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Chapter 5020 Why do it?

Wang Miaomiao frowned. If this were to happen, the Lord of Death would be completely disgraced, and the senses of countless creatures in the seventy-two realms regarding death would be greatly reduced.

Although the Lord controls the universe, the universe cannot be controlled by the Lord himself. Under the Lord, there are creatures of the Lord's family, civilized races belonging to it, and a large number of powerful practitioners. If you want to obtain these, the Lord himself must be strong enough.

It attracts practitioners to defect.

So sometimes, face is very important.

When a certain lord loses all his face, the number of creatures joining this lord will naturally decrease. Correspondingly, the number of creatures joining other lords will increase. One is positive and the other is negative, and the gap will only become wider and wider.

Now that the Death Alliance has returned, they must rush forward with all their strength. If they are suppressed, countless living beings will think that they will be suppressed in the future. Who else will join the Death Alliance?

Not to mention death, even the years and karma that rule the inner and outer heavens all year round will try their best to save face.

Cause and effect is because the master went to conquer the fourth barrier, so he was unable to suppress it all morning, but when he returned from the expedition, there would definitely be a decisive battle.

In order to save face all the time, Buqinglai stayed in the Wang family.

So face is sometimes very important.

Lu Yin said, "Since you know this, you still want me to give up the shadow world?"

Eternal smiled and said, "The Shadow Realm is extremely important, so if you swap it out, it won't be as simple as one to one, it could be one to two, or even one to three."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he stared at eternity.

Eternity continues to "exchange the over 10,000 square meters controlled by the entire shadow world and death at a larger ratio, which is equivalent to having 20,000 or even 30,000 square meters. As long as it is ensured that these squares can be integrated into one world, then this integrated world,

It is also equivalent to the Shadow Realm. The outside world will only think that this is a method of death. It not only retains one realm, but also doubles it. This will never damage the face of death."

Lu Yin was not moved by Yongheng's words, "Is it that simple? I believe that the outside world will try every means to exchange the formulas of the Shadow Realm, but most of the formulas of the Shadow Realm are in my hands. Once a large amount is exchanged, everyone will know that there is a problem.

Moreover, the exchanged parties will definitely be targeted by the other masters. How can they allow me to integrate one realm? The exchanged parties are definitely scattered in the forty-four realms."

Eternal raised his eyes and asked, "How many square meters is there in the shadow world?"

"Fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-five square meters."

"How many squares have you mastered?"

"Nine thousand seven hundred and sixty-two square meters."

"There are 4,763 areas that are not under your control."

Lu Yin nodded, "I thought the entire shadow world would be under my control."

Eternal laughter "impossible, true

The only ones who can fully control one realm are the Wang family, the Sin Sect, etc. Those who were created from the seventy-two realms and were given one realm from the beginning can fully control all directions, and the rest cannot be fully controlled."

"The Shadow Realm is one of the most diverse realms among the forty-four realms. No wonder the four masters started to take back the Shadow Realm from the Death Lord and released the Velvet Civilization."

"The outside world should also know that there are more than 4,000 parties in the shadow world that are not under your control, so most of these more than 4,000 parties should be ownerless parties, but the outside world does not know how many ownerless parties we can redeem.

There should be more than two thousand square meters."

"But once exchanged, a mere two thousand squares is not enough for the other masters to care about. As long as they start to exchange, they have to exchange at least nearly five thousand squares before they can start a war of squares in the shadow world, so these four thousand squares are the introduction

, to induce them to exchange, even if you later find out that you are exchanging, you will have no choice but to bite the bullet and follow."

"In their understanding, they will control the amount of money you can exchange for around 3,000 yuan and spread it out. In fact, the amount of money you can redeem for money can reach 5,000 yuan."

Lu Yin acknowledged what Yongheng said, unless the other masters refused to redeem it from the beginning, the more parties from the Shadow Realm released, the more they would have to follow up.

As Eternity said at the beginning, it would be of great significance if the Shadow Realm could be dismantled so that the Shadow Realm could not be completely controlled by death.

Yongheng stared at Lu Yin, "Here, more than two thousand cubes in the Hanging Realm belong to you. As long as you exchange the five thousand cubes from the Shadow Realm in your hand and transfer them to the Hanging Realm, the entire Hanging Realm may be lost to you.

Integration, after all, Xuanjie is also at war, it has never stopped, and it is easy to redeem."

"Will the Lord watch me exchange the formula for Xuanjie?"

"Of course not, but we can introduce a third-party trading world merchant. The parties exchanged from the shadow world are immediately transferred to the world merchant, and the world merchant can help us exchange the parties for the hanging world. However, this world merchant does not know who the trader is.

Who knows, it’s easy to redeem the Xuanjie squares, so I’m naturally happy. As for the Lord’s Yitai trading Shadow Realm squares with us, it doesn’t conflict with us trading the Lord’s Yitai’s side for the Hanging Realm squares.”

Lu Yin said, "It shouldn't be that simple. You are definitely not the first person to think of this method."

Yongheng said: "The means are simple, but why do we do it?"

Lu Yin was stunned, yes, why do you do it?

There was no one before him who helped any master to regain a realm that would be blocked by other masters together, let alone a ruthless person like himself who stepped on the cause-and-effect dominant clan. There was also no one like Gu who controlled more than two thousand square meters in a certain realm.

Creatures. All major masters compete together.

It is impossible for a realm that is also one of the forty-four realms to exchange squares at a higher ratio for some reason.

Unless the forty-four realms are exchanged for the lower nine realms, and the lower nine realms are exchanged for the middle nine realms, there is a ratio, otherwise it is all one to one.

The method is simple, but there are too many conditions for using this method.

The operation mentioned by Yongheng is based on the premise that the outside world will exchange the shadow world's squares at a higher ratio. Otherwise, even if all five thousand square meters are exchanged, only five thousand square meters will be obtained. Even if the suspended world is really integrated, it will be useless.

The meaning is, it is better to stay in the shadow world.

But if this method is successful, not only can the hanging world be integrated, but most of the shadow world will still be retained. It can not only explain death at the same time, but also gain a second world.

But Eternal doesn't know that he still has thousands of squares, most of which are from the True Self Realm, and can also be fully redeemed to go to the Hanging Realm.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Yin still said, "There is no shortage of smart people in the master's group, and the hanging world is too conspicuous."

It's not surprising that Yongheng "sold it on your side, so if anyone exchanges a large amount of Xuanjie's side, it will definitely arouse vigilance."

Lu Yin looked at Eternal and said, "Not bad."

"Once you do this, the main path can be terminated on the premise of exchanging about two thousand square meters. Although it is a pity, it prevents you from obtaining the second world. At the same time, you can also control the two thousand square meters of the shadow world and start a small-scale method.

The battle can at least hinder the power of the Shadow Realm from fighting." Eternal said.

Lu Yin calmly said, "It seems you have a prepared plan."

Yongheng shook his head, "I said this method is what I think, and it's up to you to prepare the plan."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and had to say that Yongheng had said something very bad.

If he hadn't thought about it this way, he wouldn't care. But now that this method may be successful, he has to care. If he doesn't do it, he feels like he has lost a realm.

It was clear that I could get a boundary, but I just let it go.

This is not Lu Yin's character.

Yongheng knew Lu Yin too well. As long as he said it, he would definitely try it.

Lu Yin glanced at Gu in the distance. Xuanjie would definitely not work. The target was too big. He believed that once a certain number of people exchanged for Shadow Realm came out, the main group would definitely keep an eye on Xuanjie to prevent him from using this method to obtain Xuanjie.

If the hanging boundary doesn't work, then, change to another boundary?

The target must be the forty-four realms, otherwise if you exchange for the lower nine realms, the ratio will still be one to one.

And it’s not that easy to redeem it in the Lower Nine Realms.

Lu Yin's knowledge of the forty-four realms flashed through his mind: Baidong Realm, Sword Realm, Jingfeng Realm, Gong Realm, True Self Realm, Tianmen Realm, etc., True Self Realm.

With a move of his finger, it was yes, the realm of true self.


The True Self World is a world that is completely controlled by the life master clan and will not be cared about by the other lords. Even if they guess that they want to add another world in this way, they will not think of the True Self World.

In the True Self Realm, the thing that has the most control over is Bao, one of the four extreme sins, which has nearly six thousand square meters. As long as Bao is brought out, and then exchanged for about three thousand square meters from the True Self Realm, it will match the one he originally made in the True Self Realm.

We have nearly a thousand square meters in our area, which is enough.

The number of squares is comparable to that of the Shadow Realm, and they can completely turn the True Self Realm into the second Shadow Realm.

Especially because of the Ming Zuo, the life masters of the True Self Realm owners want to redeem themselves. They cannot go to the Real Self Realm for fear of encountering the Ming Zuo. This reason does not need to be explained at all. Everyone inside and outside the world knows it.

The realm of true self is the most suitable.

Once the number of methods you control in the True Self World reaches three thousand or four thousand, and you rescue Bao, then the True Self World will be yours.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin let out a breath.

"It seems you have a goal." The eternal voice came.

Lu Yin looked at him, "Yes, but it's difficult."

The difficulty lies in how to bring out the violence.

If Gu is taken out, the guards for the other four extreme sins will inevitably be more severe.

Moreover, once the true self world is mastered, it is tantamount to provoking the life master clan. Will Death help him?

Cause and effect, time and life are the same. Offending these three at the same time, and the offense is not light, even the Lord of Death must consider it. Thousands of tricks may not be able to stop Sheng Qing, Shi Bu Zhan and Ming Fan San

A joint effort.

Previously, Mingfan did not help Shengqing, but only played a role in curbing Qian Ji's tricks.

If you play this trick by yourself, it will be in trouble if it completely joins forces with Shengqing.

But the real world is one where he sees a high possibility of success, so it would be a pity to give up.

Eternal Rising "It's hard to return. What is easy in this universe? The most difficult thing is that our way up is completely blocked. Who can break through it?"

"That's when it's the hardest."

Lu Yin nodded, "Compared to that time, everything is easier now."

Yongheng smiled, "Your Majesty, you have a plan in mind. Did I have any effect?"

"has an effect."

"Then can you do me a favor?"

"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee that I can help."

"Just try your best." Yongheng looked solemnly, "I would like to ask you to help me get the opportunity to reach the limit of my potential in Qian Ji Yuan."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Have you reached the limit of your potential?"

Eternal nod.

This chapter has been completed!
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