":"Audiobook available","chapterOrder":305024,"cvid":49886449960978041,"extra":{"us":0,"prevName":"New book has been released","prevVipStatus":1,"volumeBody"
:true,"volumeName":"Set peripherals and extras","Url":"","preUrl":"//vipreader./chapter/1012065457/655018397"},"fi":0,"freeStatus":
The audiobook of "Lamarck's Game" is on the shelves today on Himalaya. It is an unexpectedly high-standard production by Xiaoyun. Interested little cuties are welcome to support it and listen to whether your voice is the same as you imagined, and what you need.
What does the magic of Longwen syllables sound like when sung? Hahaha.","authorWords":{"t":""},"updateTimestamp":1652095121,"isBuy":1,"limitFree":0,"eFW":
[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here www. 】