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Chapter 230 Ten Battle Kings

All the soldiers saluted quickly, "Yes, Captain", and after saying that, they exited like a wave. Immediately afterwards, one hundred and thirty times gravity came again, and Lu Yin once again felt that overwhelming feeling.

Blessed by the five lines of war energy on his body, he could withstand one hundred and thirty times the force of gravity. He respectfully said to the middle-aged man, "Student Lu Yin, I have met the captain."

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Yin in admiration, "I've seen you. On the light screen, you are very strong. At your age, you can comprehend the five lines of fighting spirit, which is the best in the universe."

"Captain, that's a compliment," Lu Yin said politely.

The middle-aged man nodded, "You're welcome. You can still speak to prove that one hundred and thirty times is not your limit, but it's about the same. Going too far is not enough."

Lu Yin nodded, convinced. Fortunately, he had experienced one hundred and thirty times first. Otherwise, if he had experienced one hundred and fifty times, he might have been seriously injured. The higher the gravity, the greater the pressure. He underestimated it.


"Can you still walk?" The middle-aged man looked at Lu Yin with a smile.

Lu Yin smiled lightly and took a few steps. Although it was difficult, it was no problem.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "One hundred and thirty times gravity, even the ordinary exploration state is difficult to bear. It is incredible that you can withstand it in the fusion state. I now understand why Shijue is so terrifying at such a young age. According to your development

The trend should not be second to the Ten Finals in the future."

"I hope, by the way, I didn't disturb the captain," Lu Yin said.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I'm just warming up, nothing to disturb me. I just thought you broke in by mistake and wanted to push you out. After all, there is no other person in this spaceship who can withstand 130 times the gravity.

But I forgot you."

Lu Yin smiled and said nothing.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything more and just went to the side to do some warm-up exercises. Lu Yin looked at him with envy. He could move easily and freely under 130 times the gravity. This man was by no means an ordinary exploration level expert.

I have undergone body shaping at least four times.

For several days in a row, Lu Yin went to the 130 times gravity room to train every day. Gradually, he was able to suppress his fighting spirit to a level that even the fourth pattern could bear. During this period, he occasionally chatted with the captain, and he was mostly listening. Captain

I'm talking about interstellar warfare.

Lu Yin was eager to know these things. The Star Territory Border War was the largest war in mankind, and it was uninterrupted. Over the course of countless years, too many strong human beings were buried on the border.

"I remember that ten years ago, a genius from the Starry Sky War Academy was chatting with me, but it was not in the 130 times gravity room, but in the 110 times gravity room. That young man was very strong, and it is said that he was still from the Starry Sky War Academy.

The chief, however, went to the border and never came back, his bones were buried in a foreign land."

"There was also a very beautiful girl who also chatted with me, saying that she wanted to go to the border to get a job, and then go home to marry the man she loved. But unfortunately, she was destroyed by a giant beast that tore apart the starry sky before she reached the border. Then

I almost died once."

"Border wars are cruel. No matter how talented or powerful you are, there are always ten thousand ways to kill you. Too many geniuses have been buried since ancient times. To be honest, your Starry Sky War Academy sent you here at this time.

The border is unwise, and Commander Shui doesn't know why he agreed. According to incomplete statistics, one-third of the expelled students from the Starry Sky War Academy were buried in the Star Territory Border, and one-fifth of the graduated students were buried in the border.

Bone Border”.

"The thing that impressed me most was when I picked up a young man more than ten years ago. The young man was very passionate about fighting, and he was also very simple and kind. I sent him to the border, and then" the middle-aged man paused here.

Lu Yin was supporting his body with one finger. When he heard this, he said, "You're dead too?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "He's not dead, he's a master of ten games."

Hearing this, Lu Yin almost fell down and looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, "You still took over the Ten Jue?".

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Of course, in fact, this warship is often used to pick up people. That young man is really scary. He is the same as usual in the 150 times gravity room. He is just a little bigger and speaks too loudly."

, the vibration makes people’s ears uncomfortable.”

"What's your name? Which race?" Lu Yin asked curiously. The information about the Ten Jue was too mysterious. Until now, he only knew that there was one person from the Sword Sect who understood the Thirteen Swords, a Zhenwu Night King. By the way,

There is another rumor from the Phoenix family. I heard from Cannon that Hart is that person's brother, and no one else knows about it.

No one dared to mention the name of the Ten Jue. He was becoming more and more curious about the Ten Jue. Unfortunately, he was dragged to the border battlefield as soon as the Ten Jue competition was over. Otherwise, he would definitely have to go to the student union to find out more.

The middle-aged man said, "I can't say my name. The name of the Ten Jue is taboo. I don't know the race. I only know one thing. That person is really scary. At that time, I just broke through the exploration realm. When I faced him, I felt frightened."

I feel like, yes, many people call him the "King of War".

Lu Yin frowned, War King? Even the exploration realm was frightened, "What kind of cultivation level was that person at that time?".

"Extreme state" the middle-aged man said.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay, he has reached the peak of Fusion Realm. If Shi Jue is stronger than himself in Fusion Realm, then he really doesn't know how to surpass him.

"Actually, I feel like I don't know how to deal with you now. The five lines of fighting energy are really powerful." The middle-aged man looked at Lu Yin and said.

Lu Yin shrugged, "Tell me more about the border battlefield. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"There's nothing to pay attention to, because whether you pay attention or not, strange beasts will still appear. Just fight hard and try to save your life." The middle-aged man said casually, speaking easily, but Lu Yin could hear the bitterness in his tone.

With Xiao Suo.

There are ways to fight any war, but in the face of the giant beasts in the starry sky, the human star field really has no way. There are too many strange beasts and too many strange talents. No matter how high the technology is, they can't stop it. They can only fill it with human lives.

It is the most cruel place, even the entire border command center is not safe, because it can tear the starry sky and even directly smash the planet.

"Captain, tell me about Kona Star" Lu Yin said suddenly, the place where he was going to serve was Kona Star.

The middle-aged man nodded, "Kona Planet is one of the thirty-seven guardian planets on the right side of the Wenfengliu Realm Star Territory Border. It was originally just a very ordinary planet. However, it was forcibly recruited due to the Human Star Territory Border War, and all the people on it were relocated.

, only the native creatures without intelligence are left, but they are almost extinct. The highest guardian is Qu Ao, the tutor of Yihuang Academy in Wenfengliu Realm, a strong man in the hunting realm, and the guardian of Kona Star is called Naba, who is a very brave man.

A strong person in the exploration realm...".

Following the man's introduction, Lu Yin had a basic understanding of the Kona star, and also knew the general situation at the border of the Wenfengliu realm. The Kona star was only one of the thirty-seven stars on the right, and there were also the thirty-seven stars on the left.

The central hundred stars and so on form a huge protective network to defend against the behemoths in the starry sky. Each planet is guarded by strong men from the Exploration Realm, and a large protective net is guarded by strong men from the Cruising Realm and even the Hunting Realm.

These strong men either voluntarily joined or were forcibly recruited. Of course, there are also death row prisoners, etc. The soldiers on the planet are also divided into rangers and regular service soldiers. There are also cannon fodders who are worse than rangers. Those cannon fodders

Most of them come from the cruel evolution method of planetary evolution trials.

If the earth had not been protected by his identity as the Purple Mountain King, those evolvers would have been dragged to the battlefield, either the battlefield between the Daewoo Empire and other forces, or the most cruel star field border battlefield.

A few more days passed, "Ahead is the intersection of Baofeng Liujie and Wenfeng Liujie. After crossing the river boundary, the giant ship can enter the space station for repairs, and then reach Wenfeng Liujie. It will take up to a day and a half to reach the border battlefield," the captain said


Lu Yin's heart moved, "Captain, is there a Mavis Bank on the space station?".

The captain shook his head, "Of course there is not one in the space station, but there is one on a planet not far from the space station. There is basically a Mabis bank at such an intersection of streams. What? You want to withdraw money?"

Lu Yin nodded, "I have used up all the star energy crystals after breaking through the peak of the Fusion Realm. I want to take some."

The captain said, "I'll let someone take you there."

"Thank you, Captain" Lu Yin was grateful.

Not long after, Lu Yin left the space station in a small spaceship and headed for a nearby planet, and the one who took him there was an extreme soldier.

Mabis Bank has always been so rich, and picking up cosmic coins is just like waste paper, but in the eyes of Lu Yin now, these are just waste paper.

Entering the bank, Lu Yin wanted to take out all the star energy crystals, but suddenly he remembered that he might not have enough space for the Ning Kong Ring. The largest one was the one that was awarded 500,000 cubic meters of star energy crystals in the Ten Academy Competition.

It can only store 500,000 cubic crystals. I have a total of 710,000 cubic crystals. It seems that I can only store them with a few Ning Kong Rings.

At this time, an elegant young woman walked up to Lu Yin and handed Lu Yin a drink, "Hello, classmate Lu."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Do you know me?".

"Classmate Lu is now a celebrity in the universe. We also watched the Tenth Academy Competition. It was really exciting." The woman smiled, her manners were elegant, and she carried a fragrant aura that made people fall in love with her unconsciously.

"Who are you?" Lu Yin asked.

The woman smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "My name is Mandy, I am the bank manager."

Lu Yin stretched out his hand, "Lu Yin, does Manager Mandy have anything to do with me?".

Mandy took out a purple crystal card and handed it to Lu Yin, "This is the account our Mavis Bank has opened for you, Mr. Lu. Please accept it."

"Purple?" Lu Yin was surprised. He had never seen a purple crystal card before.

"Purple uses star energy crystal marrow as the settlement unit. It is not distributed in the outer universe, but only in the inner universe," Mandy explained.

Lu Yin understands that star energy crystal marrow is a pure energy structure that compresses star energy crystals to a certain extent and removes impurities. Its quality and purity far exceed that of star energy crystals. The two can even be said to be incomparable, just like iron blocks and

The exchange ratio for gold is said to be exaggerated. "Manager Mandy, I don't have the Star Energy Crystal Essence to deposit in it," Lu Yin said with a bitter smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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