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Chapter 879 End of this volume

Unlike Wang Lei, who was convinced, the others had absurdity and disbelief written all over their faces.

Li Yiyi couldn't help but said to the headset: "Uncle Liu, are you kidding me? No one can survive a black hole! Also, how did that voice contact you? Through the private frequency band?"

"No, he was talking directly into my ear..." Liu Peiqiang's tone in the headset was incredible, "I'm pretty sure the person speaking is not in the Navigator Space Station. I, I don't know how he did it."

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

"This is unscientific!" Li Yiyi took a breath and muttered.

At this moment, the president's excited voice came from the headset: "Broadcast to the world now, broadcast to the world now! Mr. He Xie, the founder of City of Hope, the inheritor of martial arts civilization, and the first leader of the Earth Alliance, he

Still alive! He’s still alive!”

At this moment, countless desperate people on the earth stopped what they were doing and raised their heads in disbelief.

The president's voice floats in every underground city, everywhere there are human footprints.

"The Saturn Black Hole Exploration Project has achieved the greatest success and has become mankind's last hope!" The president's passionate voice continued, "Mr. He Xie is now in the five-dimensional space in the black hole, and he can be everywhere!

He can do things that the entire earth cannot do! He can detonate Jupiter, let the earth escape, and save us from disaster!"

The whole earth instantly burst into loud cheers, and many people cried with joy.

"Long live Principal He!" someone shouted ecstatically, which immediately triggered a response like a roaring tsunami.

At this moment, the entire earth fell into a huge carnival.

The president was still speaking: "Dear residents of the alliance, in ten minutes, Mr. He Xie will personally detonate Jupiter. The shock wave after the explosion of Jupiter will reach the surface of the earth in seventeen minutes and fourteen seconds. Please return to the underground city."

, please ask the on-duty staff of each planetary engine to shut down all engines on the earth to avoid power hedging and unnecessary damage to the engines..."

The president's passionate voice became choked with sobs: "Residents, the earth has survived! The even greater good news is that Mr. He Xie has discovered young stars and new habitable planets on the other side of the black hole! He has single-handedly

The Saturn black hole exploration plan promoted by the company has saved the earth and all mankind!"

"We no longer have to take the risk of destruction at any time and go through a long journey of 2,500 years in the dead universe. We only need to accelerate, reach Saturn in fourteen years, pass through the black hole, and see our new


"Residents, fourteen years, we only need fourteen years! The earth and mankind will be completely saved!"

"Long live! Long live the earth!"

Many people burst into tears, hugged each other and went crazy.

"Hurry! The detonation shock wave will arrive soon. Let's get down to the dungeon immediately!" There were also rational people urging everyone hoarse.

People acted quickly, and under the control of Liu Peiqiang, the navigator space station in the sky began to move away from Jupiter.

In fact, for He Xie in the hypercube space in the black hole, the concept of time is just an image in several time nodes. The scene at this time node is now. He only needs to move a little bit to reach ten minutes later.

At any point in the entire universe, he can find the corresponding space-time node in this hypercube.

"Zhang Neng..." He Xie took a deep breath, raised the detector in his hand, and slowly aimed at the time node in ten minutes.

"Whether I can capture you or not depends on this!"

He Xie pressed the switch button.

The scene about this time and space node in front of him quickly magnified in front of his eyes.

What caught his eyes were rolling red clouds. This was the atmosphere of Jupiter. He saw a huge vortex leading straight from here to the Earth not far away. Jupiter was continuously grabbing oxygen from the Earth's atmosphere.

The red clouds on the surface of Jupiter are entirely composed of hydrogen and nitrogen.

Hydrogen and oxygen are mixed, and now even a small Mars will cause the entire Jupiter atmosphere to explode immediately.

On the earth, they could not reach such a height by launching flint, and could only watch the earth getting closer and closer until it was finally destroyed.

But for He Xie, just opening the window and throwing out a match can save the earth.

The image is very blurry and flashes on and off, which indicates that the californium-252 on the detector is about to be exhausted.

He Xie didn't dare to delay. He turned his wrist and his palm suddenly ignited with forest blue flames.


He gave a soft drink, pointed his finger, and a flame shot out and disappeared into the image in front of him.

When the flame disappeared from this space, the image instantly disappeared.

The californium-252 is completely exhausted.

Did you make it?

He Xie almost held his breath.

He took a few steps back and stared at everything in front of him.





He Xie counted down silently in his heart, but until he counted to "seventeen", the change he wanted to see still did not happen, and his heart gradually sank.

None of this works?

He moved forward unwillingly, wanting to peek from the nodes of time and space to see what was going to happen.

But at this moment, the entire hypercube suddenly began to tremble violently!

He Xie's eyes suddenly widened, and his expression suddenly became extremely excited!

The texture composed of countless lines began to move rapidly and reorganize under the violent vibration!

The light waves flow, and the beauty is stunning!

It is difficult to describe what happened in front of me in words, and no human words can accurately describe the changes at this moment.

He Xie was shocked!

But what’s more is excitement and expectation!

This is the change he wants to see!

He has been thinking about what Zang Neng is. He used to think that it was the power of time and space, but until he thoroughly sorted out and thought about everything he knew, he found that it was not the case.

Zhang Neng is far more complex and wonderful than he imagined.

Until now, he still cannot understand this energy. He only knows that it can be obtained by changing the world and changing the fate of the protagonist.

So Chang Neng is also a power of change.

But all this time, this power of change has not been able to be observed and felt intuitively by him, because change often requires time, space, thought, material, etc., and there are too many factors.

But it’s different now!

In this hypercube space, all time and space are compressed into interlaced textures, from the past to the future.

It's a bit like the entire universe is developing according to a predetermined destiny trajectory, but it is not static.

If it's just a little change, or a slow change, it's still difficult to detect here.

But if it is a huge change, or even an ultimate change in the development of the entire human civilization, then the original fixed future here and all time nodes will be changed!

This is everything He Xie wants to see!

And now, he sees the power of this change.

All timelines and space lines are intertwining and reorganizing to form new space-time nodes.

With the flaming knife thrown by He Xie into the atmosphere of Jupiter, everything in the future has completely changed!

The Pilot Space Station has been preserved, and the earth will enter a new navigation trajectory. The future of the entire human civilization has completely entered a new beginning with the match he threw out the window!

As the striped space-time lines continued to reorganize, He Xie saw scenes that were about to happen in the new future.

He saw that after Jupiter exploded, the earth finally escaped its gravitational field and began to accelerate with all its strength, heading towards the black hole of Saturn.

When he saw the earth passing through the black hole, he finally used the power of energy to launch himself onto the earth, and came to a new time and space with the earth.

He saw the scene where he met many old friends.

He also saw that the Earth successfully established a foothold in the new star system and officially began to colonize other habitable planets.

He saw statues of himself erected on many planets. In the further future, he saw someone wearing protective clothing and flying swords flying out of the atmosphere.

He saw the old Ye Lanqiu, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face, looking for his whereabouts in space with old tears.

He also saw hundreds of giant warships flying out of the earth, and a war broke out with another cosmic creature wielding giant jointed limbs.

This is the new future!

What is the root cause of all this, but the power to change all this comes from the power of Chang!

This is the first time He Xie has observed the power of Zang Neng!

And when he "sees" Zang Neng, he also perceives its existence!

He Xie did it!

In this special five-dimensional hypercube space-time, he sensed energy!

He held the time shuttle with excitement, feeling the wisps of energy being absorbed by it.

He tried to use internal force, spiritual energy, blood and thoughts to contact the energy. In the end, only thoughts could make the energy fluctuate slightly.

Even though just a slight fluctuation in the energy of the cup caused He Xie to consume a huge amount of mental energy in an instant and even made him dizzy, he was still excited about it.

He Xie still wanted to try to let Zang enter his body, but just having such an idea made his hair stand on end, and he was almost suffocated by the huge fear.

He immediately realized that doing so was a very dangerous thing.

Think about it, how could he so easily grasp the power that can change the world and change time and space?

But luckily, he knows about Calf-252!

Maybe it is a component of the energy, maybe it is a weakened energy, no matter what, maybe californium-252 is the right way for He Xie to unlock the mystery of the energy!

He couldn't wait for this!

He Xie found the space-time node in the heart of the earth's shuttle through the black hole, tried to aim the space-time shuttle at it, and used his mental power to carefully control the fluctuations in energy to affect this space-time node.

The next moment, the illusory image slowly enlarged and opened, swallowing He Xie inside.

When he reappeared, He Xie had already arrived on earth.

"He, Principal He?"

This chapter has been completed!
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