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Chapter 589: Cultivating the Secret of Yuji

Space is boring when time stands still, and Lu Yin can't stand the boredom, so he would rather spend star energy to change the space environment.

In the first month, he quietly experienced the running route of Yuzimi. He had run that route once and would never forget it for the rest of his life, but it had no results and no feeling at all.

In the second month, Lu Yin still didn't feel anything.

He was a little irritable.

Just at this time, Guihou woke up and asked, "Brother Qi, where is this?".

"Don't ask too much, let me ask you, now that I have broken through to the Exploration Realm, how can I achieve the Secret of the Universe?" Lu Yin asked.

Guihou was speechless, "Brother Qi, how did I know that I have never practiced secret arts? This thing relies on talent and opportunity, and nothing is missing. How long have you been practicing?"

"We just practiced, you really don't know?" Lu Yin asked.

Guihou said, "I really don't know. It's strange. Where is this place? I've seen it before, but you didn't even tell me."

Lu Yin decisively shielded Gui Hou. He didn't want his secret to be known by this guy, but how on earth can he master the secret of Yu Zi?

Just in case, Lu Yin added another fifty days.

Every ten days added to the time-stationary space consumes twice as much star energy as before. An additional four months requires the consumption of 730,000 cubic star energy crystals, which is 7.3 cubic star energy crystal marrow. Now another fifty days are added.

, the star energy crystal marrow consumed reached 233 cubic meters, which is a geometric increase.

If it increases further, it will be too much for Lu Yin, and he must understand it as soon as possible.

There were one hundred and ten days left, but he still had no clue, so he had no choice but to start reciting the full text of Shibi.

Whenever you encounter something that cannot be solved, you should first recite the full text of Shibi before talking about it. Just like integrating the quicksand of fate, you will speed up the progress after reciting the full text of Shibi.

He didn't know what the full text of Shibi meant. Not long after reciting it, Lu Yin had the slightest feeling about the route of the secret technique running in the body. He opened his eyes and was ecstatic. He really felt it, and it actually worked.

Without wasting time, he continued to recite the full text of Shibi, but it was impossible to memorize it all in one breath. Even if he broke through the exploration realm and strengthened his energy and spirit a lot, he could only recite part of it. He had to rest for a while, otherwise he would faint.

Reciting the full text of Shibi, Lu Yin's feeling for the secret technique became clearer and clearer. Another month passed. He opened his eyes, raised his hand, and waved his hand. His energy shook the void, and then disappeared inexplicably and moved to other directions.

Lu Yin was overjoyed. He tried several times this month, but only this time he succeeded and the secret technique was used.

And at this moment, he felt that everything he saw in front of him had changed. He tried again. At this moment, his eyes were full of stars. Sure enough, when the secret technique was activated, the scene he saw in front of him changed.

There is no space, no time. As long as he takes action, he can attack in any direction in an instant. This is the secret technique, which can turn decay into magic and see through the essence of the universe.

Is this the nature of the universe? He suddenly remembered that when Mr. Mu threw him directly from the storm flow realm to the Zhengyang flow realm, spanning half of the inner universe, did he also see through the nature of the universe? Impossible, the only secret technique is the ancestors

Only those who are strong in the Ancestral Realm can create, and only those who are strong in the Ancestral Realm can see through the nature of the universe. Nowadays, there should be no strong Ancestral Realm in this universe. Even if there is, it is in the new universe. Mr. Mu cannot be a strong Ancestral Realm.


If he was not a strong man in the ancestral realm, how did he do it? Is it also a secret technique?

Yu Zi Mi. Turning into the void, he can now transfer his attack to any place within a certain range and attack any target. This is Yu Zi Mi. Then as he gets to know Yu Zi Mi better, the range will definitely expand, and the transfer will be

It may not necessarily be an attack, but items and creatures may be transferred directly.

Thinking about it this way, it is not impossible that Mr. Mu knows secret arts.

He took action again and waved his hand casually, but there was no movement.

Lu Yin regretted, continue to understand, he is not yet proficient.

Time passed quickly and another month passed. Today, exactly four months have passed. In this month, Lu Yin tried more than ten times and succeeded several times. The success rate reached nearly half, which is not bad, but compared to Wendy Yushan.

It's not even a little bit off.

Her talent is certainly not weak, and she has modified eyes. Even if Wendy Yushan can cast the Secret of the Universe, she will never be able to see the essence of the universe that she can see. So the reason why she surpasses herself should be based on her bloodline.

She is the descendant of the surname Yu, and the secret name Yu has belonged to the Yu family since ancient times. It is an inheritance flowing in their blood.

If it weren't for the full text of Shibi, even if he could run the secret technique route, he would still have a long way to go to understand the secret technique. No wonder the ghost prince said that the secret technique is difficult to practice.

Fortunately, I had a good chance and succeeded in practicing.

The next thing to do is to improve the success rate. He cannot leave his life to luck.

Thinking about this, Lu Yin endured the boredom of the boring space and continued for another fifty days, consuming a total of 7,400 cubic meters of star energy crystal marrow.

There are a hundred days left, and these one hundred days are the final struggle.

In the ruins of the Spring and Autumn Fortress, Lu Yin appeared in front of his eyes. One second passed, and he stayed in the timeless space for a full two hundred and twenty days, more than half a year.

For Lu Yin, more than half a year has passed, and the Spring and Autumn Fortress seems a bit strange again.

The sky was shrouded in shadows, and a huge alien beast crashed down. Lu Yin raised his eyes, stepped lightly, and with a bang, the air wave shook the void. His figure disappeared, and then appeared in mid-air. He kicked out the huge alien beast like a stone.

Being kicked and flying into the starry sky.

Lu Yin landed and came to Wang Wen's coffin and said, "That's it."

Wang Wen turned around and looked at Lu Yin blankly, "What's all right?".

"Nothing", I almost forgot. For Wang Wen, only one second passed, that is, he just turned his head.

Wang Wen looked at Lu Yin strangely and said, "Brother Chessman, aren't you crazy?"

Lu Yin raised his head and looked at the majestic runes covering all directions. He still had eight attacks left with his gun. "I'm going to hunt. Think about how much credit you can give me." As he said that, he jumped up and rushed into the starry sky. Nine Heavenly Wings appeared behind him.

The wings flapped, the speed increased again, and soon disappeared before Wang Wen's eyes.

Wang Wen blinked and said, "That's crazy."

In the starry sky, Wu Sheng ran for his life and couldn't defeat him. He was not good at facing each other head-on, let alone the two Enlightenment Realm behemoths.

"Humans, surrender, the Sky Demon Empire welcomes powerful human beasts to join." From behind, a giant beast in the Enlightenment Realm roared.

Wu Sheng secretly cursed, you are only a human beast, but he was also moved. If he really couldn't escape, surrendering would be okay. Anyway, he was willing to live as long as he lived.

Wait, what is coming? Wu Sheng stared ahead and saw a figure quickly passing through the starry sky and rushing towards him. Judging from the posture, it was running towards him. It couldn't be a giant beast in the Enlightenment realm that had turned into a human form.

, so despicable, he raised his hand and slapped her without even thinking.

Lu Yin was startled. He was about to shout and wanted Wu Sheng to cooperate, but he didn't know that Wu Sheng raised his hand and slapped him. This guy wouldn't betray him!

He was not sure. Based on his understanding of Wu Sheng's character, it was not impossible. Lu Yin changed his mind and used the star ruler to avoid Wu Sheng's blow. He stopped in the starry sky and stared at him vigilantly, taking out the gun in his hand.

Wu Sheng's palm failed, and he felt that the way the man in front of him moved was very familiar. Did that look like Lu Yin? It was really Lu Yin.

"Boy, you're not dead?" Wu Sheng was surprised.

Lu Yin stared at Wu Sheng closely, "Have you betrayed humanity?".

Wu Sheng was furious, "Boy, don't frame me. Chou Shu and Wen Qichen are both dead. Leaving me alone in the barbaric frontier will only increase casualties. Do you want me to wait for death with you?".

"I'm not talking about that, why did you attack me just now?" Lu Yin raised his gun and pointed it at Wu Sheng.

Wu Sheng's heart skipped a beat, he had not forgotten the power of that gun, "Don't mess around, I didn't know anyone would dare to approach this battlefield now. Liu Qiuyu is dead, and there is no enlightenment realm in the fortress."

Lu Yin reluctantly accepted his explanation. There was a gunshot. Wu Sheng's pupils shrank and he subconsciously avoided it. Lu Yin raised his hand and waved casually, "Yu Zi Mi. Turn to the void." After his words fell, Wu Sheng was horrified. In his eyes, the bullet disappeared and reappeared, having penetrated the head of a giant beast in the Enlightenment Realm.

The starry sky fell silent for an instant, and the other Enlightenment-level beast that was chasing Wu Sheng looked ahead in shock. The Enlightenment-level beast whose head was penetrated by a bullet fell straight down, completely lifeless.

Wu Sheng was shocked, "Secret, secret technique, this is a secret technique, do you know it?".

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth raised, and he raised his gun and pointed it at the other Enlightenment-level beast, "You should die too."

The giant beast in the Enlightenment Realm didn't even think about tearing apart the starry sky and escaping.

Lu Yin put down his gun and breathed a sigh of relief. He could indeed hit a strong person in the Enlightenment Realm with secret techniques. However, if a strong person in the Enlightenment Realm was prepared to tear the void and leave without intending to appear, there was nothing he could do. No, there was a way. Lu Yin With his stern gaze, he forgot that he could see the essence of the universe.

Even if a strong person in the Enlightenment Realm escapes into the void, he is still in the universe. As long as he is in the universe, he can be seen the moment he activates the secret technique, but whether he can hit it is another matter. Seeing the nature of the universe is not the same. It means he understands that he doesn’t understand the principles of the secret technique at all.

Just like a gun, he can only use it but cannot make it.

Killing the giant beast in the Enlightenment Realm with one shot shocked Wu Sheng. The black mist was rolling, showing Wu Sheng's mentality, "Boy, how do you know the secret technique?".

Lu Yin looked sideways at Wu Sheng, "What, do I need to report to you?".

Wu Sheng stared at Lu Yin closely, "Have you broken through the exploration realm? Moreover, the changes are so big."

Lu Yin didn't talk nonsense to him, "If you cooperate, you find the Enlightenment Realm monster, and I'll kill it, and I'll get half the credit."

The fog rises into silence.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Don't think about escaping. If you have the chance, if this war fails because of your escape, you will be unable to bear the punishment from the Hall of Glory. Don't forget that Elder Ruohua is still here."

Wu Sheng snorted coldly, "I've never thought about escaping, I'm just thinking of ways to hold back those Enlightenment-level behemoths so that you can hit them."

"Let's get started", with that said, Lu Yin rushed into the distance, towards the majestic runes. Just as he said, he wanted to hunt.

He has space armor for defense, guns and secret techniques for attack, star rulers and folding spaceships for escape, as well as the skin of the Supreme Ancestor and the flesh and blood of the Void Thunder Beast. As long as there are no old monsters with a combat power of 300,000, he can immediately In an invincible position.


Thanks to brother Qingfeng Yishanren for the reward, thanks to brother Yanyu Renxiaosheng for the reward, thank you brothers for your support, I will give you more, thank you!!

This chapter has been completed!
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