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Chapter 743: Holy White Council

Gandalf, the friend who can take He Xie away from the sky, is the king of the giant eagle clan - the Wind King Guan He.

This is a giant eagle with a metallic luster all over its body. It is about eight meters tall and has wings that are tens of meters long. It is as majestic as an airplane.

It is not a creature from Middle-earth, but like Gandalf, it is Maia who has the appearance of an eagle and is a subordinate of Manwe, the king of gods, so they are also called the eagles of Manwe.

In the First Era, Morgoth was causing rebellion in Middle-earth. In order to monitor Morgoth, Manwe sent a giant eagle from Valinor in the West to fly across the strait to Middle-earth and help the Noldor elves against Morgoth.


Giant eagles build their nests in the cliffs in the north of Beleriand. Their eyes can monitor every inch of Middle-earth, see through the deep caves underground, and constantly bring news about Middle-earth to Manwe.

At the same time, as righteous and lawful Maia, they have been silently helping humans, dwarves and elves fight against evil. They are deeply hated and extremely feared by Sauron and his legion of doom.

Guan He arrived quickly, and after Gandalf whispered a few words in his ear, he signaled He Xie to ride on the eagle's back.

"He, I suggest you go to the Dark Forest, where there is another friend of mine, the brown wizard Radagast." Gandalf said to He Xie, "Although he looks a little strange, he is definitely a trustworthy person.


"I will consider it," He Xie said with a smile, "My friend, Gandalf, thank you for your help, it makes me feel warm. Darkness and evil are the common enemies of everyone with a conscience, and I don't want to see it.

When I fight to the death against evil, there are countless swords pointing at my back in the bright place."

"But as you said," He Xie changed the topic, "the arrival of peace is always difficult and tortuous. I look forward to you and me writing a new historical chapter together."

He Xie smiled and nodded to Gandalf, tapped his feet lightly, jumped onto the back of the eagle, and whispered to Guan He softly: "Go to the East."


The giant eagle made a loud cry, stretched its wings, flapped a few times, and disappeared into the vast sky in the blink of an eye.

Gandalf looked at He Xie's retreating figure, and the smile on his face gradually faded, turning into deep worry.

After a frank conversation with He Xie, he became even more worried about this unnecessary dispute.

The darkness is ready to move, danger is approaching quickly, and Middle-earth is about to face a catastrophe. At this time, everyone needs trust and unity even more.

He decided to go find Galadriel first before the White Council began.

He hopes to persuade Galadriel not to deal with He Xie, but to pay attention to Dol Guldur, where the evil power is spreading rapidly and may be unstoppable.

At dusk, the setting sun coated the beautiful Rivendell with a layer of gold. The white-robed wizard Saruman and the elf queen Galadriel of Lothlorien came to greet the sunset, and the Holy White Council began.

In fact, the members of the White Council also include the brown wizard Radagast and the shipbuilder Cirdan, but the former only wants to deal with animals except Gandalf; the latter lives in seclusion in the Gray Port all year round and does not care about the world.

After exchanging pleasantries, the four of them quickly got down to business and talked about He Xie.

"There is no doubt that the Ring Bearer is Sauron's minion, and it is even possible that he is the incarnation of Sauron." The white-robed wizard Saruman was the first to express his opinion, and his attitude was very clear, "We must eliminate him and recapture the Supreme Demon.

Jie, there is nothing to discuss in this matter, we shouldn’t waste time here.”

King Elrond nodded slightly to Saruman and said: "Dear wise man, this is exactly what I think. How can the ring bearer control evil power that we don't understand? I very much doubt that it comes from the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

Power, if this is the case, then it is obvious that he has been corrupted by the Supreme Lord of the Rings and fallen into the abyss. We must eliminate him in time."

Saruman then said: "The tenth ring spirit is about to appear. How can the ring bearer compete with the power of the ring of air, Veya? It is obvious that he is an evil existence more cruel and powerful than the Witch King of Angmar. Everyone,

We cannot sit idly by and allow the tragedy of Minas Ithil to happen again."

Minas Ithil in Saruman's words was once a fortress city built by Isildur, King of Gondor, at the southern end of the Ithilien Valley near the border of Mordor. It was later captured by Sauron and later by the Nine.

Occupied by the Witch-King of Angmar, the leader of the Ringwraiths, the once prosperous city was completely reduced to a devil's lair, filled with black magic, and those twisted and depraved dark creatures are still entrenched there to this day.

Gandalf looked serious and said slowly: "I don't think we should be so hasty in drawing conclusions. The ring bearers I know are by no means corrupt or evil."

"Tell me, Gandalf, my friend." Saruman said with a sarcastic expression, "Do you really think that what you have done will not be discovered?"

"Not discovered?" Gandalf was startled, and his heart immediately sank.

"No." He shook his head, "I just do things based on my conscience."

"So you kidnapped the fate of the entire world on your ridiculous conscience, and let it give wings to go to the East?" Saruman said coldly, "Gandalf, you are really disappointing me more and more.

, before you took it upon yourself to let the dwarves provoke the evil dragon of the Lonely Mountain, which was already a very stupid move, but now, you have put the fate of the whole world on the dangerous abyss."

Gandalf looked at Saruman and said: "If Ho really loves the light as I know, but we force him to fall into the darkness, then what?"

"This is just your naive imagination, as unreasonable as the monsoon on the wasteland of Eton." Saruman sneered. "Gandalf, you are becoming more and more like Radagast who has eaten too many poisonous mushrooms.

, muddleheaded and ignorant.”

After a pause, Saruman looked at King Elrond and Galadriel: "Maybe we shouldn't waste time on such idiots in the next council meeting."

Saruman's words were harsh, harsh, and merciless, causing everyone to fall silent.

Galadriel looked deeply at Gandalf and spoke slowly: "Mithlandar's wisdom is as bright as the stars, as before. We don't understand what he did, but we can't slander everything he did. Saru

Man, let him tell you his decision."

Saruman's expression changed, and he fell silent for a moment before stroking his chest and bowing slightly, saying: "As you wish, my dear queen."

Galadriel was the mother-in-law of King Elrond and one of the most noble elf kings active before the First Era. Even Saruman had to respect her every word.

Gandalf cast a grateful look at Galadriel, pondered slightly, and said slowly: "When we can't see things clearly, time is the best answer. I think we need to be more careful about those who keep the ring.

Be patient and cautious.”

This chapter has been completed!
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