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Chapter 86 With luck, gamblers are also

Two hundred and sixteen people.

This is He Xie’s entire team!

Looking at the solemn faces in the audience, He Xie's heart was up and down. Only he knew what a shocking thing he was about to do.

And these people in front of him are all his support!

Of these two hundred and sixteen people, there are 124 Dingmen disciples alone, and there are only ninety-two real Jinyi guards. Apart from Lu Jianxing and Pei Lun, there are ninety people left including Shen Lian. , all of them were Lu Wenzhao’s former confidants.

How little?

Quite a few!

He Xie knew that he could not control the 12 Jinyi Guards, so he sent everyone out of the capital today to inspect.

The Five Cities Military and Horse Division has more than 100,000 soldiers and horses. Usually, anyone with some status in Dongchang can mobilize some of their troops to work for them. But once they are dispatched, He Xie's two hundred people are not enough to watch, so he holds Wei Zhongxian in his hand Token, go to the Minister of War, Yan Mingtai, pretending to mobilize troops.

And the maze he laid out in the early stage was just to confuse Wei Zhongxian, who had no idea what was going on. What would he do when Wei Zhongxian got the news?

He Xie is sure that at this sensitive moment, he will definitely order the soldiers and horses from the five cities to strictly guard the military camp and not to move without permission! To avoid being taken advantage of.

In other words, not only He Xie cannot mobilize the soldiers and horses of the five cities tonight, but Zhao Jing, Zhong Tian Ergen and others will definitely not be able to mobilize them! King Xin, it is even more impossible!

As for the Forbidden Army, the second most powerful force in the capital, they would not move at all as long as He Xie did not lose his mind and attacked the palace.

The police officers of Shuntian Prefecture, even if they had ten courages, would never dare to interfere with the affairs of the factory guards. He Xie naturally did not take this kind of power seriously.

As for the three major camps outside the city, He Xie never considered it. By the time they gathered into the city, the day lilies were already cold.

He Xie paid enough attention to the Iron Sword Sect brought by King Xin. He used his previous show of favor to get involved with Yan Peiwei. He didn't know how strong the Iron Sword Sect was, but he knew that the Golden Sword Sect was absolutely It is the largest Jianghu sect in the capital.

If you want to use the Golden Sword Sect to deal with the Iron Sword Sect, it is of course unreliable to just rely on that little kindness. Yan Peiwei offended Xu Xianchun and Tian Ergeng, and was disliked by Wei Zhongxian. The last incident was a very big deal for him. A big warning sign, he was aware of the crisis, so after He Xie came to make a promise, Yan Peiwei immediately accepted the "strong ally" of the Right Commander of the Jin Yiwei.

He Xie proposed to deal with the Iron Sword Sect, but he immediately agreed.

King Xin, the Forbidden Army, the City Defense Army, the Imperial Guards...

Under He Xie's control, these forces are no longer a threat. The only thing He Xie has no choice about is Dongchang!

He Xie didn't know if Dongchang would show up tonight. He was not a god and couldn't guess everything, but he had never ignored the three enemies of Tian Ergeng, Zheng Zhangban and Zhao Jingzhong. It was a matter of life and death. Naturally, you have to prepare for the worst.

He assumed that these three people would take action tonight, and these 216 people were his capital against these three people!

He Xie went over all the plans of the past three days in his mind, and his agitated mood gradually calmed down.

There is no such thing as a perfect plan in this world, and He Xie's plan is certainly not perfect. It can even be described as crazy and lucky.

If you are lucky, you are a gambler!

He Xie just wanted to bet that he would either be doomed or soar into the sky!

And his biggest trump card is that no one knows what he is going to do.

He doesn't think about the consequences if he fails, because it's meaningless. The only thought in his mind now is


Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a supercar!

In the school grounds, the only sound was the flag blowing in the wind and the sound of hunting. More than two hundred people were silent!

They were waiting for their governor to speak.

He Xie's eyes flashed across the faces of Shen Lian, Pei Lun, Lu Jianxing and others, and behind him, Ding Baiying, Ding Xian and Ding Xiu were guarding him.

This is the most satisfying thing for him. All the protagonists in this world are under his command. Even the two heroines are imprisoned in his house.

Gambling requires luck. He didn't know whether these "sons of the plane" could bring luck to He Xie, but he was willing to believe this, and there was no harm in it.

He Xie first showed Wei Zhongxian's token, held it high for a few breaths, and then slowly spoke.

"There is rebellion among the factory guards! The thieves are so bold that they actually intend to murder the factory owner!"

He Xie's first words caused everyone present to burst into uproar!

He Xie suddenly raised his voice: "Heaven does not hide traitors! The thief's conspiracy was quickly discovered by the factory owner. However, the thief is powerful and deeply hidden. He also involves many stalls in the East Factory. Therefore, the factory owner gave him a special token. As for me, I have ordered this governor to supervise the handling of this case with full authority. I have the factory official’s token here, which gives me the authority to kill first and report later!”

As soon as He Xie finished speaking, many of the Jin Yiwei below were filled with excitement and excitement!

The task assigned by the factory boss himself is to find the traitorous traitor. Once this task is completed, it will be a huge achievement!

Opportunity! This is the opportunity to make a career!

He Xie watched everyone's reactions with satisfaction. He must find a suitable reason for his behavior, and this reason must satisfy the most vital interests of the following people. Otherwise, how could these people dare to take action against the people in Dongchang?

Shen Lian robbed the treasury of case documents, and more than a dozen Dongchang gangsters shot and killed dozens of Jinyi guards before forcing Shen Lian, Lu Jianxing and others to fight back.

Even so, they still did not dare to kill Boss Zheng and allowed him to leave, which shows the great power of Dongchang!

If Dongchang really appears today, then they will face Zhao Jingzhong, the stall owner of Dongchang, and Tian Ergeng, the commander of the Jinyiwei. Without a reason to convince them, who would dare to take action?

This is also the reason why He Xie wants to get Wei Zhongxian's token. With this token, his reasons will be more convincing. Moreover, the effect of this token is far from that.

He Xie's mobilization speech continued. He looked down and continued to speak loudly: "Eunuch Guo Zhen of Dongchang was brutally silenced by thieves, and Yang Huan, the criminal officer of Dongsi, was also one of the traitors!"

When He Xie said this, many Jin Yiwei "suddenly realized".

No wonder, Guo Zhen’s case has not been followed up for a long time!

No wonder the governor killed Yang Huan and not only did nothing happen, but he was promoted by the factory official!

It turns out that the governor had already achieved such great achievements without saying a word!

"My sons!" He Xie's voice suddenly became passionate, "The time has come to make great contributions! You have all followed me for many years, and now, I am giving you a chance! Kill the traitors and protect the factory boss, today! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Set off!"

In Fumanzhai Restaurant, Wei Zhongxian slowly climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Downstairs, Dongchang Fanzi, whom he brought with him, and the palace guards were clearly separated, guarding the entrance of the stairs.

After Wei Zhongxian walked up the stairs, he suddenly paused and said without looking back: "Everyone, get out!"



Dongchang Fanzi immediately exited like a tide. Zhou Tai was stunned for a while, looked up at Wei Zhongxian's back, waved his hand, led them out, and closed the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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