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Chapter 851 The Ark Project

In the huge conference hall, silent images were played on the big screen behind the podium, all of which were real images from South Korea.

The cruel and bloody scenes in the video shocked everyone present.

"In just three days, two special cities, nine provinces, and six metropolitan areas in South Korea have all been infected by the zombie virus. As of the data I obtained half an hour ago, there are only 51 million people in South Korea.

7.63 million people have received clear assistance and have been resettled in five temporary refugee resettlement sites in Ulsan, Guangzhou, Gangwon Province, North Chungcheong Province, Jeollanam Province, and North Gyeongsang Province. South Korea's 690,000 soldiers have been

Two-thirds of the workforce was reduced in the disaster..."

Park choked up several times and reported sadly to the heads of state. Finally, he issued a plea, hoping that the United Nations would immediately organize an international rescue organization to save South Korea, which was about to be destroyed in the disaster.

He said: "This is not only a disaster for South Korea, but also a disaster for the whole world and all mankind. South Korea's misfortune today may become other countries' tomorrow. The spread of this zombie virus is shocking and unprecedented, like a tsunami.


He appealed: "Helping South Korea is also helping all mankind. In the face of the zombie virus, no one can stay away."

Unfortunately, as his words fell, the scene fell into a long silence.

The timing of the outbreak of the zombie virus in South Korea is too subtle, because just before that, Adrian had just "predicted" the coming doomsday to heads of state in three years.

Compared with the disaster of the entire earth and the life and death of the entire human race, there is no need to elaborate on the importance of the demise of a country.

Moreover, the ferocity of the zombie virus made every leader present realize how difficult and terrifying this virus is. No one is willing to risk infection in their own country to save South Korea. The first reaction of all heads of state is to completely block all exchanges with South Korea.

, and neighboring countries have already contacted their respective countries and sealed their borders as soon as possible.

Park screamed in grief, bowed repeatedly on the podium, and begged for help from the heads of state. The eyes of all the heads of state fell on the face of Beacon President Wilson.

Your little brother, express your position first.

Wilson sighed in his heart. In fact, he had obtained the relevant information and assessment of the virus in South Korea a day ago, but no one expected that things would collapse to such an extent.

What Wilson is more willing to do now is to first withdraw the troops stationed in South Korea, then encircle the entire South Korea, prohibiting any living creatures from entering or exiting, and then wait until everyone on the peninsula has turned into zombies, then completely burn the land contaminated by the virus.

into ashes.

If the end of the world wasn't suddenly approaching, he even thought that it would be better if the virus could spread to China.

But now, he needs China, Lighthouse needs China, the whole world, all mankind, needs China.

There were only three years. Without China, it would have been impossible to complete that great plan.

"The meeting will be suspended for twenty minutes."

At Wilson's suggestion, the meeting was suspended and the heads of state filed out.

"President Park, my condolences, may God bless South Korea." After comforting Park without any sincerity, Wilson turned around and left in a hurry.

He met the CIA director who came in a hurry, and asked in shock: "Why are you here?"

Twenty minutes later, the meeting reconvened.

Something happened that shocked all heads of state.

President Wilson, who had previously clearly avoided the South Korean zombie virus, took the initiative to take the stage and delivered an impassioned speech, calling on all countries to send troops to South Korea to save innocent people out of a humanitarian spirit.

Not only that, President Wilson also took the lead in stating that he would dispatch the Lighthouse Corps stationed in South Korea as an advance rescue force to take the lead in carrying out rescue activities from Daejeon to Ulsan in South Korea. In addition, the Lighthouse Corps stationed in Guam will also be mobilized urgently, depending on the situation at any time.

Determined to participate in the rescue.

President Wilson said affectionately: "Disasters are ruthless and people's hearts have no boundaries. Humanity is a community with a shared future. When someone falls into despair, we should not stand idly by. This is the moral and code of conduct that the people of Lighthouse have always adhered to. We also hope that all countries in the world will

They have all given a helping hand, especially China and Sarawak. As world powers, they should set an example for all mankind."

Wilson's speech received warm applause. At the suggestion of the Chinese head of state, the meeting was suspended for another ten minutes.

Park Yisheng held Wilson's hand and was extremely grateful. However, as soon as he returned to his office, his expression immediately turned cold and he ordered his neighbors: "Immediately investigate whether any special events have occurred in the area from Daejeon to Ulsan!


At the same time, heads of state from many countries issued the same order as Park almost simultaneously.

Ten minutes later, the meeting was reconvened.

Huaxia Salo took the lead in stating that it would send rescue troops to participate in the rescue in South Korea.

Immediately, dozens of countries, including Asan Kingdom, Zhepeng, and Great Britain, expressed their intention to send troops to participate in the rescue.

The President of South Korea thanked all countries for their generous help and immediately proposed to withdraw. He wanted to return to the country to arrange rescue work.

His exit was encouraged and supported by everyone.

Wilson smiled and clapped, watching Park Yisheng leave. Behind him, the CIA director leaned close to his head and asked: "I guess many countries have sent personnel to investigate."

Wilson remained calm and said calmly: "Even if we bring back that Superman, we will pretend to have found nothing and continue searching in that land, attracting their attention to South Korea..."

Five minutes later, the meeting resumed and the topics returned to their original track.

Adrian took the stage again, explained the seriousness of the matter to the heads of state, and proposed the Ark plan for the first time.

It is worth mentioning that the Ark Project does not entirely rely on China. Adrian's plan is for countries around the world to jointly build twenty Arks before the doomsday breaks out.

The design of the Ark is that each ship has a total tonnage of 28 million tons and can carry 450,000 people and 100,000 species of animals and plants at the same time, including all life support materials needed for ten years, and more than 20,000 various types of reconstruction equipment.

Eco-environmental equipment, more than 10,000 vehicles of various types, and various necessary materials.

Among them, China will undertake half of the construction, and the remaining half will be jointly distributed by countries around the world.

In the face of major issues concerning the life and death of all mankind, China has shown its due responsibilities as a major country and accepted this task without any shirk.

Project Ark was officially launched.

However, regarding the end of the world, the heads of state have reached a unified consensus, that is, this event will not be announced to the outside world, and only the heads of state participating in the meeting will be informed of it, so as not to cause panic and riots on a global scale.

This chapter has been completed!
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