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Chapter 228: Five Body Shapers

Mr. Cai praised, "Not bad, not bad. You can still resist this kind of temptation. Little guy, you have made progress. Go ahead and take a rest. Someone will pick you up tomorrow to go to the Wenfengliu world and have a good appreciation of the inner universe. That's

A completely different scenery from the outer universe."

Lu Yin left, unwilling but helpless. He really wanted to join the Sword Sect, just for status, but he was really not suitable to join now. He could only go when he had the ability to protect himself.

Since Jian Zong extended an olive branch to him, it would not be just once. Next time, he would wait until he was confident before going.

As soon as he left the treasure pavilion, Lu Yin was stopped by Michelle, "When will you do what you promised me?".

Lu Yin was embarrassed. He originally invited Michelle to snatch the trial site and promised her to help her understand the fighting spirit, but he still hasn't done it yet. "I'm sorry, I have to go to the star border tomorrow, how about you wait for me to come back?".

Michelle stared at Lu Yin, her eyes obviously dissatisfied.

Lu Yin sighed, "I didn't mean to shirk it, but I'm actually leaving tomorrow."

Michelle turned and left.

Lu Yin was not interested in chatting with the classmates from the Tenth House, so he found a random place and started rolling the dice. Originally, he wanted to wait and roll the dice, but he was leaving tomorrow. Who knew if he would be monitored on the spaceship?

Can shake now.

It's been a long time since he rolled the dice. The moment he took out the dice, Lu Yin missed it very much.

In fact, he had tried it in the trial realm before, and other people's talents could be used, but his could not, which was very strange.

He has more than 597,500 cubic star energy crystals on his body, which is enough.

Pointing his finger at the dice and watching the dice spin rapidly, this scene made Lu Yin feel a little unfamiliar. Thinking about it, it was indeed true. He had not rolled the dice since he left the Tenth Courtyard last time.

When the dice stops spinning, what appears in front of you is -three.

Lu Yin was excited. It was actually three o'clock. This is very difficult to shake. It only appeared twice from beginning to end. He didn't expect it to appear on the first shake after such a long time. Wait, Lu Yin looked thoughtfully. Could it be

, the longer the interval, the better the points can be obtained?

Three o'clock is like being isolated by luck. It has been shaken so many times before but it has never been shaken, especially that time in the Imperial Palace of the Daewoo Empire. It was only shaken after entering the timeless space. I still remember the exhaustion. If it was really

The longer the time interval, the easier it is to shake, that is the rule.

Looking at the two light curtains going up and down, Lu Yin immediately took out the Body Shaping Art and threw it up without even thinking about it. The last upgrade of the Body Shaping Art consumed tens of thousands of cubic crystals, but it dropped by a small amount. This time, Lu Yin directly

Two hundred and ninety thousand cubic meters were thrown in, and the body shaper descended rapidly, finally falling into the next layer of light curtain, reflecting a confusing light.

Lu Yin trembled and took it, excitedly looking at the completely transformed Body Shaping Technique. That's right, this is the Five Body Shaping Techniques. He actually has five Body Shaping Techniques, which is enough to upgrade his body shaping to the exploration level.

Realm, this kind of body shaping is definitely too precious, he didn't expect that he could get it.

Although upgrading the entire body shaping process consumes 300,000 cubic crystals, compared to what you get, it is simply too profitable. Even if you have money, you can't buy this kind of five body shaping process.

After reabsorbing the Body Shaping Art into his body, Lu Yin looked at the two light curtains. It seemed that there was nothing that needed to be upgraded for the time being. There were still 300,000 cubic crystals. Will it reach six o'clock? He was looking forward to consuming one cubic crystal.

Restore the dice and click again.

The upgraded light curtain formed by three points disappeared, the dice rotated rapidly, and finally stopped - four, time stopped in space.

The scene changed and Lu Yin appeared in a familiar space again. He took a deep breath and waved a large number of star energy crystals to change the surrounding scene into a picturesque landscape. Although they were all fictitious, they were comfortable to look at.


He once again took out 100,000 cubic star energy crystals, crushed them, and began to absorb them. He wanted to elevate himself to the peak of the Fusion Realm.

It took seven days to absorb 100,000 star energy crystals before and it still hasn't reached its peak, but it has filled in a lot. It is estimated that another 100,000 will be enough.

It would take seven days to absorb 100,000 star energy crystals using the Seven Stars Celestial Skill. Now that I have nine stars, the efficiency is a hundred times higher than when I had seven stars. It only takes less than two hours to absorb it. Think about it.

On the surface of the body, nine stars are rotating, forming a perfect sky star diagram to absorb star energy crazily, eliminating impurities while absorbing it.

Two hours passed quickly, and the 100,000 cubic stars were completely absorbed, but the peak of the fusion realm was still not reached.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. The star energy reserve in his body seemed to be far greater than that of others. It didn't matter. Come again, he thought, and crush another hundred thousand cubic meters.

Another two hours passed, and Lu Yin's body surface star energy was surging, almost uncontrollable. He felt the power of the peak of the fusion realm. The improvement was not much, but sometimes when strong people competed, the slightest difference could make them a thousand miles away. If he had fought with Yan Qingye before,

Wang Yizhan himself is at the pinnacle of the Fusion Realm, and the destructive power of the Nine-Level Seventeen-fold Wave Palm will be even stronger, and he might be able to kill her.

But the current peak of Fusion Realm is just an illusion and contains too many impurities. Lu Yin closed his eyes and began to eliminate the impurities.

Two days passed, and the surging star energy that could not be suppressed on the body dissipated. He opened his eyes, took out one hundred thousand cubic crystals again and crushed them. This time, he could completely reach the peak of the fusion realm.

One day later, Lu Yin left the timeless space, but in reality, only one second passed.

He looked at his hands. He had finally reached the peak of the Fusion Realm. He had spent more than 400,000 cubic star energy crystals. If he did not use the Star Energy to absorb the crystals, but simply absorbed the star energy of the free universe, he didn't know when the melt would be filled.


Cultivation also depends on resources, and sometimes resources are even more important than talent. Lu Yin understands the meaning of this sentence more and more.

It takes about 150,000 cubic star energy crystals to cultivate an ordinary Fusion Realm expert in the shortest possible time. This is a huge sum of money, at least for the outer universe. Although there are countless planets in the outer universe, some planets produce star energy crystal mines.

, but it is still difficult for major forces to maintain this consumption. No wonder many soldiers only explore or even look at the environment.

This is just cultivating the Fusion Realm. If you cultivate the Extreme Realm, the cost will be increased ten times, let alone the Exploration Realm.

There are two most difficult levels in the Exploration Realm, one is Star Energy, and the other is Breakthrough. Lu Yin once asked Uncle Ghost, what is the difference between the Exploration Realm and the Extreme Realm? He vaguely mentioned that the physique of the Exploration Realm is different from that of ordinary people, and there is something called

The state of exhaustion was not detailed, but Lu Yin knew that it was not that easy to break through the exploration realm.

Of course, if compared to the entire universe, there are still many, many exploration realms. Even if a civilized planet out of the universe spends resources to cultivate an exploration realm, the number of strong exploration realm experts in the human star field is enough to scare people to death, and for the human star field

The place where strong men suffer the most serious losses is the Star Territory Border Battlefield.

Lu Yin opened his personal terminal and looked for reports on the border battlefields in the Star Territory. Apart from popular news, there was almost no other information. However, he still found some pictures. Through the pictures, he felt the cruelty of the border battlefields, because many of the pictures had

The deceased persons noted were all in the exploration realm or even the cruising realm.

I searched for Kona Star again, but got no response.

Putting down his personal terminal, Lu Yin took out the harmless original treasure from the Ningkong Ring, activated his Heavenly Star Technique, and at the same time took out the Giant Emperor's third eye, stared at the original treasure, and saw another world of boundless complexity.

This is a world where star energy and various energies are mixed. He has Karon's experience in deciphering the language, and he can already try to decipher the original treasure, but there is no time. It takes too long to decipher the original treasure, and there are too many uncertainties.

Factor, Master Wusheng said at the beginning that there is no so-called harmless original treasure, and any original treasure may cause death. He planned to take it step by step. There is no need to be too radical. The most important thing now is to rest and wait to go to the world of literary style.


Didi didi

The personal terminal beeped softly, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and the time was up.

At the Tenth Academy Space Station, when Lu Yin arrived, he saw a war spacecraft. It was very huge. The ferocious weapons were exposed and made people feel chilly. The hull was engraved with the blood-stained scroll symbol. This was the symbol of the Human Star Territory Wenfeng Border Alliance.

The mark proves that this warship belongs to the Wenfeng Ryukai Border Organization.

No one greeted him. As the cabin door opened, Lu Yin walked in and saw Yin Zai looking at him with a smile.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Are you also going to the Wenfeng Border Alliance Army?".

Yin smiled and said, "Yes, you are my captain now."

Lu Yin shrugged, "We are just soldiers, you don't really think I can be the captain, do you?"

"The captain is still okay," Yin said with a smile, smiling brightly and seeming to be very satisfied with the trip.

Lu Yin looked at the interior of the warship. The decoration was very simple, without any luxury at all. The soldiers passing by had serious faces with undissipated murderous intent. Everyone was stained with blood. This was Lu Yin's feeling.

The two of them were taken to the dormitory on the ground floor by a soldier. "This is your room before we reach the border, two people to a room." After saying that, the soldier left.

Lu Yin opened the dormitory and walked in. There were two people in a room. The dormitory was very small. He looked around and randomly chose a bed and sat down. It was pretty good.

At this time, the spacecraft shook a little, started up, left the 10th courtyard, and headed directly towards the depths of space.

Yin lay casually on the bed and looked at Lu Yin with a smile, "Captain, are you disappointed?".

"Why are you disappointed?" Lu Yin wondered.

Yin smiled and said, "As a top four student in the Ten Academy Competition and a top student in the Starry Sky War Academy, he was assigned to the dormitory on the bottom floor and was crowded with these soldiers. Aren't you disappointed? Don't you feel that you are being treated coldly?".

Lu Yin laughed, "We are just students, not big shots. Why should they give us privileges? For soldiers, only the strong are worthy of respect."

"Aren't you? The only people on this spaceship who can defeat you are probably those in the exploration realm. How many people do you think are in the exploration realm on this spaceship?" Yin's smile was very captivating. Inexplicably, Lu Yin remembered that he came from the earth.

When he went to the capital star of the Daewoo Empire, a rebellion occurred. He stared at Yin closely and asked, "What do you want to do?".

Yin smiled and said, "Captain, you are nervous."

Lu Yin suddenly made a move and grabbed Yin with one palm. Yin's eyes suddenly opened, and there was endless coldness in them. The butterfly knife suddenly drew light and swept towards Lu Yin's neck. Lu Yin easily avoided it, and four lines of fighting energy appeared in his palm.

He grabbed Yin and said with a cold tone, "I'm warning you, don't mess around."

This chapter has been completed!
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