even Sauron is not willing to provoke them easily, or to win over them wholeheartedly.

For example, the fire dragon Smaug in the cave under the Lonely Mountain.

Another example is the long-sleeping Balrog in the underground mines of Moria.

There are also the tree men in Fangorn Forest, and the giant spider Shelob who lives in Mordor that even Sauron doesn't bother to deal with.

Although some of these creatures tend to be righteous and lawful, such as the Treants, and some are biased to the evil law, such as Smaug and the Balrog, they are actually neutral.

Winning over a powerful ally, or subduing a powerful follower, will definitely greatly improve He Xie's current situation.

He Xie began to think about who to choose?

First of all, the big spider in Mordor can be eliminated. This descendant of Ungoliant has no feelings at all and cannot communicate. If he is cruel, he will even eat himself.


This was an ancient troll that could even bring down Gandalf, and it slipped away.

The Treants have a good relationship with Gandalf, and if you talk to them, you'll want to kill them in a split second, so forget it.

After all the calculations, He Xie was left with one choice: Smaug, the fire dragon.

Can it be done?

He Xie couldn't help but ask himself.

This dragon can breathe fire, its scales are extremely strong, and its tail is as powerful as a battering ram. Although it is huge and heavy, it is normally beyond the reach of He Xie.

But it's not without its weaknesses...

Dozens of plans surged into He Xie's mind instantly, and he considered them one by one, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

For a long time, only determination remained in He Xie's eyes.


Once this is done, he will definitely be regarded as a figure in the world of Middle-earth. At least those who provoke him will have to weigh their own weight before doing so.

Having made up his mind, He Xie stopped thinking about these things.

He decided to set out tonight under the cover of darkness, across Eton Moor, through the dark forest, and headed for the Lonely Mountain.

He Xie couldn't help feeling a little emotional, but he didn't expect that he would still follow the original plot in the end.

That night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Just when He Xie walked out of the valley, his expression suddenly changed. He couldn't help but look ahead, and pulled out his sword with a clang.

"Who?" he shouted, looking at a hill not far away.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure came out from behind the hills.

He wears a pointed hat and leans on a cane inlaid with rubies. Who is it but Gandalf?

"Gandalf?" He Xie raised his eyebrows, but did not relax his vigilance.

"It's me, He." Gandalf looked deeply at He Xie and bowed slightly, "You seem to be in some trouble."

"This trouble comes from you," He Xie said calmly, "Originally we were supposed to coexist peacefully, but you chose war."

"No, the war was not chosen by us, but came from that gadget on your body." Gandalf shook his head, "He, you are a wise man. You should know our concerns and understand our difficulties."

"I will not try to understand the people who want to kill me," He Xie flexed his fingers and flicked his sword, chanting, "I will only use my sword to convince them."

"That will only bring endless hatred and death." Gandalf sighed, "Hey, let down your guard. The fact that I stand alone in front of you now means that I don't want to be your enemy, and you should also show

With your sincerity, let’s work together to resolve this trouble, okay?”

He Xie was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and sheathed his sword with a clang.

"Of course I don't want to be an enemy of all the righteous people in Middle-earth. I am not Sauron." He said, "I yearn for freedom and have no interest in being anyone's slave or puppet."

Gandalf tilted his head, exhaled a long breath and smiled: "This way we have a basis for peaceful coexistence, right?"

"The foundation has always been there, but some people choose to turn a blind eye." He Xie said lightly, "I respect you very much, Gandalf, but with all due respect, I doubt whether your attitude can represent the elves, dwarves and humans."

"Unfortunately, for now, I can only represent myself." Gandalf smiled, "Great peace has always been difficult and tortuous, so it is doubly precious and sweet. If the history of peace will be written by you and me,

First of all, I'm very honored."

He Xie smiled: "Gandalf, you have won my favor. I think this will be a wonderful beginning."


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