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Chapter 976: The calamity arrives, and the monsters come out

He Xie's retreat is in a secluded place in the backyard of Li's Mansion. In a simple house, the map of the country, mountains and rivers hangs quietly in the air. At a certain moment, a whirlpool appears on the map, and He Xie steps out of the map.

"It's time for Nezha to survive the catastrophe..." He Xie thought to himself, and without thinking, he put away the map of the country and the country and walked out the door.


But at this moment, with a soft shout, a yellow rope shot out like electricity, and without He Xie reacting, He Xie was tied up in an instant!

He Xie was taken aback and subconsciously wanted to resist, but what made his heart sink was that the spiritual energy all over his body was suppressed in his dantian, and not even a trace could be lifted.

"What's going on?" He Xie almost without thinking wanted to take a step forward until he got out of the house. Unexpectedly, the entire house was set up with a large formation. As soon as He Xie approached the door, he was gently bounced back by a soft light.

He Xie was even more surprised now.

The sudden attack was completely unexpected by He Xie. In his opinion, this was the Li Mansion, and Master Taiyi personally promised to protect him. He would not have any accidents at all. Who would have thought that the least likely thing would happen?

Things just happened.

However, He Xie did not have much panic in his heart. The enemy did not attack and kill him immediately, but only trapped him. Obviously, they did not intend to kill him immediately.


The golden light flashed in He Xie's eyes, and he looked at the corner of the room. A short Taoist who had used the invisibility technique emerged from the ground and ran towards He Xie with a face full of ecstasy.

"Tu Xingsun?" He Xie frowned.

Being so short and mastering the art of earth walking, these two characteristics allowed He Xie to instantly identify his opponent.

Tu Xingsun suddenly froze and blurted out: "Can you see me?"

Immediately, murderous intent bloomed in his eyes, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Originally, I wanted to leave you a way to live, but now, I can't spare you!"

As he spoke, he turned his palm over, and an iron rod appeared in his hand, and he hit He Xie on the head fiercely.


The stick fell firmly into He Xie's hand. He shook his whole body, and the rope that bound the immortal fell off from his body.

Tu Xingsun's eyes widened in horror.

"How is that possible!" he cried out.

At the top of the mountain behind Chentangguan, at the top of Nezha Independent Peak, thick clouds are rolling in the sky, and silver snakes are dancing, brewing a terrifying and astonishing atmosphere.

On another hilltop not far away, Master Taiyi and Li Jing looked at Nezha from a distance with worried faces.

"Chief Immortal, can we really just watch?" Mrs. Yin asked anxiously, her face pale.

"The Heavenly Tribulation is Heaven's punishment for Nezha's defiant practice, and it is also a barrier." Master Taiyi shook his head and said, "He can only pass this barrier by himself. If we act rashly, it will only increase the power of the Heavenly Tribulation and will not be able to overcome it."

I can’t help him at all.”

"But can Nezha do it? He is still so young..." Mrs. Yin burst into tears.

"Don't worry, Madam." Li Jing sighed and held Madam Yin's hand, "If you believe in He Xianchang and Nezha's ability, haven't we seen it before? There will definitely be no problem."

Early yesterday morning, Nezha sensed that the catastrophe was coming, and this was the scene before him. Otherwise, Master Taiyi would not have left He Xie who was in retreat and came here, and then gave Tu Xing Sun Ke

Take advantage of the opportunity.

"He Xian has his...husband, how about I go and see if he has been released from prison?" Mrs. Yin was in a state of confusion and couldn't rest assured at all.

"My disciple is at a critical moment now," Taiyi Zhenren advised. "Yesterday you also saw it. I don't know what's wrong with the Jiangshan Sheji Map. Even I can't get in. If you forcefully break the map, you will only be able to get in."

I'm afraid it will have a backlash on her. Madam Yin, don't worry, as long as I'm here, there will be no problem in saving Nezha's life no matter what."

"Madam, it's all up to me." Li Jing said in a deep voice, his voice full of firmness and determination, but Mrs. Yin was so flustered that she didn't notice anything unusual about her husband.

On the other hand, Master Taiyi glanced at Li Jing and sighed inwardly.

When Nezha was just born, he and Li Jing went to the Gate of the Void outside the sky and wanted to ask the master to save Nezha's life. However, they were told by the Changsheng Cloud who was responsible for carrying the Gate of Void that there was no solution to the Heavenly Tribulation Curse. Li Jing was eager to save his son.

, after pleading hard, Changsheng Yun gave Li Jing two golden talismans to replace his life. These talismans can be held by two people and can change the fate of two people at the moment of life and death. It is a real life-changing technique of cause and effect.

Li Jing had already made a decision. Once Nezha faced death threats, he would not hesitate to activate this talisman and die for Nezha.

No one knew about this except Master Taiyi. No one knew that Li Jing was prepared to die for the sake of his son.

"Here we come!" Taiyi Zhenren was about to persuade Li Jing, but at this moment, his expression suddenly froze and he looked into the void.

In the sky covered with tribulation clouds, the first tribulation thunder finally brewed and fell with a crash!

"If you want to kill me, I'm still far away! Break it for me!" Nezha burst out with an unyielding roar, his small body rose into the sky, and he took the initiative to face the robbery and stabbed out with a spear.


The next moment, astonishing energy overflowed, turning everything in its path into ashes.

At the bottom of the East China Sea, countless coiled dragon pillars that originally stood quietly in the sea are now glowing with blood. Each giant dragon has heavy chains on its body and is roaring, pulling each of the coiled dragon pillars to move slowly.

Following their movements, the sea floor trembled violently, and from the depths of the undersea purgatory, astonishing roars and roars were heard.

The Dragon King and Shen Gongbao were floating in the air, silently watching this scene.

"Once we take this step, our dragon clan will never be able to look back." The Dragon King suddenly sighed and spoke rumble.

"Dragon, the Dragon King doesn't have to worry." Shen Gongbao said with a confident smile, "As long as I can kill Nezha this time, I will let Ao Bing save Chentang as a savior. As for the water and fire, Tianzun, I will take care of it myself."

If you tell a straight lie, most demons will escape from purgatory, and you, Dragon King, will need to bear the responsibility for your crimes in heaven."

"For the future of my dragon clan, I am willing to make any sacrifice, no matter how big it is." The Dragon King said slowly, "I'm just afraid that my efforts will not get the rewards I deserve."

"Don't worry." Shen Gongbao sneered, "Except for my senior brother and nephew, there is no one to worry about in Chentangguan. With all these monsters out, my senior brother will definitely not be able to escape this disaster. As for why..."

"I have already made arrangements. There is absolutely no chance of using his map of the country and the country and the five-color divine light fan! This time, I will make their souls fly away!"

"I hope so..."

"Ho! Roar!"

While he was talking, a coiled dragon pillar suddenly collapsed, and a whale with huge eyes suddenly appeared there, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Bang bang bang...

The next moment, one by one the coiled dragon pillars were broken, and huge and grotesque underwater demons broke out one after another, their demonic aura soaring into the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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