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Chapter 3254 Taikoo Shing Battle

 The face of the only true god becomes darker and darker. With the protection of all beings and the divine power of the black mother tree, Lu Yin can always challenge his bottom line. Now the support of all beings gained from this breakthrough has pushed this threat to the top. This son must not be allowed to stay.

But, it doesn't matter, he can't break the true god's heaven-changing skill. Even if this child can really reach that step, human beings are gone, so what can he do?

In the second calamity realm, the Wordless Heavenly Book disappeared, the golden light also dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

Lu Yin stood there, looking a little confused. He was very sure that the Wordless Heavenly Book had broken through the ancestral realm, but it was no different from before. Is there any difference? Or did he feel no difference?

He raised his head and saw that the phantom in the space was fading and the disaster had disappeared. However, it seemed that he had gained nothing. He had also made a great wish to convert people to good deeds. Thinking of this gave him a headache. How could he get through it? He himself was not very good at it.


As for the power of breaking the true god and changing the heaven, it is even more out of the question.

At this time, Great Elder Shan Gu entered the second calamity realm.

Since the battle in the Mirage Territory, although he recovered from his injuries in the Mirage Territory, he has lost the power of the King Card Statue, and his strength has declined greatly. He is always trying new cards in the Lost Clan.

In the previous war, his mission was to protect the remaining lost people. He did not come to the Second Era to participate in the war, but he did not expect to appear now.

"Tao Master."

When Lu Yin saw Great Elder Shan Gu, he suddenly remembered something and his eyes lit up: "Great Elder, why are you here?"

Great Elder Shan Gu said: "I happened to see Tao Master about something, about the Eternal Darkness Card."

Lu Yin looked deeply at Great Elder Shan Gu: "I also happen to have something to ask you, Great Elder."

"Me?" Elder Shan Gu was confused.

Lu Yuan, Hongyan Mabisi and others approached: "Xiao Qi, has the Wordless Book of Heaven succeeded in destroying the ancestors?"

Lu Yin nodded and frowned: "Although it was successful, it failed to break the true god's heaven-changing skill. I have another way." After saying that, he looked at the great elder Shan Gu: "If I am not wrong, the great elder is looking for me and that Zhang.

It has something to do with the card."

Elder Shan Gu said: "What the Taoist said is true, it is exactly related to that card."

"That being the case, I want to pick up that card here." Lu Yin said. He was naturally referring to the ancient card that the Lost Clan announced to the outside world. In fact, it was not an ancient card at all. The ancient card corresponds to the level of the Beginning Realm. Lu Yuan himself is the Beginning Realm.

Realm Master, Now Eternal Darkness, and Heavenly King are all cards at the Beginning Realm level, and one more ancient card is meaningless.

What that card really represents is to protect the lost people, escape from the omnipotent being in their universe, and even give that being the power to strike.

That card at least represents the realm of misery, which is the same level as the ancestors, the only true god, the Great Heavenly Lord, and others, or even higher.

Lu Yin had never thought of using that card to break the True God Exchange Heaven Technique until he saw Elder Shan Gu. Of course, even if he thought of it before, it was useless. He couldn't do it himself if he wanted to pull the card.

Elder Shan Gu was puzzled: "Here?"

"Not easy to pull?"

"Of course, if you want to pull the card, you have to wait until the last three quarters. When the gate is opened, that is the time to pull the card. This is not a lost tribe, so the gate cannot be opened." Great Elder Shan Gu was helpless.

Lu Yin's heart sank, is it useless?

"Isn't that the Lost Tribe?" Wood God raised his head and looked at the phantom in the starry sky and said.

Everyone raised their heads and looked to the sky. There should be the figure of Lu Yin who appeared to use the wordless heavenly book to overcome the catastrophe. Now as the catastrophe passed, the figure disappeared first, followed by the fifth continent, and then the beginning space, just like the catastrophe.

When it first appeared, first it appeared in the primordial space, then the fifth continent, and finally it looked like human figures.

It's like a stretchable curtain.

Now, this curtain has just stretched to the beginning space, and the lost tribe is connected to the beginning space. Here, with the strength of everyone, the lost tribe can really be seen in the vast phantom.

Lu Yin looked at Elder Shan Gu.

Elder Shan Gu looked at the phantom in the starry sky. He couldn't figure out how the shadow from the original space could appear here. He didn't come because Lu Yin used the Wordless Heavenly Book to break his ancestors, but he was about to come and just happened to appear.

He also heard Lu Yin's words, and now, looking at the phantom in the space, he said with a solemn expression: "I'll give it a try. Since I can see the lost tribe, it may not be impossible to open the gate."

"Great Elder, the survival of mankind depends on a thread, so we must open it." Hongyan Mabis reminded that she actually didn't know about the lost clan, but the method Lu Yin thought of at this time was very likely to succeed.

These words put great pressure on Elder Shan Gu. He hadn't figured out what happened yet, but he knew from the faces of Lu Yin and others that this matter was important.

With the Heavenly King Card vacated, Great Elder Shan Gu can no longer borrow the power of any statue, but the Heavenly King Card itself is not broken and can still allow him to exert the power of resisting the Beginning Realm to a certain extent.

Even though he couldn't attack, it was still enough to bluff people, but it was obviously not enough for him.

The reason he came to Lu Yin this time was to ask Lu Yin to give him Eternal Darkness, which Lu Yin himself didn't use much anyway, or to help him upgrade a card to ensure the power of the Lost Clan.

He himself didn't care too much, but he cared about the lost clan.

Tianci massacred the lost tribes. Although he did not participate in the war against the guardians of the four directions, this anger was suppressed in his heart.

After all, he is a strong man who once participated in the final battle of the universe. After seeing that omnipotent existence, there is nothing to fear the Great Elder Shan Gu. What he lacks is just strength.

"Ancestor, the matter is urgent, please start the first three sections in advance."

"Regards, the gate is wide open." Great Elder Shan Gu waved his hand, and the King of Heaven card seemed to penetrate the sky and disappear into this universe.

Lu Yin and others all watched.

The King of Heaven card did not leave the scope of the True God's Heaven-Changing Technique, but outside of the True God's Heaven-Changing Technique, the time and space of the lost race connected to the beginning space shook. Then, an indescribable feeling appeared, as if the gas that was originally breathed had an extra


And this feeling can be felt even better by people from the beginning space.

There is something extra in the universe.

The stronger the person, the more he will experience this.

Elder Shan Gu's face turned pale: "Master Taoist, the Heavenly King card can only open the gate for one stick of incense at most."

Lu Yin stepped forward with a solemn expression: "Thank you."

Everyone stepped back, and Lu Yingu stepped forward and slowly rose into the air, as if he had just broken through the ancestral realm, no one could help him, and he was already standing at the top of the universe.

In Taikoo City, Lu Yin's voice reached everyone's ears, making the One True God even more fearful, and the Eternals' offensive against Taikoo City became more and more fierce.

The bone boat crashed towards Taikoo City.

It turns out that the old monster carries a bell on his back, and the loud noises shake the starry sky, causing the sequence particles to be continuously pushed away. Only Mr. Mu's Xiao Yin can resist it.

A super giant walked out of the Taikoo City. He was the one who struck with his huge arms several times. He was the ancestor of the super giant. He captured Qi and suppressed the Taikoo Thunder Locust. Now, facing the Bone Boat, he stepped forward angrily.

On the side of the Eternals, the ancient gods appeared, palm. The realm of gods erupted in gray, replacing the starry sky, and struck the ancestor of the super giant with one palm.

The ancestor of the super giant simultaneously reached out to grab the ancient god.

The impact outside the city wall suppressed the flames, and the huge destructive power tore through the void, forming absolute darkness that spread in all directions.

The ancestor of the super giant broke his palm and hurriedly retracted: "Who is it?"

The ancient god raised his hand: "Prison Tower."

Compared with the past, the prison platform today has turned into black and gray. It is a swamp of ancient vicissitudes, which makes the ancestor of the super giant horrified. He is also at the beginning level, and has competed with the original old monsters, and fought in the Taikoo City.

For countless years, almost none of the Eternals could stand up to him in a head-on battle, but now the ancient god wounded him with a palm, and this power made him change his face.

On the first day of the new year, he appeared: "Da Qiang, you still haven't realized it?"

The ancient god calmly looked at Chu Yi: "What is enlightenment? Let's see how long this ancient city can last? No one will come to help you. They can't break the true god's heaven-changing power. Humanity is over." With that, the body disappeared and appeared.

In front of Chu Yi, attack directly.

Chuyi sighed: "Even if the Taikoo City is destroyed, the Eternal Race will not be able to live well. The people of the Taikoo City are not afraid of death."

"In the first year of junior high school, you can't stop me."

"Then break through the realm and enter the beginning. Master warned that you must not enter the realm unless you have to. Now, the time has come." After saying that, Chu Yi's side, Ce Wangtian kicked the ancient god. The ancient god raised his arm to block it.

Wang Tian knocked him back with a kick.

The ancient god was surprised and looked at the slippers on Ce Wangtian's feet. Isn't that Lu Yin's weapon?

Cewangtian belonged to the third continent. The ancient god had met him before, but it was impossible to notice his slippers, so he never thought that Lu Yin's slippers were related to Cewangtian.

"Senior in the first grade of junior high school, you finally figured it out. Hurry up, you can't hold on any longer." Ce Wangtian shouted.

Taikoo City was attacked by the Eternals from all sides. Each master died, blood stained the walls, and the flames continued to burn the corpses.

The appearance of masters such as Xizu and the God of Arrow overwhelmed everyone in Taigu City and they couldn't lift their heads.

At this time, in the other direction, time and space almost disappeared and turned into a beam of light shining.

On the first day of the new year, Babar was sad, after all, he cast Nine Stars Restart, and he was going to die too.

Qing Hui, who once hunted down Lu Yin who was pretending to be sleeping at night, owns the ancestral world - the end of the world, Kui Xing, and possesses the overwhelming sequence rules, which makes his defense extremely strong, making even Lu Yin afraid. Now, he has five arrows stuck in his body.

, from the Arrow God, the arrows from the Arrow God are difficult to resist. The arrows of entropy turn order into disorder. If it weren't for Qing Hui's sequence rules, he would have died.

It is not that there are no masters in this ancient city who can withstand the power of the Arrow God's arrows, but the Eternals also have similar masters.

Kong Tianzhao found his ancestor again. This time there was no big tree to save him. He had to break through or die. There was no other way.

The Taikoo City is bleeding, and the Eternals are almost on the walls of the Taikoo City.

The bone boat smashed into the wall again.

Underground, Taichu looked up, and a pair of scarlet vertical eyes appeared in front of him.

"This set is of no use to me." Taichu's voice sounded, and the scarlet-eyed Corpse King was shattered directly. Taichu's eyes did not look at the Corpse King at all, but stared at the corner, where, in the microscopic world that humans cannot see,

There is a threat, and that is Bai Wushen.

At this time, a sweet smile came: "Ancestor, we meet again, Miaomiao greets you."

This chapter has been completed!
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