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Chapter 867: The Flood Comes

Facts have proved that the captains of the Ark made a crucial and wise decision.

Eighty students stepped on the flying swords and flew out. They did not rush towards the crowd, but used their broad swords to carve a deep trench between them and the people boarding the ship.

The shock value of this was far greater than the actual significance, but the effect was very good, and the rioting crowd immediately calmed down temporarily.

The captain of this team immediately flew into the air and shouted through a loudspeaker to appease the crowd, explaining the rescue plan of the Miracle Project and saying that he would try his best to save everyone.

While he was shouting over and over again, the other side also accelerated their boarding speed and quickly closed the hatch.

The people here saw that the end was a done deal, and the rescue team's miracles deeply shocked them. With a glimmer of hope, they could only accept this only option.

"The wisest thing we did was to support Mr. He in building the City of Hope three years ago!" On a certain plane of a flying fleet, an old man who was not angry and proud looked at the scene in the video with emotion, and behind him

, Wang Lei and other students looked proud.

When He Xie arrived at Porta, there was still an endless stream of people pouring into the city through the tunnel.

There are some huge cracks and collapsed buildings in the city, but overall, most of the buildings have been saved. In the northeast corner, tens of thousands of workers are urgently repairing the city walls that were previously collapsed.

"Principal He!" Soon, Porta's leader hurriedly came over surrounded by his entourage.

The two shook hands, and the leader looked solemn and said straight to the point: "Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are happening all over the world now. The Ashkull volcano four hundred miles away from here also erupted. My colleagues from the scientific research institute told me that the volcanic ash cloud is the largest.

It will arrive here in half an hour! In addition, the tsunami will happen soon. It is expected to arrive here at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Preliminary estimates are that this tsunami will reach an unprecedented height of 300 meters!"

"It's three hundred meters to get here..." He Xie frowned, "Then the coastal area..."

"It will be more than a thousand meters!" the leader said solemnly.

He Xie was silent for a moment, then changed the subject and asked, "How many people are here?"

"More than 300 million people have entered the city." The leader smiled bitterly, "100 million more than we planned, and as you can see outside the city, there are at least 200 million people, most of whom came from all over the country.

But at least a quarter of them came from all over the world. If we let them all in and demolish all the buildings and redundant places, at least two people will have to be squeezed into each square meter to fully accommodate them."

Volcanic ash clouds, floods, earthquakes...

With so many disasters, demolishing the buildings in the city is tantamount to courting death.

"What is your plan?" He Xie asked.

"Close all the city gates immediately to prevent everyone from entering." The leader said slowly, "We can't let them drag us all to death together.

"There are two rescue teams left in Porta," He Xie said slowly, "Let them assist, organize people outside to save themselves, and give them some rescue supplies, especially gas masks, which must be solved before the volcanic ash cloud arrives.

Regarding this matter, we need to settle them down and be sure not to let them attack the city walls or gates."

The leader breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Principal He, for your support and understanding. Without further ado, I'll go right away!"

"Okay." He Xie nodded.

Sometimes the seemingly cold-blooded and cruel decision is the most correct. He Xie has long understood this truth.

Half an hour later, with the joint efforts of Porta's army and students, more than 200 million refugees outside the city spontaneously organized self-rescue. Everyone was temporarily settled. The next moment, the volcanic ash cloud completely enveloped the area.

time and space.

At midnight that night, He Xie received the bad news that the refuges in the Antarctic and Arctic had all been destroyed due to glacier collapse, and none of the six million people who had sought refuge there were spared.

At 1:30 in the morning, bad news came again. Zhepeng Island tilted and sank, Javier was completely buried by magma, Luo Pheasant's entire city collapsed, causing heavy casualties. Rui Shi's entire country was squeezed underground by two continents, and only a few

One hundred thousand people escaped due to the efforts of the students.

At four o'clock in the morning, the tsunami started.

All coastal areas were submerged almost within an hour. Zhepeng, Nankelin, and even the entire Asan Kingdom became a vast ocean.

City of Hope students resettled or rescued at least 200 million people in disasters. On the sea after the tsunami, there were a large number of densely packed lifeboats, as well as various huge ships, filling the entire sea surface.

At 5:30 in the morning, the scientific research institute issued a warning that due to the superposition effect, the tsunami would be nine hours earlier than expected.

At seven o'clock in the morning the next day, a huge wave with a height of several thousand meters reached Fan Province first. The impact of a wave completely destroyed all the supports of the Ark.

Seven arks were instantly swept into the water, three of them collided, and two of them hit the mountains and were seriously damaged.

The City of Hope students stationed here struggled to save two of the ships, but the last one, along with the 1.7 million people on it, sank in the bottomless ocean.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Taklimakan became an ocean.

At half past eight, with a loud rumbling sound, the sky in the distance suddenly turned into an inverted ocean.

He Xie stood suspended on the city wall, looking at the distant sky, his expression extremely solemn.

Even though he has the power to reach heaven, he is still small in this catastrophe and is unable to stop it at all.

The radio in the city screamed over and over again, warning residents that the flood would arrive in seventeen minutes, and everyone was asked to close their doors and windows, open flood protection devices, and seal their houses.

The guarding troops began to quickly evacuate to the underground shelter, and the streets soon became deserted.

Outside the gates of Porta, more than 200 million refugees were crying and despairing was spreading wantonly.

All the more than a hundred students stationed in Porta are staying outside the city at this moment, and everyone is placed on thousands of huge temporary boats made up of hundreds of thousands of lifeboats, wooden planks and various sundries.

Some of the refugees also put on lifebuoys, while the rest tried their best to secure themselves to the lifeboats.

At 8:45, the huge wave was less than six kilometers away from here.

He Xie, who had been standing on the wall for a long time, suddenly flew out and came to the front of the refugees outside the city, standing alone a mile away from the refugees.

8:46. The flood is less than two miles away.


Suddenly, He Xie's clothes were fluttering all over, and air waves were rising around him.

As he made virtual strokes on both sides of the village, a huge Tai Chi pattern slowly rotated in front of him, getting bigger and bigger and more solid.

Veins popped up on He Xie's forehead. At this time, half of his body had submerged underground. His arms trembled as he slowly pushed out. His whole body was pushed back quickly by the huge and unbearable pressure underground.

At a certain moment, He Xie let out an unyielding roar and violently pushed out the huge Tai Chi diagram.

This chapter has been completed!
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