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Chapter 96: The Great Emperor Chongzhen (Part 2)

The establishment of the Military Aircraft Department initially existed only as a branch of the cabinet, and was held concurrently by courtiers in turn. There was no fixed number of personnel. Although it bypassed the cabinet and directly decided on military and state affairs by the emperor, which aroused the vigilance of the courtiers, at first it only involved civil uprisings.

And border military affairs, and indeed improved efficiency, so it did not attract enough attention from the courtiers.

However, after the Battle of Huangtaiji and Kouguan in the third year of Chongzhen, the courtiers discovered that the emperor had merged the Jinyiwei into the Military Aircraft Department as the intelligence agency of the Military Aircraft Department, which greatly increased the powers of the Military Aircraft Department and unknowingly completed the strengthening of the monarch's power.

The role of the cabinet has been infinitely weakened.

Thanks to Sun Chengzong's steady attack in the past two years to build the Ningjin defense line, coupled with He Xie's foresight and the large-scale promotion of firearms, the battle in the third year of Chongzhen was not avoided by Huang Taiji. Ningyuan, Jinzhou broke into the pass, and Liaodong Zhuge Liang

Jiang kept the enemy outside the pass, and a battle lasted for three months, causing heavy casualties to the Qing army. In the end, they returned to Shenyang with nothing gained.

Huang Taiji felt deeply ashamed and vowed to take revenge.

The Ming army's military discipline was lax and its combat effectiveness was poor. In this battle, the Ming army also suffered heavy losses, and the number of casualties was even as high as that of the Qing army.

But in the end, Ming Dynasty won this battle, and the benefits gained were obvious.

First of all, Shaanxi's repression of the civil uprising was in full swing, with successive years of famine, and the court was short of money and food. Even though the emperor repeatedly exempted Shaanxi, Shandong and other disaster-stricken areas from taxes and allocated grain for disaster relief, and sweet potatoes also solved a small part of the urgent needs, natural and man-made disasters still


In such a two-front battle, it is extremely difficult and extremely rare for the Battle of Liaodong to achieve such results.

Secondly, after this battle, the Qing army's strength was greatly damaged and it was unable to start another war in the short term. Sun Chengzong could continue to promote his strategy, train troops and build roads steadily, and open up Jingdong farmland.

During this period of global Little Ice Catastrophe, the only way for the Qing army to survive was to fight against Korea and Mongolia to obtain survival supplies.

The Ming Dynasty did not have time to cultivate and recuperate, nor did it have the conditions, but it could take advantage of this precious period of peace to quell civil strife and completely stabilize the domestic situation.

Finally, after this battle, the status of the Military Aircraft Department was completely highlighted, and the monarch's power was further strengthened and concentrated. The Jinyiwei was active in this battle and spread the intelligence network outside the customs. Moreover, the emperor took advantage of this battle to promote some talents.

Entered the military aircraft department, such as Shi Kefa, Liu Zhaoji and others.

In January of the third year of Chongzhen's reign, the emperor consecrated the prince Zhu Ciyan as the crown prince and exempted him from promotion to the palace due to martial law. All the officials listened to the announcement and performed twelve salutes at the Meridian Gate.

In April, the emperor was dissatisfied with the anxious war situation in Shaanxi, so he increased his troops in Shaanxi, surrounded the rebels in northern Shaanxi, and completely pacified Shaanxi in one battle. Zhang Xianzhong was defeated and killed, and Li Zicheng disappeared.

After Shaanxi was pacified, the emperor built water transportation, transferred money and food from the south, and dealt with natural disasters in the north.

In the next five years, Ming Dynasty entered the long "Chongzhen New Deal" reform period.

The emperor reformed the taxation system, restarted commercial taxation, renamed Dongchang as the Ming Dynasty Taxation Bureau, and Wei Zhongxian became the first tax governor.

The effect of this move was obvious. Dongchang Fanzi, Jinyiwei and local officials formed a situation of mutual supervision and mutual restraint. Although Dongchang's ruthless method of confiscating houses was impeached by hundreds of officials, only the four Chongzhen emperors

The annual tax revenue is enough to exceed the total of the past three years.

As a result, both the cabinet and officials from the six ministries shut up.

The process of reform was not smooth sailing. During this period, the emperor also failed. For example, the establishment of a sea ban was forced to give up due to the obstruction of wealthy coastal merchants and officials; another example was the oppression of the people during the tax collection period in Dongchang, which aroused the excitement in the fish and meat village.

The civil uprising temporarily stalled the tax collection work, and the emperor even had to temporarily depose Wei Zhongxian before resuming it the following year.

The good news is that Ming Dynasty was rich, the collection of commercial taxes was a foregone conclusion, and the famine in Gansu, Shaanxi, and Shandong areas was effectively alleviated due to the widespread popularity of sweet potatoes.

In addition, the emperor trained a new army of 50,000 men, with Shi Kefa as commander and Xu Guangqi as instructor of the new army, stationed in the capital.

The Ming Dynasty went through five years of stumbling like this. During these five years, disasters still occurred frequently in various places, and there were riots by hungry people from time to time. However, compared with the original history, things were much better.

In the sixth year of Chongzhen, the emperor adopted the Zhou sisters as concubines. In the same year, Empress Ding gave birth to a princess, who was given the name Changping. The following year, the Zhou sisters gave birth to a son and a daughter.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Wei Zhongxian died of illness, and the emperor named him Zhongguo Gong, with the posthumous title "Zhongyi". Wang Chongen succeeded him as the tax governor of the Ming Dynasty.

In the same year, Pei Lun was promoted to commander of the Jinyi Guards, Nanzhen Fusi reorganized the Supervisory Office to supervise factory guards and laws, and Shen Lian became the first Commander-in-Chief of the Procuratorate.

In October, Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming killed Mao Wenlong and rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. The emperor was furious and summoned the civil and military courts of the court to discuss the attack on the Jin people. Hundreds of officials opposed it, and the emperor had no choice but to give up.

In November, the rebel generals Kong and Geng invaded the pass by sea from North Korea. Using Shang Kexi as an internal response, they captured Dengzhou and set their sights on Laizhou. Huang Taiji personally commanded an Eighth Banner Army of 100,000 people, avoiding Ningyuan and Jinzhou, and divided his troops into three routes.

Longjing Pass, Hongshan Pass, and Da'an Pass broke into the pass and captured Zunhua. The capital was in danger, and the war of the Ming Dynasty started again!

The emperor was furious and determined to keep Huang Taiji in the pass.

The emperor used the capital as a bait, erected walls to clear the countryside, and lured the enemy deep into the city. He ordered Liaodong, Xuanfu, and Jizhou to form an encirclement, cutting off the Eight Banners Army's retreat, and commanded the new army to defend the capital.

Regarding Leiden, the emperor ordered Sun Chuanting to go to Shandong, and also sent Han Kuang and Lu Jianxing to North Korea to unite the army. He ordered Lu Xiangsheng to leave Shaanxi and join Lu to join forces with Sun Chuanting.

This was the largest battle of the Chongzhen Dynasty. This battle laid the foundation for the resurgence of the Ming Dynasty and the immortal name of Emperor Chongzhen!

Huang Taiji was brutally tortured by artillery, explosives and other new weapons below the capital. He left 30,000 corpses behind and fled in panic. Sun Chengzong, Shi Kefa and other generals received the emperor's orders and attacked step by step, encircling Huang Taiji step by step, trapping Huang Taiji in the empty city of Zunhua.

, surround but not attack.

In March of the 10th year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji was killed by the hungry and desperate Mongolian soldiers. The Jin people opened the city and surrendered, but the emperor refused and 40,000 people were trapped.

Full of joy!

At the same time, Kong Youde retreated from North Korea, defeated North Korean officers and soldiers, and cut off the city.

The prestige of Emperor Chongzhen has reached an unprecedented peak!

On March 27th, Huang Taiji's son Hauge succeeded to the throne, and Dorgon became the regent, commanding the Jin people's military power.

On the first day of April, the emperor appointed Sun Chengzong as his commander and Shi Kefa as his deputy, and came out of Shanhaiguan to counterattack the Jin people. On May 13th, Shi Kefa used explosives and artillery to defeat Liaoyang, and the Jin people suffered no casualties!

On May 20th, the troops were divided into Fushun, with the Mongolian ministries as internal support, and Fushun was captured. Yuan Chonghuan massacred the city for three days, and was impeached by the imperial censor. The emperor ordered him to perform his crime and perform meritorious service.

On May 27th, the Ming Dynasty surrounded Shenyang.

The desperate Jin man broke out with amazing fighting power!

In this battle, although the Ming Dynasty had the advantage of firearms, it still suffered more than 20,000 casualties. The Jin army of 50,000 men was wiped out. Dorgon and the palace killed the concubines and the princes and princesses, and burned themselves to death. Prince Hauge did not know Whereabouts.

The Jin Dynasty has since officially perished!

Kong Youde and others who ruled Korea quickly begged the emperor to surrender, and the emperor ordered Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting to kill him without mercy. The two groups and Li's Korean army encircled and completely annihilated Kong Youde's group. Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming were captured by their subordinates, and Shang Kexi died in the battle. In the army.

On June 16, the 10th year of Chongzhen, Kong Youde, Fan Wencheng and other traitors were taken to the capital and executed late at Caishikou. Tens of thousands of people watched the execution, and they all competed to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, the Ming Dynasty established a Maritime Safety Bureau, with Shi Kefa, Zheng Zhilong, and Li Dingguo as generals respectively, and divided into three fleets to expedition to the sea.

In the fourteenth year of Chongzhen, Zheng Zhilong died in a naval battle in Portugal. The emperor granted his son Zheng Sen the title of nobility and posthumously named Zheng Zhilong the Zhongyong Bo. In the same year, Shi Kefa and Li Dingguo returned home with a full load.

The Ming Dynasty was really developed. The prosperity of sea trade completely laid the foundation for the Ming Dynasty's resurgence. The endless wealth came from the sea, which greatly compensated and alleviated the losses caused by domestic disasters.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen, the emperor moved the capital to Nanjing. In the same year, all nations came to court!

Thirty-two years after Emperor Chongzhen reigned, the Ming Dynasty has completely transformed into an empire where capitalism has begun to flourish. Since the 17th year of Chongzhen's reign, Crown Prince Zhu Ciheng has begun to travel throughout the Ming Dynasty, and even went to sea. This young man The prince accepted new things quickly, and at the same time, he did not lose his composure due to the guidance of Han Kuang and other senior ministers.

In the thirty-third year of Chongzhen, the emperor reformed the civil service and ordered the establishment of military schools, engineering schools, and agricultural schools outside the Imperial Academy.

But half way through the implementation of the reform, Empress Ding fell seriously ill and passed away ten months later.

The emperor was in grief and had no interest in government affairs for three consecutive months.

On July 27, the 33rd year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen abdicated, and Prince Zhu Ciheng succeeded to the throne. His reign was named Qianheng, and Chongzhen was revered as the Supreme Emperor.

The prince continued his father's ruling ideas and still carried out drastic reforms. After Chongzhen's efforts, Ming Dynasty talents emerged in large numbers. The emergence of these talents made the Ming Dynasty prosperous again a foregone conclusion.

As the two Zhou noble concubines passed away one after another, the Supreme Emperor often stayed alone in the empty palace, in a daze.

In August of the thirty-fourth year of Chongzhen, the Supreme Emperor summoned the Prince to have a secret talk. The next day, he held a banquet in the Huangji Palace. After drinking, the Supreme Emperor raised his glass and said with a smile: "I want to return to my destiny. Everyone loves you, so I am going."

Then he disappeared on the spot, and the officials were in an uproar! The whole world was in an uproar!

After Chongzhen's death, Emperor Qianheng and his ministers posthumously named his temple Hengzong.

The Chongzhen, Qian and Heng dynasties were called the Chongzhen and Qian Dynasties by later generations, and were also considered to be the beginning of China's transformation from a feudal dynasty to a capitalist empire.

The story of Emperor Chongzhen's return to heaven and his ascension to heaven has become a mystery that will never be solved by future generations.

This chapter has been completed!
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