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Chapter 844 Zombie Virus

When he reached the eleventh carriage, He Xie stopped and the train started to move slowly.

He Xie suddenly looked out the window and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Lanqiu followed He Xie's gaze and glanced at it. He was so frightened that he screamed and subconsciously hugged He Xie's arm.

She saw a man with a mouth full of blood, and he just threw another man who was running away in panic to the ground.

The train began to accelerate slowly, and the scene outside the window flashed by. When the conductor also looked outside, he could not see anything.

"Really? Is that the one just now?" Ye Lanqiu turned pale with fright and asked in a trembling voice.

"That's right." He Xie said.

"Really..." Ye Lanqiu murmured, his eyes full of horror.

"Do you think I'm scaring you?" He Xie looked at her funny.

"I... saw it with my own eyes, which is definitely different from what you said!" Ye Lanqiu lightly punched He Xie, and then worriedly said: "He Xie, will we be okay?"

"Don't worry." He Xie smiled and patted the back of her hand, then pointed to the bathroom on one side, turned to the conductor with a puzzled expression on the other side and said: "It's in here, I suspect there is something wrong with the people inside, you'd better

Then open the door and let her out."

"Is it a zombie?" Ye Lanqiu tightened his hands suddenly and subconsciously pressed his body against He Xie.

"I don't know yet." He Xie said.

He just heard the sound of a woman sobbing in pain from the bathroom.

The conductor was doubtful, so he leaned against the door and listened. His expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly knocked on the door: "Lady inside? Do you need help?"

Bang bang bang!


Bang bang bang!

The conductor called several times, but there was no response from the person inside. She looked at He Xie with a surprised expression, and then hurriedly took out her keys and wanted to open the door directly.


But at this moment, the door opened automatically.

The conductor opened the door, and a girl with hair covering her face suddenly stood behind the door. The conductor was so frightened that she screamed and took a step back.

Ye Lanqiu was also startled, holding He Xie's arm tightly and staring at the girl.

The girl was wearing a white sweatshirt and denim shorts. Her exposed skin showed a sickly bluish-white color, with protruding blood vessels covering her body like a spider web. Her whole body was twitching slightly, and she looked very scary.

"Madam, you..." the conductor said in surprise, but he couldn't help covering his mouth again and exclaimed, pointing at the girl's leg and shouting: "You, you are injured!"

There was a bloody scar on the girl's right leg, as if a piece of flesh had been torn off by something.

The girl made a "grinning" sound in her throat, said sorry with great difficulty, and staggered out.

But after taking only one step, she fell to the ground with a "thud", frightening the conductor and Ye Lanqiu to scream again.

He Xie patted Ye Lanqiu's hand and motioned for her to let go.

He took a step forward and held down the girl who was struggling to stand up.

"He Xie, be careful!" Ye Lanqiu shouted nervously.

"It's okay," He Xie put a hand on the girl's pulse, "We can still be saved."

Suddenly, the girl grabbed He Xie's wrist with her backhand and shouted hoarsely in pain: "Help me...help me..."

She spoke Chinese, but very bluntly.

He Xie slowly channeled his internal energy, reached out and tapped the girl a few times quickly, and the girl suddenly became limp and motionless.

"Sir, you..." The conductor didn't know what was going on and wanted to stop him.

Ye Lanqiu hurriedly stopped her and said, "My boyfriend is a doctor and he is saving people."

"Doctor?" The conductor was stunned, a little doubtful.

"Yes, Chinese medicine. Do you know Chinese medicine?" Ye Lanqiu asked.

"It's...a Korean doctor, right?" the conductor said hesitantly.

No matter how Ye Lanqiu explained behind him, He Xie's attention was entirely focused on this girl at this time.

The true energy circulated around the girl's body, and He Xie couldn't help but shake his head and sighed.

That's right.

It must be the dark exhaust gas refined from the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

He was very familiar with this kind of power. He had been using this kind of power to exercise his mental strength for a long time.

It's just that the dark exhaust gas on the girl's body is more mottled, more violent and evil.

But compared to the power of the complete Supreme Lord of the Rings, the power of this dark exhaust gas is just a hair on the body of Jiu Niu. It is just such a weak power that mortals cannot bear it at all.

This dark waste gas is alive, just like a virus, it will continue to divide. Compared with the original power of Sauron, it can only be spread through the exchange of body fluids. Once someone is infected, the dark waste gas will immediately begin to divide like an avalanche, swallowing people.

Everything about you.

Everything mentioned here is not only the body, but also the soul.

This girl was lucky. The virus started to spread from her legs, so she was able to survive until now. If she had been bitten on the neck, she might not have been able to survive for even a minute, and she would have died completely.

After her body and soul are completely dead, the dark exhaust virus will parasitize in her body, making her full of hunger, becoming violent and manic, and wanting to devour any living thing she sees.

At this time, the girl's eyes had begun to turn gray. Obviously, the virus was about to completely engulf her.

If it had been one minute later, not even He Xie could have saved her. He Xie could not have saved a dead person.

But as long as the person is still alive, it will be much simpler for He Xie.

His true energy traveled inside the girl's body, and wherever it passed, the dark exhaust energy retreated crazily as if encountering a natural enemy.

The girl's originally gray-white skin was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its protruding blood vessels gradually disappeared.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?" Ye Lanqiu pointed at this scene and said excitedly to the conductor, "She is returning to normal!"

The conductor was dumbfounded. This scene was so magical that she took the walkie-talkie and forgot to call other conductors on the train.

But He Xie couldn't help but frown at this moment, because he found that he could only expel the dark exhaust gas from the girl's body, but he could not eliminate it.

Just think about it, if this thing was so easy to destroy, it would have disappeared as early as the moment the Supreme Lord of the Rings melted down. How could it still be there today?

As He Xie continued to press with his true energy, the skin on the girl's body quickly returned to normal.

Don't tell me, it's pretty white...

Soon, traces of black mist gradually emerged from the wound on the girl's leg, floating on her leg and condensing.

"What is this!" the conductor shouted in horror.

He Xie forced out all the dark exhaust gas from the girl's body, and with a casual move, the dark exhaust gas immediately followed his fingertips and was absorbed into his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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