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Chapter 131 Guan Ya: Your size is very good

Zhang Yuanqing carried the cat corpse and crossed the threshold. To prevent the monster from "faking death", he swung it up and smashed it against the threshold.

The skinned big cat was seriously injured, kicked his limbs violently, and seemed to have fainted again.

Zhang Yuanqing then safely threw the big cat into the coffin, then bent down to lift the coffin lid and re-seal it.

At this time, the teammates followed into the house and found that the skinned monster cat was gone. They also saw that the coffin lid was sealed. Guan Ya was surprised and said:

"Why were you locked up again?"

They said it was an experiment, how should I answer you now? Zhang Yuanqing lowered his head, looked at the red ropes and purple talismans scattered on the ground, and said:

"Li Chunfeng, do you know what these are?"

Everyone looked at Li Chunfeng. This knowledgeable bachelor held his chin and looked around the coffin. He picked up the paper charms and red ropes on the ground, sniffed them, and gave his guess:

"The red rope locks away resentment, and the purple talisman nourishes evil spirits. It's strange. This coffin is both a seal and a breeding ground for monsters."

As expected of a bachelor, Zhang Yuanqing of the mobile database nodded: "Can you restore the red rope and purple talisman?"

Li Chunfeng said: "Restore? No, you misunderstood. You can tie them casually without being particular."

Just tie it up casually? I thought it would be like playing the ink bucket, filling the whole coffin. If you don’t play a little, there will be big problems. Zhang Yuanqing saw Li Chunfeng pick up the red rope and hurriedly took it:

"Let me do it!"

Immediately, he wrapped the red rope around the surface of the red lacquer coffin and tied it with a tight knot. Then he picked up the purple talisman and, at Li Chunfeng's instruction, attached it to the mouth of the coffin.

So, what does he want to do? His teammates looked at him blankly.

The moment Zhang Yuanqing put on the purple talisman, a spiritual prompt sound that only he could hear sounded in his ears:

[Ding! You triggered the hidden mission - Eternal Cat Corpse (1/3)]

[Eternal Cat Corpse: This is a cursed monster. It exudes the power of curse all the time. Do not get close to him, otherwise it will be contaminated by the curse and turn into a wild cat. 】

[Note: I want him to live forever and never be detached!!]

[Task props: a piece of broken jade]

The hidden mission was really triggered. My guess was correct. This is what the Demon King meant by "restraining killing". Zhang Yuanqing was overjoyed.

According to the Demon King's speculation, the props for the hidden mission were left behind by the Yin Yang Sanren. The legendary character was of a high level, and he didn't know what props he would leave behind. If they were regular props, it would be a huge profit.

Zhang Yuanqing suppressed the joy and anticipation in his heart and turned his attention back to the hidden task itself.

"This monster was cursed by someone. According to the notes, the person who cursed him has an unforgettable hatred for him and wants him to live forever.

"I understand, so you can't kill the skinned big cat, because killing him will make it detached and go against the wishes of the spell caster. From this point of view, the hidden mission is directed to the spell caster.

"But who will cast the spell?"

Zhang Yuanqing stopped his thoughts and said to his companions: "My guess has been verified. Next, let's review it."

The Huode Star Army was too lazy to use his brain and said bluntly: "You are the captain, you speak first."

Others nodded.

After sharing the hardships just now, the cohesion of the team has been greatly enhanced, and trust has grown in each other's hearts.

Zhang Yuanqing spoke for a few seconds and said:

"First of all, let's start with the background story of Yin Yang Town. Everyone has heard the story Wang Po told just now. Part of this story is true, but there are also false elements, such as the curse of the descendants of Yin Yang Sanren.

"I have read several guides for Yin Yang Town. The first few batches of copies did not mention the curse, and they interacted with the residents of the town. Such a big thing should have been dug up long ago.

"So, the curse that Wang Po said is false, but the curse of turning into a cat does exist. And the cursed person is her son."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at the red lacquer coffin.

The other teammates listened and nodded, agreeing with Zhang Yuanqing's analysis.

"It makes sense," Guan Ya nodded and said, "And I would like to add that the curse of turning into a cat should only trigger the line of Wang Po. This plot was not followed before."

She smiled brightly at Zhang Yuanqing: "You continue."

As a scout, her observation and analysis skills are much stronger than Zhang Yuanqing's, but of course she will not snatch this opportunity to establish the prestige of the captain. At most, she will check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

Zhang Yuanqing continued:

"So how did her son's curse come about?"

The queen turned her eyes, remembered something, and replied quickly: "Wang Po said that her son couldn't control his lust, and that's why he ended up where he is today."

After the words fell, everyone except the Huode Star Army looked at the scarecrow in Guan Ya's hand.

To be cursed with a scarecrow by Mrs. Wang and hate her so much, Xu Xiuer must have done something that she cannot forgive.

Combined with what Wang Po said and what happened to her son,

"I understand!" Huode Xingjun reacted belatedly and said excitedly: "It was this Xu Xiu'er who cursed her son, but who is Xu Xiu'er?"

Zhang Yuanqing reminded: "There are only six people in the town, whose surname is Xu?"

"Who?" Huode Xingjun asked.

Zhang Yuanqing almost blurted out "What the hell" and said: "Widow Xu!"

The Huode Star Army suddenly realized.

If the person who placed the curse is Widow Xu, then the hidden mission is directed at her, and the goal is very clear. Zhang Yuanqing couldn't help but think of the Demon King's lament: killing and beauty.

From this point of view, Demon King, a pervert who filled different nurseries with his children and grandchildren, must have done some unspeakable things to Widow Xu.

The round-faced young man ate lotus root and said excitedly:

"Then our next target is very clear, which is Widow Xu. Without further ado, let's set off quickly. We must complete the side plot and reach the square in the center of the town before the evil camp."

The others looked excited, but Guan Ya frowned and her eyes fell on Zhang Yuanqing.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Widow Xu must look for it, but there is one thing I haven't figured out. Li Chunfeng, you know the most and have the most extensive knowledge. Do you think a powerful curse can be completed just by relying on the cat corpse hanging outside?"


Everyone didn't know why he asked this question. Li Chunfeng was stunned for a moment and fell into deep thought.

Ten seconds later, he slapped his head and said: "This is wrong, this is wrong."

"What's wrong? Where's wrong?" Seeing Li Chunfeng's look of giving him a heads-up, Huode Xingjun said anxiously:

"Speak clearly."

Li Chunfeng said in a deep voice:

"The cat corpse is a medium, but it is not the source of the curse. Just like when a witch master curses a target, he will try to get his photo, birth date, flesh, hair, skin, etc. These things are the medium, but the real source is the witch.

The power of the Gu Master.

"Where is the source of our power to turn into cats? I originally thought it was Wang Po, but Wang Po is obviously an ordinary person, otherwise how could she be bitten to death so easily. In addition, the scarecrow is also proof."

Everyone immediately looked at the scarecrow in Guan Ya's hand.

"This is just an ordinary scarecrow. The curse method is childish and ridiculous. If Wang Po was a witch and Gu master, she would not make such a crappy scarecrow." Li Chunfeng said.

The taciturn Li Liyuan Shangcao said: "It is indeed a doubtful point, but what does this have to do with the mission plot?"

Zhang Yuanqing did not respond to Li Liyuan's question and said:

"Of course it does matter. If you don't understand all the doubts, it doesn't seem to matter now. But in the later stages of the copy, you may miss a lot of opportunities or even lose the opportunity to make a comeback due to poor information.

"The higher the difficulty of the dungeon, the less likely you are to be blind or deaf, and you must get to the bottom of it."

As an S-level passer, his opinions have won everyone's respect.

Li Liyuan Shangcao nodded slowly and agreed with the captain's statement.

Zhang Yuanqing continued:

"Okay, let's get back to the subject. If, I mean if, the cat in the coffin is the one that emits the power of the curse, does it make sense logically?"

This also echoes the tips in the hidden tasks!

It was the cat that spread the curse. Li Chunfeng thought about it and his eyes lit up:

"Yes. The person who arranged this ritual took a fancy to this, so he used the cursed cat, hehe, let me call him the cursed cat. So he used the power of the cursed cat to arrange the ritual, so that everyone who enters the house will be affected by it.


Zhang Yuanqing said: "But in this case, the question arises again, who arranged the cat corpse ceremony? Wang Po is obviously an ordinary person, and there must be someone behind the scenes to teach her."

"Is it Xu Xiu'er?"

The round-faced young man guessed.

"No." Zhang Yuanqing rejected it flatly.

"Why?" Chi Ou was unconvinced, and the queen and others also cast doubtful glances at Zhang Yuanqing.

Zhang Yuanqing talked eloquently and expressed his thoughts:

"The arrangement of the cat corpse ceremony and the coffin for raising the cursed cat should be taught by the same person. Think about it, what are the functions of these two things?"

The Queen continued: "The coffin is to seal and nourish the cursed cat, and the cat corpse is to collect the power of the curse."

Zhang Yuanqing shook his head: "The cat corpse also has a function, which is to curb the curse on the cursed cat and curb its madness and bloodthirsty."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly remembered that after the cat corpse ritual was broken, the cursed cat became ferocious, violent, and irrational.

Li Chunfeng suddenly realized:

"So, the existence of the coffin and the cat corpse is to suppress the cursed cat and at the same time keep it warm. If these things were made by the queen, it would be understandable. She wanted to guard her son and protect her son, and not let him go.

He becomes a complete monster.

"But from the enemy's perspective, it must be that the more painful and crazy the other person is, the more she will forgive her hatred."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded: "So, the curse and the ceremony of arranging the cat corpse were done by different people. The person who placed the curse was Xu Xiuer, and who was the one who guided Po Wang in arranging the cat corpse and the coffin? He (she) and Po Wang

What is the relationship between mother and son, and what role do they play in it?"

A character flashed in everyone's mind, and Huode Xingjun rarely kept up with the pace of thinking and said:

"It should be one of the five people in existence. The one who has this ability could be the mage invited by Zhao Yuanwai?"

Guan Ya nodded approvingly and said with a smile: "This dungeon is getting more and more interesting. What is the relationship between the six people who stayed in the town? What role did they play in the town's population loss?"

At this point in the review, Zhang Yuanqing had already said everything he needed to say, and said:

"Without further ado, let's go find Widow Xu."

The teammates had no objections. The queen touched the ring on her left ear and said sweetly:

"Although there were many crises just now and the team was almost wiped out, I am very confident in the next mission. We have analyzed this difficult copy very thoroughly and clearly, and there is not much confusion and confusion.

"As long as I am not confused, no matter how difficult the road is, I will have confidence."

Huode Xingjun agreed. He was surprised that his teammates could analyze such a complicated copy clearly. They are all very smart people, especially Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although he didn't show too much dazzling combat prowess in the previous battle, in the follow-up review, this official genius who had successfully cleared two S-level levels in a row had already demonstrated agility and wisdom that was recognized by the Fire German Star Army.

The three of them, Li Chunfeng and Li Liyuan, did not say anything, but subconsciously followed the instructions given by the captain, turned around and walked out of the room.

The group of people walked towards the patio room, Guan Ya and Zhang Yuanqing fell behind, Lao Siji said with a smile:


Zhang Yuanqing was about to respond when he saw Lao Siji lowering his eyes and raising the corners of his mouth: "Very good."

Zhang Yuanqing's cheeks burned, and he showed a rare look of embarrassment. After all, he was just a college student who had never had a girlfriend. He was the kind of young boy who would never be soft-spoken and would be timid when it came to real swordsmanship.

Normally, it is the limit to talk and drive with Lao Si Ji, but the exposure just now exceeded the psychological bottom line of college students.

Being judged right now, I feel a bit overwhelmed.

Seeing his embarrassment, Guan Ya smiled proudly, feeling that she was still superior.

Why are you laughing? Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yuanqing held on and said, "Are you satisfied? Are you scared? I can clearly see the shock and surprise in your eyes."

Guan Ya chuckled: "I will definitely not announce your size, but the same cannot be said for the Queen. Women are gossips. She glanced at you several times just now."

"." Zhang Yuanqing almost caught up with the queen to discuss the issue of hush money.

He didn't want to wait until he went out to find that the practitioners on the official forum were discussing the size of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This is a burden that a 21-year-old young man cannot bear.

Blacksmith shop.

Li Xianzong sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

He was covered in blood, his left arm was twisted, and he had multiple stab wounds and blunt force injuries.

The other five companions, equally scarred, were lying on the ground or sitting against the wall, greedily breathing the air.

Surrounding them were an overturned forging platform, a cracked furnace, charcoal scattered on the ground, broken iron tools, and Blacksmith Wang with his head cut off.

He fell on a pile of red coals, his blood melting into the coals, and a few meters away was Li Xianzong's head, which was beheaded by his own hands.

In addition to Blacksmith Wang, there is another corpse - a bald man.

The skinny middle-aged man stood up on his knees, kicked the body of the bald man, and cursed:

"He's dead now. I don't even know his name yet."

Li Xianzong gasped and grinned: "Why do you need to know the name? People like us, who lick blood from the edge of a knife, will naturally die when it's time to die. We deserve to die."

"That's right, if you know the name, then you are a friend. Why bother."

"Hey, it's better to die, die early and transcend, stay away from this fucking world."

Several other companions agreed.

They never care about life or death, their enemies, or those of irrelevant people, including their own.

People who are immersed in killing have a numbness towards death that ordinary people don't have.

Li Xianzong waved to the skinny middle-aged man and said, "Go and have a look in the shop. There should be clues in it."

The skinny middle-aged man immediately entered the back of the shop, returned a few minutes later, and said in shock:

"Boss, this shop is a little weird."

PS: Correct typos first and then correct them.

This chapter has been completed!
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