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Eight hundred and seventieth chapters hard thinking

He Xie used all kinds of martial arts and spells he knew, and even re-simulated the advancement process when he shattered the void several times, but it had no effect.

He didn't know how long he had stayed in this five-dimensional hypercube space, maybe a year, maybe ten years, or a hundred years.

Time has no meaning here at all, because it is completely stationary.

The good news is that He Xie can escape from here at any time, because the power of this five-dimensional space-time is of the same origin as the space-time shuttle. As long as he uses the space-time shuttle to absorb this place, the space inside the black hole will instantly collapse and disappear.

So he doesn't have to worry about being trapped here forever.

But once he does this, the black hole will disappear and the earth will continue to wander according to the original plot. What is certain is that it will die on the wandering road sooner or later.

And those people he left on the other side of the black hole, including Ye Lanqiu, will have to shoulder the responsibility of rebuilding human civilization.

From this point of view, he finally changed the world slightly.

But He Xie is not willing to do this, because this is probably his only chance to crack the principle of the space-time shuttle, even if it is only superficial.

"Time, space...what exactly is going on?"

After going through the process of excitement, devotion, anxiety, and madness, He Xie finally gradually regained his composure.

He decided to think about everything here differently.

First of all, from the original fake system, to the light beam, and now to the current time and space shuttle, he has traveled from one world to another. As a person who has personally experienced it, it can be said that it is difficult to find a person who understands the time and space shuttle.

There is no one who is more dominant than He Xie.

However, there are fundamental differences between his time travel and the black hole in front of him.

He traveled through one parallel universe after another, but black holes are not completely certain.

The space-time shuttle and the light beam are very special substances, while the black hole is a celestial phenomenon.

He didn't understand the principle of time shuttle at all, but the hypercube space he was in was inside a black hole.

He had previously discussed with the scientists on the spacecraft the principle of black holes traveling through time and space.

No matter, energy, or even light and time can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole. Anything that comes close to a black hole will be captured by it.

There are two theories about black holes.

First, as soon as any matter enters a black hole, it will release rays while being pulled into pasta, and finally break down into the smallest particles, collapse and squeeze into the singularity.

Based on this common sense of physics, the Earth Alliance has basically been hindering He Xie from promoting the Saturn black hole exploration plan, because no one thinks that anyone will come out of the black hole alive. The only effect of this plan is to waste time and resources.

But He Xie knew very well that this was not the case, so he reluctantly pushed forward the plan based on another scientific hypothesis.

That is, after entering the black hole, it will enter a wormhole, then reach the white hole, and then be ejected.

The shuttle process also confirmed the correctness of this theory.

But the existence of this hypercube five-dimensional space has proved that the first theory is also partially correct. In other words, in this black hole, both theories exist at the same time.

Entering from the black hole, it will pass through the wormhole and be ejected from the white hole.

But entering from the white hole, you will enter the place where space and time collapse. All space and time of the entire universe from the beginning to the present have collapsed in this hypercube, existing in a linear way that intersects horizontally and vertically.

He Xie can freely observe anything that happens at any time and anywhere in the universe in the past and present, but he cannot participate in it.

In other words, he is just an observer.

What he has to do now is to change from an observer to a participant.

Based on the fact that this black hole is formed by the energy emitted when refining the space-time shuttle, He Xie can definitely conclude that there must be a space-time shuttle principle in this black hole, even if it is only a small part.

The shuttle principle of the space-time shuttle must be similar to or even the same as that of the light beam.

He Xie carefully recalled the process of traveling through time and space through the light cup, not missing a single detail.

Every time he wants to travel, he will be sucked into the space-time tunnel by a huge suction force that he cannot resist.

So is it possible that the moment Guang Zang learned that he wanted to start the shuttle journey, he created a temporary miniature black hole in front of him, and that it would close immediately after he entered it?

And the long process of traveling through space-time tunnels is very similar to the process of traveling through wormholes.

Thinking of this, He Xie couldn't help but feel slightly excited.

When he arrived at each destination world, he came to a different place.

He will be in some unexplored place of chaos, waiting to be teleported out.

Will this unexplored land of chaos have the same properties as this five-dimensional hypercube space?

And when he determines the time and place, he will be dropped at the time and space coordinate point of the target world.

Thinking of this, He Xie's eyes fell on the texture of the interlaced linear time and space in front of him, and he once again confirmed his inner guess.

Here is a texture composed of dense space-time lines, and each intersection point is a space-time coordinate.

If he can master the way the light beam launches him, he can also launch it accurately from here to anywhere he wants to go in the universe!

Thinking of this, He Xie has completely clarified his thoughts and mastered one of the key points - Chang Neng!

Whether it is the previous light vessel or the current time and space shuttle, He Xie needs to obtain the energy of the vessel in order to start the journey of time travel.

Therefore, this method of accurately placing a certain space-time coordinate must require energy to start!

He Xie now knows how to obtain power, which is to change the original trajectory of the world or intervene in the fate of the world's protagonist.

But there is no clue as to what nature, how it exists, and He Xie can be.

He simply cannot sense the existence of energy, just like an ant can never know what data is.

He Xie's mind moved, and he stretched out his hand to touch the Sumeru Ring. Suddenly, a shuttle body with a dense luster appeared in his hand.

Time shuttle!

The original appearance of the space-time shuttle was colorless and transparent, but now it is dark blue in color. This is because the space-time shuttle has been filled with energy.

In other words, the embodied appearance of the cup is blue, or in other words, the cup energy observed by He Xie is blue.

He Xie once again tried to use various methods such as internal force, spiritual energy, consciousness, and even blood to sense the energy. Unfortunately, he still found nothing.

Zang energy is the key to unlocking time and space travel, but unfortunately, this energy is beyond his ability to sense, and He Xie seems to be stuck in an infinite loop.

I don’t know how long he had been researching. He Xie tried various methods, but they still didn’t work. He finally gave up.

But he was not disheartened, but changed his mind again.

This chapter has been completed!
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